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In this final qualification work, a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks is designed. The project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The purpose of the diploma project is to design a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks. The purpose of the design is to reduce the volume of manual operations and reduce the time spent on defrosting cottage cheese blocks. The calculation and explanatory note includes: introduction; status of the issue and review of scientific and technical literature; analysis of machine-hardware circuit; description of the device and the principle of operation of the installation; calculations; standardization, certification and metrology; automation; environmental protection; safety of life activities; engineering technology and analysis of economic efficiency of equipment operation. The graphic part shows: the process diagram of the curd production line, the general view of the installation, drawings of the assembly units of the machine and their detailing, as well as operational sketches of the part manufacture, electrical circuit diagram of automation and a poster on economic efficiency.

Project's Content

icon !00.Аннотация.doc
icon !00.Введение.doc
icon !01.Обзор научно-технической литературы оригенал .doc
icon !02.Технико-экономическое обоснование.doc
icon !03.Анализ МАС.doc
icon !04.Описание устройства.doc
icon !05.Расчеты!!!.doc
icon !06.Графики ремонта.doc
icon !07.Метрология стандартизация и сертификация.doc
icon !08.Автоматизация процессов!!!.doc
icon !09.Безопасность жизнедеятельности.doc
icon !10.Охрана окружающей среды.doc
icon !11.Технология машиностроения!!!.doc
icon !12.Экономическая эффективность.doc
icon !13.Список литературы.doc
icon Тех маш вал ниж ротора.bak
icon Тех маш вал ниж ротора.dwg
icon Доклад.docx
icon Номерки.docx
icon Содержание.doc
icon Вид общий.doc
icon Нижний ротор.doc
icon Верхний ротор.doc
icon Корпус.doc
icon Установка СБ.doc
icon Титульный МАПП 2012.doc
icon 11. техмаш.doc
icon acadstk.dmp
icon Верхний и нижний роторы.bak
icon Вид общий.bak
icon Вид общий.dwg
icon Кинематическая схема.bak
icon Кинематическая схема.dwg
icon Нижний роторы.bak
icon Нижний роторы.dwg
icon Технологическая схема КВП полная.bak
icon Технологическая схема КВП полная.dwg
icon Технология машиностроения вал.dwg
icon !11.Технология машиностроения 2004.bak
icon !11.Технология машиностроения 2004.dwg
icon acadstk.dmp
icon Drawing1.bak
icon Drawing1.dwg
icon Автоматика А1.bak
icon Автоматика А1.dwg
icon Автоматика.bak
icon Автоматика.dwg
icon Верхний и нижний роторы.bak
icon Верхний роторы.bak
icon Верхний роторы.dwg
icon Корпус.bak
icon Корпус.dwg
icon Курсачь мой.bak
icon Курсачь мой.dwg
icon Описание устройства СБ.bak
icon Описание устройства СБ.dwg
icon Узел резания.bak
icon Узел резания.dwg

Additional information



















In this final qualification work, a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks is designed. The project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part.

The purpose of the diploma project is to design a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks. The purpose of the design is to reduce manual operations and time spent defrosting cottage cheese blocks.

The calculation and explanatory note includes: introduction; status of the issue and review of scientific and technical literature; analysis of machine-hardware diagram; description of the device and the principle of operation of the installation; calculations; standardization, certification and metrology; automation; environmental protection; safety of life activities; engineering technology and analysis of economic efficiency of equipment operation.

The graphic part shows: the process diagram of the curd production line, the general view of the installation, drawings of the assembly units of the machine and their detailing, as well as operational sketches of the part manufacture, electrical circuit diagram of automation and a poster on economic efficiency.


Cottage cheese - a product of constant consumption, has high biological value, as it contains a lot of calcium and protein. It is produced from normalized or defatted milk, fermented with starter, prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci, with or without the use of calcium chloride and milk-clotting enzyme, followed by heating the clot. It is intended for direct consumption and production of curd products, curd semi-finished products from it.

