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Design of servo motor manufacturing technology

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Diploma project on 'Engineering technology' - graphic part, explanatory note

Project's Content

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icon БЖД.doc
icon задание, график.doc
icon Карты операционные.DOC
icon КартыОперационные.DOC
icon Маршрутные карты.doc
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icon Э9.DOC
icon ЭКОНОМИКА.doc
icon opis.txt

Additional information


1 Introduction

2 Patent Analysis

2.1 Description of the article

2.2 Product Design

2.3 Overview of product varieties

3 Technological development

3.1 Calculation of time standards

3.2. Calculation by release program

3.3 Type and form of organization of production

4 Development of process of servomechanical casing machining

4.1 Service Assignment and Specification Analysis

4.2 Processability Analysis

4.3 Monitoring methods and diagrams

4.4 Selection of economical option for initial billet production

4.5 Substantiation of process bases selection

4.6 Definition of tolerances and interchange dimensions

4.7 Process Operations Design

4.7.1 Structure and content of machining operations

4.8. Cutting modes

4.9 Technical rationing

4.10 Analysis and calculation of processing accuracy

4.11 Layout of casing machining area

5 Calculation and design of special accessory

5.1 Terms of Reference

5.2 Selection and justification of accessory diagram

5.3 Calculation of power drive parameters

5.4 Calculation of the drive

5.5 Calculation of accessory accuracy

6 Project safety and environmental friendliness

6.1 General characteristics of the designed object

6.2 Space-planning solution of the designed area building

6.3 Production sanitation

6.3.1 Microclimate of production premises

6.3.2 Lighting

6.3.3 Drinking water supply

6.4 Analysis and elimination of potential hazards and hazards

6.5 Production Safety

6.5.1 Production noise

6.5.2 Danger of electric shock

6.5.3 Vibration

6.5.4 Danger of injury to moving parts

6.6 Prevention of emergency situations

6.6.1 Ensuring fire safety

6.7 Environmental friendliness of the project

6.7.1 Protection against industrial contamination

6.8 Engineering Solutions for Air Treatment, Water Treatment and Reuse, Waste Disposal

7 Organizational and economic part

7.1 Choosing an economical option for obtaining the original workpiece

7.2 Calculation of Capital Costs

7.3 Calculation of the number of workers

7.4 Determination of cost of production

7.4.1 Basic Material Costs

7.4.2 Calculation of wages of workers

7.4.3 Equipment maintenance and operation costs

7.4.4 Workshop cost estimate

7.5 Calculation of Economic Effect

List of literature



In the diploma project, a section of mechanical treatment of the servomechanism body was developed and designed.

The technology of mechanical treatment of servo mechanism housing is considered. It is proposed to perform mechanical treatment on one section, which allows significantly reducing the area of the machining section, reducing the time for moving blanks between operations, increasing productivity and reducing the number of jobs.

The explanatory note to the project consists of an introduction, four main sections (technological section, design section, safety and environmental friendliness of the project, organizational and economic section), conclusion and appendix.

The diploma project consists of 117 sheets of explanatory note, 18 illustrations, 20 tables, sources of used literature 16, 23 sheets of annexes, the appendix contains sets of documents for mechanical processing of the servomechanical housing - a route map, an operating map, a sketch map, as well as a specification to the drawing, and 10 sheets of drawings of format A1.


The production efficiency, its technical process, quality of products in many respects depends on the advancing development of production of the new equipment, machines, machines and units, on introduction of the technical and economic analysis providing the solution of technical questions, and design developments .

At degree design special attention is paid to independent decisions of the student for the purpose of development of its initiative in the solution of technical and organizational tasks, at its performance decision-making at the choice of options of technological processes, the equipment, equipment, methods of receiving preparations is made on the basis of technical and economic calculations that gives the chance to offer an optimal variant.

The purpose of the diploma project is to design the layout of the machining section of the servomechanism body, the technological process of machining the servomechanism body, including the design of technological equipment, billets, reflecting the savings in labor costs, materials, energy, improving working conditions and safety of workers based on the use of the most advanced equipment and tooling.

The object of the diploma project is the body of the servomechanism. A servo mechanism is a mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical device, depending on its application. Servo mechanism consists of functional group of motor and reduction gear box arranged in one housing, which is structural main component of servo mechanism.

The diploma project considers the body of the servo mechanism 24151, which is a mechanical device, and serves to install various models on tractors, in this case, the model T130 tractor.

