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Design of plant power supply

  • Added: 27.09.2021
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Course design for power supply design of gearbox shop with drawings

Project's Content

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General part

1.1 Brief technical characteristics of the object

Internal electrical networks of the facility

2.1 Current, voltage and circuit selection

2.2 Calculation of electrical load

2.3 Reactive power compensation

2.4 Selection of transformer substation number and power

2.5 Determination of load center. Selection of workshop transformer substation location

2.6 Selection of protective and switching equipment

2.7 Selection of grades and section of electrical conductors

Transformer substation

3.1 Type Selection

3.2 Selection of electrical equipment

3.3 Calculation of grounding device


List of sources used


Energy of our country provides reliable electricity supply to the national economy of the country and residential needs of various consumers of electric and thermal energy.

The main consumers of electric energy are various industries, transport, agriculture, communal services of cities and towns. At the same time, more than 70% of electricity consumption falls on industrial facilities. Electricity is widely used in all sectors of the national economy, especially for the electric drive of various mechanisms (lift and transport machines, flow and transport systems (TCP), compressors, pumps and fans); for electrotechnological installations (electrothermal and electric welding), as well as for electrolysis, electrical spark and electrosonic processing of materials, electric painting, etc.

Power supply systems of industrial enterprises consisting of networks with voltage up to 1 kV and above and transformer, converter and distribution substations are used to ensure the supply of electricity in the required quantity of appropriate quality from power systems to industrial facilities, installations, devices and mechanisms.

Electric installations of electric power consumers have their own specific features; they are subject to certain requirements: reliability of power supply, quality of electricity, redundancy and protection of individual elements, etc. When designing structures and operating power supply systems of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to correctly select voltages, determine electrical loads, select the number and power of transformer substations, their types of protection, reactive power compensation systems and voltage control methods. This should be done taking into account the improvement of technological processes of production, the growth of capacities of individual electric receivers and the peculiarities of each enterprise, workshop, plant, improving the quality and efficiency of their work.

The transmission, distribution and consumption of generated electricity in industrial enterprises should be carried out with high economy and reliability. To ensure this, a reliable and economical power distribution system has been created at all stages of the applied voltage with maximum high voltage approximation [6].

In this regard, the course project will develop an energy supply system that meets the requirements of modern regulatory documentation.

Transformer substation

3.1 Type Selection

Mainly Automatic reactive power compensation devices (VHF) located as close as possible to the center of electrical loads are used to power shop consumers. They are made as internal substations embedded in the building of the workshop or in a room attached to it.

When determining the type of substation, consider:

- substation design;

- number of transformers per substation;

- transformer power;

- primary and secondary voltage on substation buses.

In this workshop, we choose 2 TM - 400 - 10/0.4 (complete transformer substation, with the installation of two transformers, with a capacity of 400 kVA; primary voltage 10 kV, secondary voltage 0.4 kV).,


The course design presents the calculation of the power supply system of the repair and mechanical workshop of the trailer factory, in order to create a rational power supply scheme for this workshop.

As a result of the calculations, the radial power supply scheme shown in Figure 3.1 was selected, as well as all necessary protection, switching and start-up devices, wires and cables necessary for the normal operation of the power supply scheme, which are fully consistent with the specified electrical equipment.

Two-transformer substation with transformers of TM400/10/0.4 type was selected.

As a result of the calculations, it can be concluded that the selected power supply scheme of the repair and mechanical workshop of the trailer plant will meet all the requirements given in the regulatory documentation.

Drawings content

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