Due to seasonality of milk blanks for curd redundancy, it is frozen in rolls, cardboard boxes or polyethylene bags. Studies have found that cottage cheese is advisable to freeze at low temperatures in blocks.

Cottage cheese production and storage are accompanied by biochemical and microbiological processes, therefore, in order to preserve its quality and increase storage life, the production process is carried out with intensive cooling, and storage at low temperatures. The key to obtaining high quality cottage cheese after long-term storage is a properly organized defrosting process.

Curd defrosting at enterprises is carried out in one of the following ways:

1. In atmospheric conditions - when cottage cheese is left for a long time (for example: overnight) in fresh air conditions;

2. By blowing warm air - cottage cheese is laid out in special trolleys and placed in a chamber where a stream of warm air passes;

3. Defrosting of cottage cheese under vacuum - cottage cheese is laid out in special trolleys and placed in a chamber, which is under vacuum and defrosted due to steam.

One of the methods for intensifying the process of defrosting cottage cheese may be the use of microwave energy, which has already found quite great use for processing food products both abroad and in Russia. However, the efficiency of using microwave energy for defrosting depends on the choice of optimal modes of conducting this process and its hardware design.

The purpose of this work is to design a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese.

The relevance of the chosen design theme is explained by the fact that the defrosting methods adopted in the industry are long-lasting, which leads to structural changes in protein, as well as require significant production space and are associated not only with the loss of raw materials - up to 1.5 percent for cottage cheese with a fat content of 18 percent, up to 2 percent - for cottage cheese with a fat content of 9 percent and up to 3.3 percent - for low-fat cottage cheese, but also with deterioration of its quality, in particular, due to uneven thawing of products by volume.

Due to the growth of cottage cheese production, the expansion of its production methods and the increase in requirements for product quality, the issues of optimal defrosting regimes for cottage cheese in dairy plants, as well as the problem of intensification of the defrosting process are relevant.

Feasibility study

Every year, our country increases the production of dairy and fermented milk products, including cottage cheese - a valuable protein fermented milk product. In this regard, the tasks are set to improve the technology and mechanization of the process of production of cottage cheese, which is still long and time-consuming.

Improvement of curd production processes and their automation are necessary conditions for increasing efficiency and ensuring production of high-quality products.

Due to the growth in the production of cottage cheese, the expansion of its production methods and the increase in product quality requirements, the issues of optimal cooling, freezing, defrosting and storage of cottage cheese in dairy plants and refrigerators are relevant.

In practice, defrosting methods using surface heating are most often used as easily feasible in production, to a lesser extent - combined, less often using volumetric heating. When using volumetric heating, the process occurs much faster, but is characterized by an increased energy consumption - 8 10 times more than when defrosting using surface heating. In addition, defrosting plants using volumetric heating are complex in design and require highly qualified maintenance.

In real conditions, at dairy enterprises, in particular at Milk of Buryatia OJSC, frozen cottage cheese is laid out on racks and left for two days. Due to the long stay in the open air, bacterial insemination is possible, as well as mechanical pollution, as a result, the quality of the product is noticeably reduced. In addition, due to the waste of serum, cottage cheese loses its mass.

Defrosting methods adopted in industry in special chambers with a temperature of 20 ° C + 2 ° C are characterized by a long duration (up to 12 hours), require significant production areas and are associated not only with the loss of raw materials - up to 1.5 percent for cottage cheese with a fat content of 18 percent, up to 2 percent for cottage cheese with a fat content of 9 percent and up to 3.3 percent for low-fat cottage cheese, but also with the deterioration of its quality, in particular, due to uneven thawing of products by volume.

The main objective of the degree design is to minimize the duration of the defrosting process in dairy plants, improve the quality of the defrosted product, reduce the cost and loss of the product. The maximum number of factors affecting the feasibility and necessity of the plant design and implementation are taken into account in the design of the plant.

The designed plant will differ from the existing equipment in that the defrosting process will take place in two stages. At the first stage, curd blocks are crushed, and at the second stage, defrosting occurs with continuous mixing. Such parameters create conditions for uniform heat treatment of the product and absence of the overheating phenomenon that may occur during defrosting in the air, which will ensure an improvement in the quality of the final product.

