Design of reel sowing apparatus and working bodies of grain seeder.
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The purpose of the work is to master the methods of calculating the working organs of grain seeders, analyzing the forces acting on coulters, sunburn and on the planter as a whole, as well as studying agricultural requirements, preparing the planter for work and monitoring the quality of sowing.
Project's Content
Желобчатый катушечный высевающий аппарат.cdw
Проектирование катушечного высевающего аппарата и рабочих органов зерновой сеялки.docx
Additional information
Job for Course Project
1.1 Purpose and procedure of work execution
1.2 Initial data
1.3 Agrotechnical requirements for grain seeders
1.4 Calculation of coil sowing apparatus
1.5 Calculation of the number of seeds sown per spool turn
1.6 Calculation of diagram for adjustment of seeding rate
1.7 Calculation of disk ploughshares
1.8 Calculation of forces on the hydraulic cylinder rod
1.9 Calculation of sowing resistance force
1.10 Preparation of seeder for operation
1.11 Sowing quality control
List of used literature
The coil sowing apparatus is a universal mechanical dispenser that sows seeds in a continuous flow. The structure of the coil grooved apparatus consists of a seed box, inside of which there are grooved coils, an idle clutch and a drive shaft. The ribs of the grooved coil pass in special slots of the socket, and the idle clutch is planted on the tail of the grooved coil and with its protrusions fits in the cuts located on the right side of the seed box. A crown washer is required to provide a tight end fit of the groove coil to the idle sleeve.
Course work is an independent work of a student and completes the course in agricultural and land reclamation machines. This work on a given subject shows the ability of students to apply in practice the knowledge they received and learned in the process of studying the course of agricultural machines and some other disciplines (theoretical mechanics, the theory of machines and mechanisms, etc.) During the course work, this knowledge is consolidated and deepened, engineering calculations and graphic work skills are acquired, and conditions are prepared for successful work on a diploma project.
In accordance with the current program of the course "Agricultural and reclamation machines," the course work should contain the development and calculation of parameters and modes of operation of the main working bodies of the machines according to the given operating conditions, as well as the calculation of technological and energy processes.
Calculation of working organs of grain seeders and their preparation for operation
1.1 Purpose and procedure of work execution
The purpose of the work is to master the methods of calculating the working organs of grain seeders, analyzing the forces acting on ploughshares, riddles and sowing in general, as well as studying agricultural requirements, preparing the sowing plant for work and controlling the quality of sowing.
Work is done in the following order.
1. Extract source data from the table according to the job variant.
2. Describe the agrotechnical requirements for the design and seeding process.
3. Calculate the geometric parameters of the coil sowing apparatus.
4. Calculate the number of seeds seeding per spool rotation, determine the drive ratio and chart the seeding rate. Calculations should be made for seeds of the main crop - wheat.
5. Define the geometry of the disk ploughshares.
6. Calculate the forces acting on the ploughshares of the front and rear rows, determine the minimum stroke depth without compressing the springs and calculate the load force of the ploughshares at the maximum stroke depth in the soil.
7. Determine the forces acting on the riddle in the vertical and horizontal planes.
8. Draw kinematic diagram of lifting of working elements and determine forces on the hydraulic cylinder rod in working and transport positions.
9. Calculate analytically the resistance force of the seeder and determine its resistivity for operational calculations.
10. Describe the general procedure for preparing the seeder for operation.
11. Make the necessary calculations to adjust the given seeding rate, install markers and tracking indicators, describe the procedure for experimental verification of adjusted parameters.
12. Describe the quality control of sowing.
1.2 Initial data
Option 61.
b = 2h-width of coil groove as a function of depth h;
τ=0.9hрадиус hollows of a fillet in function from h depth;
QMAX = 250-maximum seeding rate, kg/ha;
z = 11-number of sowing coil grooves;
h = 5-depth of coil groove, mm;
ᵧ=18-ugol between ploughshare disks, hail;
α = 90-angle of lifting point of touch of ploughshare discs, deg;
y is a narrow ploughshare;
Q = 180-set sowing rate during sowing preparation for operation, kg/ha;
m = 20-weight of one ploughshare, kg.
1.11 Sowing quality control
The quality of ordinary or narrow seeding is checked on the first working passes of the unit, and in the future - at least two or three times a shift. Quality of sowing is assessed by stability of sowing norm of seeds and fertilizers, uniformity of sowing depth of seeds, maintenance of butt intervals and straightforwardness of rows, as well as absence of flaws. Control is carried out for each indicator separately.
The depth of seed sowing is checked by opening on a length of 1020 cm rows formed by several ploughshares following the tracks of the tractor and coupler wheels. Depth of seeds is measured in not less than 10 places. Average value of sowing depth of seeds may differ from specified value by not more than ± 1 cm.
When checking the width of the butt intersections of two adjacent passages of the unit or two adjacent seeders, the grooves of the extreme ploughshares are opened, grains are found, the distance between the rows in 1015 places is measured and the average value is determined. Deviation of the average value of the width of the butt line from the intrasilnar one is allowed not more than 20%. If necessary, adjust the position of the clamps on the coupler or marker.
After the appearance of seedlings, unseeded areas are detected. The flaws immediately sow .
Желобчатый катушечный высевающий аппарат.cdw
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