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Design of hydraulic lift for automobiles

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Diploma project on the theme: Design of a hydraulic lift for cars. Drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

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icon Эк_часть_5_ДИПЛОМА_подъемник_иср_8_июня.doc
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Additional information


1 Process Part

1.1 Calculation of labour intensity of works

1.2 Calculation of the number of workers

1.3 Calculation and selection of equipment

1.4 Calculation of production areas

1.5 Working and rest conditions

1.6 Calculation and selection of equipment of TO-

1.7 Safety precautions in the TO-

1.8 Annual Electricity Costs

1.9 Calculation of steam demand

1.10 Calculation of compressed air demand

1.11 Calculation of water consumption for household and other needs

2 Design part

2.1 Design Overview of Cargo Lifts

2.2Constructing the hoist

2.2.1 Determination of hydraulic cylinder force

2.2.2 Operating pressure selection

2.2.3 Determination of pump parameters

2.2.4 Calculation of pipelines

2.2.5 Selection of hydraulic distributor

2.2.6 Safety valve selection

2.2.7 Filter selection

2.2.8 Throttle selection

2.2.9 Calculation of thrust

2.2.10 Calculation of rod connection pin

2.2.11 Calculation of bushing

3 Organization of vehicle maintenance and maintenance technology

3.1 Organization of works

Bibliographic list


Road transport is developing qualitatively and quantitatively at a rapid pace. At present, the annual growth of the world fleet of cars is 1,012 million units, and its number is more than 400 million units.

However, the process of motorization is not limited only to an increase in the fleet of cars. The rapid development of vehicles has led to certain problems that require a scientific approach and significant material costs. The main ones are: increasing the throughput of streets, building roads and their improvement, organizing parking lots and garages, ensuring traffic safety and environmental protection, building car maintenance stations, warehouses, gas stations and other enterprises.

The high growth rate of the fleet of cars leads to an increase in the number of persons incompetent in the maintenance of their vehicles, the intensification of traffic on the roads and other factors led to the creation of a new industry - automotive services.

The most important areas of improvement of maintenance and repair are: application of progressive technological processes; improving the organization and management of production activities; improving the efficiency of use of fixed assets and reducing the material and labor intensity of the industry; application of new, more advanced technological and construction projects and reconstruction of existing car maintenance stations taking into account the actual need for the types of work, as well as the possibility of their further phased development; increase гарантированное™ qualities of services and development of actions of material and moral incentive of its providing.

1.5 Working and rest conditions

Labor productivity at the enterprise is directly dependent on the technical condition of cars. The condition of cars in turn depends on the organization, technology and quality of work.

However, at a number of enterprises, the planned maintenance and maintenance warning system, fixed by the provision, is replaced by the demand system. Works of technician. services are replaced by (TR), for which up to 90% of all repair labor and material assets are diverted.

The main reason for the increase in TR work, total costs and car downtime is the underestimation of the role of the production organization. The most advanced equipment cannot be used progressively with a low level of organization of production and labor of repair workers. To get high results, you need to restructure work in relation to the new labor organization system.

The work of the production units engaged in the enterprise, maintenance, and maintenance, must be coordinated with the mode of operation of cars on the line.

Cars on the line: from 7.00 to 9.00 a.m.

Return of cars from the line: from 17.00 to 21.00 pm.

Lunch break: from 12.00 to 13.00

Operation of the site: from 8.00 to 17.00

The main primary document of the car in repair is a sheet of accounting for maintenance and maintenance. It reflects the time of work, the names of the performers and the signatures of the persons responsible for the work performed. Based on the registration sheet and a number of additional information, the face card for each car is filled in, which reflects information on the number of technical impacts, downtime and daily mileage. These documents give an idea of ​ ​ how often a car is repaired, why and where it is idle, what units and how often to repair.

The analysis of these data makes it possible to evaluate the quality of maintenance and repair in general and by specific units, units and systems. For accurate analysis, information is also used on accounting for delays, outages, returns from the line for reasons related to the operation of specific areas. This information is recorded in a special card. Data on the TR of units, units and systems fixed behind the sites are also systematized in a separate document.

The production site master organizes the production process and is responsible for timely execution of all maintenance and repair of units, units and systems attached to the site. He provides his site with revolving units, spare parts, materials, tools, organizes the distribution of workers, monitors the quality of work.

The wizard determines the technical condition and the required scope of work.

After acceptance, the car is sent to the corresponding maintenance or TR post. After completion of works and supervision of the master, the car is accepted according to the acceptance certificate

3 Organization of vehicle maintenance and maintenance technology

Car maintenance is a set of works aimed at preventing failures and faults, keeping cars in good condition and ensuring their reliable, safe and environmentally friendly operation. Maintenance includes the following types of works: control diagnostics, fastening, adjustment, electrical, power system, filling, lubrication and others.