Using the designed installation will allow:

first, speed up the process and reduce product losses compared to other defrosting processes;

secondly, reduce the cost of production by reducing energy costs and losses.

Use in the production of domestic lighter and cheaper metals and materials allows you to reduce the mass of the plant, its dimensions and cost.

Standardization, certification and metrology

7.1. Standardization

Standardization is the activity directed to development and establishment of the requirements, norms, rules, characteristics both obligatory for performance and recommended, providing the right of the consumer for purchase of goods of appropriate quality for the reasonable price and also the right to safety and comfort of work.

The goal of standardization is to achieve the optimal degree of streamlining in a particular area by widely and repeatedly using the established provisions, requirements, rules to solve real, planned or potential tasks. The main results of standardization activities should be the improvement of the degree of conformity of the product (service), the processes of their functional purpose, the elimination of technical barriers in international trade, the promotion of scientific and technical progress and cooperation in various fields.

Standardization objectives can be subdivided into general and narrower compliance objectives. General goals derive from the content of the concept. The specification of common goals for Russian standardization is related to the fulfillment of those requirements of the standards that are mandatory. These include the development of norms, requirements, rules that ensure: safety of products, works, services for the life and health of people, the environment and property; compatibility and interchangeability of products; quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of scientific and technological progress; unity of measurements; savings of all types of resources; safety of economic facilities associated with the possibility of various disasters (natural and man-made) and emergencies; defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country. This is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization," adopted in 1993.

Standardization is related to concepts such as the object of standardization and the field of standardization. The object (subject) of standardization is usually called a product, process or service for which certain requirements, characteristics, parameters, rules, etc. are developed. Standardization can concern either the object as a whole or its individual components (characteristics). A field of standardization is called a collection of interconnected standardization objects. For example, mechanical engineering is a field of standardization, and the objects of standardization in mechanical engineering can be technological processes, types of engines, safety and environmental friendliness of machines, etc.

Standardization is carried out at different levels. The level of standardization varies depending on which geographical, economic, political region of the world participants adopt the standard. Thus, if participation in standardization is open to the relevant authorities of any country, it is international standardization.

Regional standardization is an activity open only to the relevant bodies of the States of one geographical, political or economic region of the world. Regional and international standardization is carried out by experts from countries represented in relevant regional and international organizations whose tasks will be discussed below.

National standardization - standardization in one particular state. At the same time, national standardization can also be carried out at different levels: at the state, sectoral level, in a particular sector of the economy (for example, at the level of ministries), at the level of associations, production firms, enterprises (factories, factories) and institutions.

It is accepted to call administrative-territorial standardization standardization which is carried out in an administrative and territorial unit (the province, edge, etc.).

Government standards are developed for products, works and services whose needs are cross-sectoral. Standards of this category are adopted by the Gosstandart of Russia, and if they belong to the field of construction, architecture, the construction materials industry - Gosstroy of Russia.

State standards contain both mandatory requirements for the object of standardization and advisory ones.

Mandatory are: product safety, services, process for human health, environment, property, as well as industrial safety and sanitary standards; technical and information compatibility and interchangeability of products; unity of control methods and unity of marking. Security requirements are of particular relevance, since product security is the main aspect of conformity certification. Mandatory requirements must be complied with by public authorities and all economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership.

Safety requirements in the standards include: electrical safety, fire safety, explosion safety, radiation safety, maximum permissible concentrations of chemical and pollutants; safety during maintenance of machines and equipment; requirements for protective means and safety measures (fences, machine travel limiters, blocking devices, alarm, etc.).

Specific product standards may include characteristics such as hazard class; permissible levels of hazardous and harmful factors of production arising during equipment operation; effect of the substance on humans, etc.

The standards specify all types and norms of permissible hazard for a particular product or group of homogeneous products. They are designed with a view to safety of the object of standardization during the whole period of its use (service life).

The customer and the contractor are obliged to include in the contract conditions on compliance of the subject of the contract with the mandatory requirements of state standards.

