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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 8

Design of reinforced concrete structures of a multi-storey building in Voronezh


The five-story frame building has a size in plan 14, 4m × 32, 4m and a grid of columns 4, 8m × 5, 4m. Floor height 3.6m. Reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete. Standard load on floors is 2.5kPa (kN/m2). Load safety factor is taken as per SNiP 2.01.07-85 * "Loads and impacts." The responsibility factor of the building in accordance with GOST 27751-2014 "Reliability of building structures" is taken equal to 1.0.

Project's Content

icon ЖБ.dwg
icon ЖБ_констр_поясн.docx
icon Жб_лист1.pdf
icon Жб_лист2.pdf

Additional information




Source Data

1. General Design Data

2. Building Design Layout

3. Pre-dimensioning

4. Calculation of multipost plate by limit states of the first group

4.1 Collection of loads on floor slabs

4.2 Design diagram and support diagram of cover plates

4.3 Setting of plate section dimensions

4.4 Calculation of plate strength by section normal to longitudinal axis

4.5 Calculation of plate strength by section inclined to longitudinal axis

5. Calculation and construction of the girder

5.1 Setting of cross-section dimensions

5.2 Collection of load on the girder

5.3 Calculation of bending moments in calculated cross-sections of the crossbar

5.4 Calculation of transverse forces

5.5 Calculation of cross-bar strength by section normal to longitudinal axis

5.6 Calculation of cross-bar strength by cross-section inclined to longitudinal axis

5.7 Construction of Materials Epure

6. Central Compressed Column Calculation

6.1 Collection of column loads

6.2 Determination of forces in the middle column

6.3 Calculation of the strength of the middle column

6.4 Column Console Design

6.5 Calculation of cantilever strength by section normal to longitudinal axis

6.6 Calculation of cantilever strength by inclined compressed strip

7. Foundation calculation

7.1 Setting of foundation dimensions

7.2 Calculation of stages for bending from reactive soil pressure

7.3 Calculation of foundation stages by inclined sections

List of literature


Reinforced concrete in the construction of Russia occupies a leading place. The scale of the use of reinforced concrete is due to its high physical and mechanical indicators, durability, good resistance to temperature and humidity effects.

When completing the course "LBC and stone structures," it is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge and gain practical experience in calculating reinforced concrete structures.

The objectives of the course project are:

- fixing of passed theoretical material;

- mastering practical methods of independent calculation and design of the most common types of structures: monolithic hollow slab, girders, prefabricated reinforced concrete column and foundation for the column.

General Design Data

The five-story frame building has a size in plan 14, 4m × 32, 4m and a grid of columns 4, 8m × 5, 4m. Floor height 3.6m. Reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete.

Standard load on floors is 2.5kPa (kN/m2). Load safety factor is taken as per SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and impacts." The responsibility factor of the building in accordance with GOST 277512014 "Reliability of building structures" is taken equal to 1.0.

Drawings content

icon ЖБ.dwg