According to the periodicity, list and labor intensity of the work on maintenance of cars, they are divided into the following types:

- daily maintenance (ES);

- periodic maintenance,

- seasonal maintenance (CO).

EO includes filling operations and control aimed at ensuring daily safety and maintaining the proper appearance of the car. For the most part, the EO is performed by the owner of the car before leaving, on the way or upon returning to the parking lot.

Maintenance provides for the performance of a certain scope, work through the established operational mileage of the car. In accordance with the regulations on maintenance of passenger cars in terms of the frequency of RO once a day, TO-1 after 4000 km, TO-2 after 16000 km of mileage.

JI provides for maintenance and additional operations to prepare the car for winter or summer operation in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers.

Repair is a set of works to eliminate faults and restore the serviceability of the car as a whole or the unit. Repair of the car is carried out as necessary and includes control and diagnostic, disassembly and welding, locksmith, mechanical, welding, stiffening, painting and electrical work. For

high-quality performance of TO and TP the enterprise is equipped with necessary posts, devices, devices, devices, the tool and equipment, technical documentation.

Z.1Organization of works.

When servicing cars, special attention is paid to malfunctions,

which may affect traffic safety. At the same time surely eliminate the revealed malfunctions and weakening of fastening of the following details, knots, units and systems:

- during adjustment works - pads and brake drums,

brake pedals, parking braking system, steering,

wheel bearings, front wheels;

- during control, diagnostic and fastening works ~ juices and

pendulum steering lever, steering drive, steering rods on

ball fingers and ball fingers in sockets, ball supports, pivots,

swivel knuckle, wheel discs, gearbox or actuators, springs and

springs, shock absorbers, suspension levers, pipes, hoses

hydraulic brake drive, main brake drive, locks

doors, hood and trunk, brake actuator pressure regulator,

motor, separator, glass, windshield washer, wiper, mirrors

rear view, windscreen blowing and heating devices, systems

ventilation and heating;

- during maintenance of power supply systems and electrical equipment - systems

supply and exhaust of gases, headlamps, front and rear lights, light switches,

retroreflectors, sound signal, electrical wiring, emergency

alarm, braking signal.

TO-1 is carried out through the above mentioned periodicity, but not less than 2 times a year to perform the following works:

- control and diagnostic - check of service braking

systems for simultaneous actuation and braking efficiency, actions

parking braking system, brake drive, check of connections in steering drive, condition of tyres, lighting and alarm devices;

- inspection - survey and check of a body, glasses, license plates, operations of door mechanisms, wipers, check of rear-view mirrors, tightness of connections of lubrication, cooling and hydraulic actuation systems, rubber protective covers on drives and hinges of steering rods, values of free travel of clutch pedal and brake, tension of the fan belt, brake fluid levels in the main brake cylinder tanks and clutch release drive, springs and lever in front suspension, rods and struts of cross stability stabilizer.

- fasteners - attachment of the engine to the body, gearbox and extension, crankcase of steering gear and steering nozzle, steering wheel and steering rods, turning levers, connecting flanges of cardan shaft, wheels discs, instruments, pipelines and hoses of lubrication system and cooling system, braking mechanisms and hydraulic drive of clutch disconnection, receiving pipe of silencer;

- adjusting - adjustment of a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling and a brake, operation of working and parking brake systems, a free wheeling of a steering wheel and gap in connections of the steering drive, a tension of a belt of the fan and generator; bringing to the norm the air pressure in the tyres and the brake liquid levels in the feed tanks of the main brake cylinder and the clutch disengagement drive.

At TO-1 also clean from dirt and check devices of a power supply system and tightness of their connections; actuation of drive, complete closing and opening of throttle and air dampers are checked, carbyrator operation is adjusted in modes of low rotation speed of engine crankshaft. In the electrical equipment system, the battery and its ventilation holes are cleaned of dirt; checking attachment, reliability of contact of wire tips with terminals and electrolyte level in each of the accumulator cans; clean electrical equipment from dust and dirt;

electrical equipment insulation is checked, generator, starter and releregulator are attached, starter and ignition coils are checked.

It is recommended to carry out Maintenance-2 with the frequency specified above but not less than 1 time a year. It is advisable to perform in-depth diagnostics of all the main units, units and systems of the vehicle before or during maintenance to establish their technical condition, determine the nature of faults, their causes, as well as the possibility of further operation of this unit, unit and system.