Other requirements of state standards can be recognized as mandatory in contractual situations or if there is an appropriate indication in the technical documentation of the manufacturer (supplier) of the product, as well as the service provider. Such requirements include the main consumer (operational) characteristics of the products and their control methods; requirements for packaging, transportation, storage and disposal of the product; Rules and regulations for the development of production and operation; technical documentation rules, metrological rules and norms, etc.

Compliance with mandatory requirements is confirmed by tests according to rules and procedures of mandatory certification. The conformity of the product (service) with other requirements can be confirmed in accordance with the legislative provisions on voluntary certification.

In some cases, where appropriate and necessary to ensure a higher level of competitiveness of domestic products, the standards may set forward-looking requirements that are ahead of the capabilities of traditional technologies. This, on the one hand, does not contradict the above provision on preliminary standards, and, on the other hand, serves as an incentive for the introduction of new, advanced technological processes in domestic enterprises.

Industry standards are developed for products in a particular industry. Their requirements should not contradict the mandatory requirements of state standards, as well as safety rules and standards established for the industry. Such standards shall be adopted by government bodies (for example, ministries), which are responsible for compliance with the requirements of industry standards with the mandatory requirements of GOST R.

The objects of industry standardization can be: products, processes and services used in the industry; Rules concerning the organization of work on industrial standardization; typical designs of products of industrial application (tools, fasteners, etc.); metrological support rules in the industry. The range of application of industry standards is limited to enterprises under the authority of the public administration that adopted the standard. On a voluntary basis, these standards can be used by business entities of a different subordination. The degree of compliance with the requirements of the industry standard is determined by the enterprise that applies it, or by a contract between the manufacturer and the consumer. Monitoring of compliance with mandatory requirements is organized by the agency that adopted this standard.

Enterprise standards are developed and adopted by the enterprise itself. The objects of standardization in this case are usually the components of organization and production management, the improvement of which is the main goal of standardization at this level. In addition, standardization in the enterprise can also affect products produced by this enterprise. Then the objects of the standard of the enterprise will be components of products, technological equipment and tools, general technological norms of the process of production of finished products. Enterprise standards may contain requirements for various types of internal services.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" recommends the use of standardization at the enterprise for the development of state, international, regional standards by this particular enterprise, as well as for regulating the requirements for raw materials, semi-finished products, etc., purchased from other organizations. This category of standards is mandatory for the enterprise that adopted this standard. But if the contract for the development, production, delivery of a product or the provision of services refers to the standard of the enterprise, it becomes mandatory for all business entities that are parties to such a contract.

Standards of public associations (scientific and technical societies, engineering societies, etc.) develop, usually, for fundamentally new types of products, processes or services; advanced testing techniques, as well as non-traditional technologies and production management principles. Public associations dealing with these issues aim to disseminate, through their standards, noteworthy and promising results of the world's scientific and technological achievements, fundamental and applied research.

Both the standards of enterprises and the standards of public associations should not contradict Russian law, and if their content concerns the safety aspect, then the draft of these standards should be agreed with the state supervision bodies. Responsibility for this lies with the economic entities that took them.

7.2. Certification

Certification in Latin means "done correctly." In order to ensure that the product is "made correctly," you need to know what requirements it must meet and how to possibly obtain reliable evidence of this compliance. The generally accepted method of such proof is conformity certification. But before giving an official definition of this concept, consider the terms associated with it.

Establishing compliance with the specified requirements involves a test. Testing refers to a technical operation of determining one or more characteristics of a given product in accordance with the established procedure, according to the adopted rules. Tests are carried out in test laboratories, the name being used in relation to both the legal and technical authorities.

Systematic verification of compliance with specified requirements is called conformity assessment. A more specific concept of conformity assessment is considered control, which is considered as conformity assessment by measuring specific characteristics of a product.

In conformity assessment, the "third party" test results are considered the most reliable. A third party is a person or entity recognized as independent of either the supplier (first party) or the buyer (second party).