2 Patent Analysis

2.1 Description of the article

Servomechanism, (from lat. Servus - slave, servant and mechanism), a device in automatic control systems, which performs, due to the energy of an auxiliary source, mechanical movement (permutation) of the regulatory body of the system in accordance with the received control signals. Servo mechanism is mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical device (1, p. 75).

Servo mechanisms are used in various industries, in cars, in various video and audio technologies, and also find their application for installation on radio-controlled car models, aircraft models, ship models, helicopter models, as well as due to their capabilities, can be used for industrial mechanisms, robots. In aircraft engineering, this equipment temporarily replaces the pilot, controlling the flight of the aircraft in accordance with predetermined values ​ ​ (altitude, heading). It consists mainly of equipment controlled directly, or through servo mechanisms (usually hydraulic servomotors replacing the actions of the pilot) and automatically operating equipment (high-speed gyroscopes) coordinating the readings of devices and the actions of servo mechanisms/2, p. 134/. Examples of servo mechanisms include copying machines.

2.2 Product Design

Engineers involved in the design of servo mechanisms and servo systems are forced to solve extremely diverse problems. In practice, such an engineer always encounters the problem of synthesis, which can be formulated as follows (3, p. 178). Specific elements of some servo system are specified. How do I design other elements so that the service system as a whole meets the specified requirements?

This problem is always difficult and is achieved by combining calculations, design and testing. Typically, the designer selects a type of power actuator for the system - typically an AC (DC) motor or hydraulic (pneumatic) system - based on the system's energy requirements based on its purpose, and also considering the limitations that are imposed on the system's characteristics, dimensions, and cost. Using preliminary calculations of the required gain of the mismatch signal, a suitable amplifier is selected. This choice depends on the type of power actuator. The sensors, transducers, switches and other components of the control system are then selected.

5 Calculation and design of special fixture

5.1 Terms of Reference

During the design phase, it is necessary to develop a special fixture that will be used in the machining operation for which machining accuracy calculations have been made.

The tool shall ensure the accuracy of the workpiece positioning, the required fastening force, so that during machining the workpiece is stationary. The structure of the accessory should be sufficiently rigid, should provide ease of installation, removal of the workpiece.

In our case, a device for processing the hole d = 65 + 0.046 mm will be developed. Accessory is intended for processing of parts according to the accepted basing scheme.

Basic data: annual volume of release, overall dimensions 180x180x172, GOST 141285 SCh21 detail material, preparation 3 classes of accuracy. In this fixture, you can drill, trim, countersink, thread, stretch, and mill.

Let's consider the device using the example of hole stretching

d = 65 H8 + 0,046 mm, maintaining the size of 94 mm .

The hole sweeping operation is performed on drilling and boring machine 2H636GF3, the cutting tool for this operation is boring cutter T5K10 GOST 979584, fixed in boring rod.

6.8 Engineering Solutions for Air Treatment, Water Treatment and Reuse, Waste Disposal

The spent lubricating coolant (LFW) shall be collected in special tanks. The aqueous and oily phases may be used as components for the preparation of the emulsion.

To treat waste water from solid particles, use:

1. Screening;

2. Upholding;

3. Filtering.

For treatment of waste water from oil products use:

1. Upholding;

2. Filtering.

To isolate acids and alkalis from wastewater, neutralization must be carried out based on the release of hydrogen ions. Water is purified from organic impurities by filtration through soil layer. Suspended and colloidal substances are adsorbed in it. They also use settling tanks to clean the water, then neutralize it and chemically clean it, then use water to clean the premises. To protect workers from harmful substances, use special clothes and shoes. A cyclone is used to clean the air.

7 Organizational and economic part


Quantitative analysis of the comparative cost-effectiveness of methods and means consists in calculating and comparing by options the cost of total social labor due to their implementation, and thereby determining the amount of labor savings - the economic effect achieved using more rational, progressive technology.

To calculate the cost-effectiveness of manufacturing servomechanism housings, it is necessary to make a detailed calculation of the costs that form the cost of work according to operational machining cards. The evaluation of the comparative economy of the proposed technical process depends on the option chosen as the basis for comparison. When determining the actually expected economic effect, we use a replaceable technological process as such a base.

The factory and designed technological processes differ in the composition of operations, due to their combination in the designed, and accordingly piece - costing time.

Drawings content

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