Note here that:

engine availability: knocks in connecting rod bearings and

gas distribution mechanism, valves, gears, developed power, malfunction of the ignition system as a whole and its individual elements;

- engine power supply system: fuel leaking in pipeline connections, in connector planes, increased fuel consumption and CO content in exhaust gases for technical inspection in the traffic police, state of parts of cylinder-piston group, gas distribution system, cylinder head gaskets;

- engine lubrication system: oil leakage at the points of connections and connector (crankshaft glands, engine crankcase, distribution mechanism cover and others), pressure in the lubrication system and correct readings of instruments installed on the car;

- engine cooling system: coolant leaking in connections and places of connector, system units (radiator, water pump and others), coolant overheating during engine operation under load;

- clutch: slipping under load, jerking during actuation of gears, presence of knocks and noises during operation and shift of gears, failure of clutch drive;

- gearbox: presence of knocks and noises in operating condition, spontaneous shutdown under load, presence of oil leak in places of gearbox parts connector, value of clearance during gearshift;

rear axle: presence of knocks and noises in operating condition, presence of oil leak in places of connector of rear axle parts, value of total gap in main gear and differential;

- cardan shaft and intermediate support: clearances in cardan joints,

splined joints and in intermediate support of cardan shaft;

- steering: force required for steering wheel rotation,

clearance of steering nozzle shaft in bushings, reliable attachment of springs and levers

front suspension, as well as rods and struts of transverse stabilizer


- springs and suspension elements: presence of sheet or spring breakages, clearances in connections of spring pin with spring bushing and with eye of suspension brackets, parallelism of front and rear axles and their location relative to vehicle body;

- body elements: presence of dents, cracks, breakdowns, discoloration

car, correct operation of windscreen washer, system

heating of body and fan of windscreen blowing, condition of locks and

hood hinges, trunk cover and doors.

In addition, it is necessary to check and adjust the installation angles of the controlled wheels, the effectiveness and simultaneous operation of the braking mechanisms, balancing of the wheels, the operation of the car ignition system, the gap between the contacts of the interrupter, the installation and operation of headlamps, the direction of light flow, the state of the entire brake drive, the state of the radiator, rubber cushions, engine suspension.

At TO-2, in addition to the scope of work for TO-1, a number of additional operations are performed:

- fixation of radiator, cylinder block head and rocker struts,

cylinder head, inlet and outlet cover covers

pipes, covers of distribution gear unit, housings

Oil cleaning filters, oil crankcase tray, crankcase

clutch, shock absorbers, fuel tank, silencer, rear axle reduction gear cover, ladder, spring pins, locks and door handles;

- tightening of nuts for attachment of flange to driving gear of rear axle main gear and hinge pins for attachment of shock absorber eyes;

adjustment of steering force of steering wheel, heat clearances of valves, tension of drive chain of engine valve distribution mechanism, clearance between brake shoes and wheel discs, clearance in bearings of front wheels hubs.

In the power supply system, the tightness of the fuel tank and pipeline connections, the carburetor attachment are checked and the detected faults are eliminated. Carburetor and fuel pump are removed, they are disassembled, cleaned and parts condition is checked on special devices. After assembly, the fuel pump is checked on a special device.

Correct operation of windscreen washer, body heating system and windscreen blowing fan, condition of locks and hood loops, trunk cover and doors are checked.

In addition, it is necessary to check and adjust the installation angles of the controlled wheels, the effectiveness and simultaneous operation of the braking mechanisms, wheel balancing, the operation of the ignition system of the car, the gap between the contacts of the interrupter, the installation and operation of headlamps, the direction of light flow, the state of the entire brake drive, the state of the radiator, rubber cushions, engine suspension.

At TO-2, in addition to the scope of work for TO-1, a number of additional operations are performed:

- fixation of radiator, cylinder block head and rocker struts, covers of cylinder block head casing, inlet and outlet pipelines, cover of distribution gear wheel unit, oil cleaning filter housings, engine oil crankcase tray, clutch crankcase, shock absorbers, fuel tank, silencer, reduction gear box cover

tightening of nuts for attachment of Flange to drive gear of rear axle main gear and hinge pins for attachment of shock absorber eyes;

- adjustment of steering force of steering wheel, thermal clearances of valves, tension of drive chain of engine valve distribution mechanism, clearance between brake shoes and wheel discs, clearance in bearings of front wheels hubs.

In the power supply system, the tightness of the fuel tank and pipeline connections, the carburetor attachment are checked and the detected faults are eliminated. Carburetor and fuel pump are removed, they are disassembled, cleaned and parts condition is checked on special devices. After assembly, the fuel pump is checked on a special device. The ease of starting and operation of the engine are also checked.

During maintenance of the electrical equipment system, the following is performed: the battery is removed from the car and the degree of charge is checked, the condition of the brushes and collectors of the generator and starter, the relegulator is checked; adjustment of anchor springs tension; removing spark plugs and checking their condition, cleaning them from coke and adjusting gaps between electrodes; removing the ignition breaker-distributor and cleaning its outer surface from dirt and oil, checking the state of contacts and adjusting gaps between them, lubricating the shaft of the distributor breaker; check the condition of low and high voltage wires and regulate the operation of lighting and alarm devices.

TO-1, TO-2 and WITH is carried out in a zone TO and TP on the deadlock posts equipped with elevators.

During TR, disassembly and assembly operations, welding, electrical, painting, locksmith and mechanical are performed.

Drawings content

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