Associated with conformity assessment are conformity verification, compliance supervision, compliance assurance. Conformity check - confirmation of conformity of the products (process, service) to the established requirements by means of examination of evidence. Compliance supervision is a re-evaluation to ensure that the products (process, service) continue to meet the requirements. Compliance is a procedure that results in a statement that gives confidence that the products (process, service) meet the specified requirements. For products, this may be:

the supplier's declaration of conformity, i.e. its written guarantee that the products meet the specified requirements; a statement that may be printed in a catalogue, consignment note, operating manual or other communication relating to the products; it can be also a label, the label, etc.;

certification - a procedure by which a third party gives a written guarantee that the products, process, service meet the specified requirements.

The term "supplier's declaration of conformity" means that the supplier (manufacturer), under its own responsibility, reports that its products meet the requirements of a specific regulatory document. According to ISO/IEC Manual 2, this is evidence of the conscious responsibility of the manufacturer and the willingness of the consumer to make a thoughtful and definite order.

The manufacturer's statement, which is also referred to as a declaration, contains the following information: the address of the manufacturer submitting the declaration - the declaration, the designation of the product and additional information about it; The name, number and date of publication of the standard referred to by the manufacturer; indication of the manufacturer's personal responsibility for the content of the application, etc. The information provided shall be based on the test results. A reference to a standard does not mean the approval of a product by an organization that has accepted the standard. The manufacturer does not have the right to use standard signs. A slightly different procedure has been adopted in the EU.

Confirmation of conformity through certification implies mandatory participation of a third party. Such confirmation of conformity is independent, providing a guarantee of compliance with specified requirements, carried out according to the rules of a certain procedure.

Certification is considered the main reliable way to prove that the products (process, service) meet the specified requirements.

Procedures, regulations, tests and other actions that can be considered as components of the certification process (activity) itself may vary depending on a number of factors. Among them are legislation related to standardization, quality directly certification; features of the certification object, which in turn determines the choice of the test method, etc. In other words, proof of conformity is made according to a certification system. In accordance with this document, ISO/IEC is a system that certifies under its own rules as:

The certification system (in general terms) is composed of: a central body that manages the system, supervises its activities and can transfer the right to conduct certification to other bodies; Rules and procedures for certification; regulatory documents for compliance with which certification; certification procedures (schemes); Inspection control procedure. Certification schemes can operate at the national and international levels. If the certification system is concerned with the conformity of a certain type of product (process, services), it is a system of certification of homogeneous products, which in its practice applies standards, rules and procedure related to this particular product. Several such systems for certification of homogeneous products with their authorities and other components may be included in the general certification system.

When carrying out mandatory certification of milk, and dairy products, including inspection control, products are identified for compliance with its requirements of regulatory documentation for a specific type of product.

List of indicators to be confirmed during milk and dairy products certification, regulatory documents establishing test safety indicators.

Tests, according to the decision of the certification body, can be carried out according to a reduced range of indicators, provided that the remaining indicators are confirmed by documents of the relevant state services confirming compliance of raw materials with safety requirements.

7.3. Metrology

Metrology (from the Greek. "Metro" - measure, "logos" - doctrine) - the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and required accuracy.

Modern metrology includes three components: legislative metrology, fundamental (scientific) and practical (applied) metrology.

Initially, prototype units of measurement were searched in nature, examining macro objects and their motion. So, part of the period of Earth's revolution around the axis began to be considered a second. Gradually, the search moved to the atomic and intraatomic levels. As a result, the "old" units (measures) were specified and new ones appeared. So, in 1983, a new definition of a meter was adopted: this is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in a 1/299792458 fraction of a second. This became possible after the speed of light in a vacuum (299792458 m/s) was taken as a physical constant. It is interesting to note that now, in terms of metrological rules, the meter depends on the second.

In 1988, new constants were adopted at the international level in the field of measurements of electrical units and values, and in 1989 a new international practical temperature scale MTSH90 was adopted.

These few examples show that metrology as a science is developing dynamically, which naturally contributes to the improvement of measurement practice in all other scientific and applied fields.

