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Design of PBC 2000


Design a 2000 m3 vertical steel tank with a standard service life of 20 years. Stored oil product -TC -1, density at 20℃ of which is equal to 780 kg/m3 (as per GOST 9243-75). Tank liability class 2000 m3: third. Fabrication of tank wall: by roll method. Manufacturing of the bottom: by the roll method. Design of stationary tank roof. Roof structure shape: shield. Stair structure: shaft.

Project's Content

icon КП.docx
icon Мой курсач рвс 2000.docx
icon Оборудование на А11.cdw
icon Оборудование на А11.cdw.bak
icon РВС 2000 м3 Общий вид1.cdw
icon РВС 2000 м3 Общий вид1.cdw.bak
icon РВС 2000 м3 Развертка1.cdw
icon РВС 2000 м3 Развертка1.cdw.bak
icon спецификация КДС1.cdw
icon спецификация КДС1.cdw.bak
icon спецификация КС-50.cdw
icon спецификация КС-50.cdw.bak
icon спецификация ПЗ1-250.cdw
icon спецификация ПЗ1-250.cdw.bak
icon спецификация Пробоотборник1.cdw
icon спецификация Пробоотборник1.cdw.bak

Additional information



1 Determination of initial calculation data

2 Material selection for PBC

3 Calculation of PBC wall thickness

4 Determination of snow and wind load for PBC

5 Calculation of tank structural elements for strength

6 Calculation of structural elements for stability

7 Design and calculation of PBC coating

8 Calculation of stiffening rings for PBC

9 Design and calculation of PBC bottom

10 Calculation of wall interface with tank bottom

11 Calculation of tank for overturning and determination of contour pressure on foundation

12 PBC operating equipment 2000 m

12.1 Breathing equipment

12.2 Panels of PBC

12.3 RBC branch pipes

12.4 HP-250 RVS cracker

12.5 Mechanism for control of MU-I flapping of PBC

12.6 Siphon valve KS-50 RVS

12.7 RVS section AKP-13 sampler

12.8 Measuring system "String +"

12.9 PBC level annunciator

12.10 Fire equipment. Foam generator GPSS-2000 PBC

12.11 Additional PBC equipment

12.12 Lightning protection of PBC

12.13 Protection against corrosion of PBC

13 Terms and definitions



Terms of Reference

Design a 2000 m3 vertical steel tank with a standard service life of 20 years. Stored oil product -TC 1, density at 20℃ of which is equal to 780 kg/m3 (as per GOST 924375).

Tank liability class 2000 m3: third.

Fabrication of tank wall: by roll method.

Manufacturing of the bottom: by the roll method .

Design of stationary tank roof. Roof structure shape: shield.

Stair structure: shaft.


Steel vertical tanks (PBC) are one of the most popular and common types of capacitive equipment. They are widely used in a wide variety of industries. In particular, they are used to store various substances in the liquid phase. These can be production products that are awaiting transportation, or vice versa, source materials.

It is difficult to name at least one branch of heavy industry where vertical cylindrical tanks would not be in demand. In the oil, oil and gas processing industries, as well as in petrochemicals, vertical reservoirs for oil products are most often used. They contain both crude oil and refinery products. Also in these tanks are stored intermediate products of cracking and reforming, chemical synthesis, and so on.

There are quite a wide variety of types and types of vertical tanks. They differ in a number of features, including wall thickness, bottom shape, the presence of additional nozzles and valves, and so on. The use of this vertical tank is limited by its technical characteristics and the scope recommended by the manufacturer. Vertical tanks are manufactured to perform specific tasks and store strictly defined types of liquids. However, the purpose of the vertical tanks may vary sufficiently wide when it comes to liquids with similar properties.

The main characteristic on which to rely when buying is the volume of the tank.

The description of the vertical tank must contain an indication of the main characteristics, as well as indications of the operating conditions.

All calculations were made according to the method of limit states according to SNiP 22381 * and SNiP 2.01.0785 Norms allow you to choose the steel class for tank elements, recommend the type of welding and welding materials, installation method, design solutions, types of foundations and bases. It also gives instructions on the protection of tanks from corrosion, environmental protection, fire prevention measures.


The tank, for storage of winter diesel fuel, is designed in compliance with the specified data in the terms of reference, in compliance with all fire safety standards. Optimal geometrical dimensions of PBC 2000 m3 were selected, the condition of strength and stability was checked - the tank meets all requirements. All loads acting on the tank are calculated. All conditions are considered when designing the ring edge. The process equipment required for normal operation of the process tank is selected.

Drawings content

icon Оборудование на А11.cdw

Оборудование на А11.cdw

icon РВС 2000 м3 Общий вид1.cdw

РВС 2000 м3 Общий вид1.cdw

icon РВС 2000 м3 Развертка1.cdw

РВС 2000 м3 Развертка1.cdw

icon спецификация КДС1.cdw

спецификация КДС1.cdw

icon спецификация КС-50.cdw

спецификация КС-50.cdw

icon спецификация ПЗ1-250.cdw

спецификация ПЗ1-250.cdw

icon спецификация Пробоотборник1.cdw

спецификация Пробоотборник1.cdw