The quality and accuracy of measurements determines the possibility of developing fundamentally new instruments, measuring devices for any field of technology, which speaks in favor of the advanced pace of development of measurement science and technology, i.e. metrology.

Together with the development of fundamental and practical metrology, the formation of legislative metrology took place.

Legislative metrology is a section of metrology that includes complexes of interconnected and mutually agreed general rules, as well as other issues that need regulation and control by the state, aimed at ensuring the uniformity of measurements and uniformity of measuring instruments.

Legislative metrology serves as a means of state regulation of metrological activity through laws and legislative provisions, which are put into practice through the State Metrological Service and metrological services of state management bodies and legal entities. The field of legislative metrology includes testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments and their verification and calibration, certification of measuring instruments, state metrological control and supervision of measuring instruments.

Metrological rules and norms of legislative metrology are harmonized with recommendations and documents of relevant international organizations. Thus, legislative metrology contributes to the development of international economic and trade ties and promotes mutual understanding in international metrological cooperation.

Measurements as the main object of metrology are associated both with physical quantities and with quantities related to other sciences (mathematics, psychology of medicine, social sciences, etc.). Next, the concepts related to physical quantities will be considered.

A physical quantity is one of the properties of a physical object (phenomenon, process), which is common qualitatively for many physical objects, while differing in quantitative value. Thus, the "strength" property qualitatively characterizes materials such as steel, wood, fabric, glass and many others, while the degree (quantitative value) of strength is completely different for each of them.

A measurement is a set of operations performed using a technical means that stores a unit of magnitude and allows comparing the measured value with it. The obtained value of the value is the result of measurements. It is interesting to note the correspondence in general of this modern interpretation with the interpretation of this term by the philosopher P.A. Florensky, which was included in the "Technical Encyclopedia" of the 1931 edition: "Measurement is the main cognitive process of science and technology, through which an unknown value is quantitatively compared with another, homogeneous with it and considered known."

One of the main tasks of metrology - ensuring the unity of measurements - can be solved subject to two conditions that can be called fundamental:

• expression of measurement results in single legalized units;

• establishment of permissible errors (errors) of measurement results and limits beyond which they should not be exceeded at a given probability.

The error is the deviation of the measurement result from the real (true) value of the measured value. It should be borne in mind that the true value of a physical quantity is considered unknown and is used in theoretical studies; the actual value of the physical quantity is set experimentally on the assumption that the result of the experiment (measurement) is as close as possible to the true value.

Measurement errors are usually given in the technical documentation for measuring instruments or in regulatory documents. True, if we take into account that the error also depends on the conditions under which the measurement itself is carried out, on the experimental error of the technique and subjective factors of a person in cases where he directly participates in measurements, then we can talk about several components of the measurement error or about the total error.

Unity of measurements, however, cannot be ensured only by coincidence of errors. The accuracy of measurements is also required, which indicates that the error does not go beyond the deviations specified in accordance with the goal of measurements. There is also the concept of measurement accuracy, which characterizes the degree of approximation of measurement error to zero, i.e. to the true value of the measured value.

Generalizes all these provisions of the modern definition of the concept of unity of measurements - the state of measurements in which their results are expressed in legalized units, and errors are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits.


At dairy enterprises, in connection with the seasonality of milk harvests for reserving cottage cheese, it is frozen in rolls, cardboard boxes or polyethylene bags. Studies have found that cottage cheese is advisable to freeze at low temperatures in blocks.

The key to obtaining high quality cottage cheese after long-term storage is a properly organized defrosting process.

Curd defrosting at enterprises is carried out in one of the following ways:

1. In atmospheric conditions - when cottage cheese is left for a long time (for example: overnight) in fresh air conditions;

2. By blowing warm air - cottage cheese is laid out in special trolleys and placed in a chamber where a stream of warm air passes;

3. Defrosting of cottage cheese under vacuum - cottage cheese is laid out special trolleys and placed in a chamber, which is under vacuum and due to steam defrosted.

One of the methods for intensifying the process of defrosting cottage cheese may be the use of microwave energy, which has already found quite great use for processing food products both abroad and in Russia. However, the efficiency of using microwave energy for defrosting depends on the choice of optimal modes of conducting this process and its hardware design.

The relevance of the chosen design theme is explained by the fact that the defrosting methods adopted in the industry are long-lasting, which leads to structural changes in the protein, as well as require significant production areas and are associated not only with the loss of raw materials (from 1.53.3%), but also with the deterioration of its quality, in particular due to uneven thawing of products by volume.

To solve this problem, we have designed a plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks. The design plant was based on the application for the invention of V.D. Danzanov "Plant for grinding and defrosting cottage cheese blocks." Proposed installation (sheet 1, f. A1) consists of: grinding unit, vacuum chamber, frame, inlet and outlet manifolds and two drives, drive of cutting unit and mixer drive. Grinding unit (sheet 2 and 3 f. A1) consists of a body, a cutting and grinding roll, a loading hopper, a flange, a belt transmission, and covers of bearing units. Housing (sheet 4 f. A1) consists of the main body part, hinged cover, bearing supports covers, sleeve and reflecting plate installed at an angle between the cutting and grinding rolls. The cutting unit is a roll (sheet 5 f. A1) with knives of ellipsoid profile, roll represents arrangement of distance washers and ellipsoid knives installed on shaft. Torque is transmitted from shaft to knives through splined joint, spacer washers are designed for fixing and setting knives at distance determining thickness of curd plates to be cut. Knives are made of alloyed food steel with subsequent hardening. Knife has bilateral wedge sharpening from base of ellipse to its apex. On (sheet 6 f. A2) shows the original sleeve part of the grinding roll bearing assembly. On (sheet 7 f. A1) operational sketches of the part manufacture are presented - a cup, two lathe-int-cutting, vertical-drilling and in-grinding operations. On (sheet 8 f. A1) shows a schematic electrical diagram of the plant consisting of a power part and control circuits.

The grinding unit is a set of a roll with comb knives and a knife fixed in the body. Roll (sheet 9 f. A1) consists of a shaft, a drum, a comb knife and a locking splined ring, the torque from the shaft to the drum is transmitted through a splined joint. On (sheet 10 f. A1) shows the original shaft, and on (sheet 11 f. A1) operational sketches of part manufacturing are presented - shaft, two turn-and-screw, milling and grinding operations. The schematic kinematic diagram is shown in (sheet 12 f. A2) on which the rotation speeds of all shafts of the grinding unit, the gear ratios of the worm reduction gear and belt transmission, as well as the power of the electric motor are indicated. The process flow diagram is shown on (sheet 13 f. A1) which schematically shows all units, installations and capacities of the curd production line. On (sheet 14 f. A1) is shown the function technological chart of automation of a production line of cottage cheese. The economic efficiency calculated in the calculation and explanatory note is summarized in a table and is shown on (sheet 15) the economic effect obtained from the introduction of this plant into production is calculated by reducing operating costs compared to the manual method expressed in reducing the number of working personnel, reducing labor intensity and production area.

Drawings content

icon Тех маш вал ниж ротора.dwg

Тех маш вал ниж ротора.dwg

icon Вид общий.dwg

Вид общий.dwg

icon Кинематическая схема.dwg

Кинематическая схема.dwg

icon Нижний роторы.dwg

Нижний роторы.dwg

icon Технологическая схема КВП полная.dwg

Технологическая схема КВП полная.dwg

icon Технология машиностроения вал.dwg

Технология машиностроения вал.dwg

icon !11.Технология машиностроения 2004.dwg

!11.Технология машиностроения 2004.dwg

icon Drawing1.dwg


icon Автоматика А1.dwg

Автоматика А1.dwg

icon Автоматика.dwg


icon Верхний роторы.dwg

Верхний роторы.dwg

icon Корпус.dwg


icon Курсачь мой.dwg

Курсачь мой.dwg

icon Описание устройства СБ.dwg

Описание устройства СБ.dwg

icon Узел резания.dwg

Узел резания.dwg

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