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Design of high-speed shaft calculation -PU, Drawings

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Diploma draft explanatory note, set of drawings

Project's Content

icon Заготовка.cdw
icon Контроль детали.cdw
icon Наладка(токарная).cdw
icon Наладка(фрез030).cdw
icon Приспособление(станочное).cdw
icon Техусловие.cdw
icon чертеж детали.cdw
icon маршрутные карты ТП (2).doc
icon карты эскизов.frw
icon Участок.cdw
icon пояснительная записка.doc

Additional information




1.1 Brief description of the part

1.2 Part Constructability Analysis

1.3 Definition of production type

1.4 Selection of procurement method

1.4.1 Determination of dimensions and deviations, as well as Ki.m of rolled stock

1.4.2 Determination of dimensions and deviations, as well as Ki.m of blank obtained by stamping method

1.5 Methods of ensuring and control of shaft dimensions and surface roughness

1.6 Preliminary process of shaft manufacturing

1.7 Selection of process equipment, accessories, cutting and measuring tools

1.8 Calculation of cutting modes

1.9 Calculation of time standards

1.10 Calculation by reference method of operational allowances and dimensions for manufacture of shaft journal Ø50h

1.11 Comparison of basic process and preferred


2.1 Description and operating principle of the accessory

2.2 Calculation of part clamping force

2.3 Calculation of basing error

2.4 Accuracy calculation

2.5 Strength calculation


3.1 Determination of equipment quantity

3.2 Determination of the number of machine tools

3.3 Area Determination



5.1. Safety of life

5.2 Technical measures to ensure safety requirements

5.3 Calculation of Natural Light




The growth of industry and the national economy, as well as the pace of re-equipment of their new equipment, largely depend on the level of development of mechanical engineering. Technological progress in mechanical engineering is characterized by improvement of machine manufacturing technology, the level of their design solutions and their reliability in subsequent operation.

Now it is important - qualitatively, cheap, in the set terms with the minimum expenses of the live and substantiated work to manufacture the car, having applied modern high-performance technology, the equipment, the instrument, the industrial equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production .

The development of the manufacturing process of the machine should not be limited to the formal establishment of the sequence of processing of the surfaces of parts, the selection of equipment and modes. It requires a creative approach to ensure the consistency of all stages of machine construction and achieve the required quality with the lowest cost.

When designing the manufacturing processes of machine parts, it is necessary to take into account the main directions in modern engineering technology:

Approximation of the workpieces in shape, dimensions and quality of the surfaces to the finished parts, which makes it possible to reduce the material consumption, significantly reduce the labor intensity of processing parts on metal cutting machines, as well as reduce the costs of cutting tools, electricity, etc.

Increase productivity by using: automatic lines, automatic machines, aggregate machines, CNC machines, improved processing methods, new grades of cutting tool materials.

Concentration of several different operations on one machine for simultaneous or sequential processing by a large number of tools with high cutting modes.

Application of electrochemical and electrophysical methods of dimensional processing of parts.

Development of strengthening technology, improvement of strength and operational properties of parts by strengthening of surface layer by mechanical, thermal, thermomechanical, chemothermal methods.

The application of progressive high-performance processing methods that ensure high accuracy and quality of the surfaces of the machine parts, methods of strengthening the working surfaces, increasing the service life of the part and the machine as a whole, the effective use of automatic and flow lines, CNC machines - all this is aimed at solving the main problems: increasing production efficiency and product quality.

During the course work, a number of tasks are solved:

1. Analysis and calculation of technical requirements for a given part - high-speed shaft.

2. High speed shaft processability analysis.

3. Determination of production type of high-speed shaft air.

4. Selection of method of high-speed shaft production and its economic justification.

5. Selection of common (single) technological bases.

6. Development of the structure of technological operations.

7. Calculation of minimum allowances.

8. Selection of process equipment.

9. Selection of process accessories (tool systems).

10. Calculates the cutting modes.

11. Analysis of the utility purpose of the machine, node, part .

12. Description of design differences of the part and operating conditions.

1.4 Selection of procurement method

Selection of procurement method is made without consideration of economic justification .

To select a workpiece is to establish a method of obtaining it, to determine surface handling allowances, to calculate dimensions and to set tolerances for inaccuracy of manufacture.

When solving this issue, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the shape and dimensions of the workpiece are as close as possible to the shape and dimensions of the finished part, that is, a low-waste or non-waste workpiece. This increases metal savings, reduces the amount of subsequent machining and the associated consumption of electricity, tools, etc., that is, ensures the conservation of energy and material resources.

The most common method of obtaining a workpiece is the processing of grade material (rolled stock). Steel blanks are made of various types of grade material: forged, hot-rolled, calibrated, increased surface finish (silver), various cross-sectional profiles (round, square, strip, etc.).

Depending on the type of production and the design of the parts, blanks of grade material are obtained in various ways:

1. Cutting followed by machining on machines.

2. Cutting followed by plastic deformation (forging, stamping) to obtain an accurate workpiece.

In large-scale production, stamping is carried out in expensive closed dies, providing high accuracy and productivity. Apply also reduction, rotational sinking, rolling, expansion, etc.

Since this shaft has small differences in the diameters of the stages, we select a blank from round rolled stock.

Methods for Ensuring and Controlling Shaft Dimensions and Surface Roughness

Accuracy of the 6th square of surfaces of diameters Ø65k6, Ø60g6, Ø50h6, Ø55g6 with surface roughness can be obtained by grinding in centers on a circular grinding machine. Accuracy measurement is carried out by lever brackets with a division price of 0.002 mm with a measurement range of 5075 mm.

The accuracy of the 8th square of the surface of diameter Ø60u8 with surface roughness can be obtained by grinding in the centers on a circular grinding machine or by providing fine turning. Accuracy measurement is carried out by lever brackets with a division price of 0.002 mm with a measurement range of 5075 mm.

The tolerance of roundness of surfaces with diameter Ø65k6, Ø50h6 can be ensured by using fine straightening and balancing of the grinding wheel, measured by lever brackets in 3 sections, and in each section with rotation by 90 °.

The end run-out tolerance of the surface with diameter Ø75 relative to the common axis can be ensured by grinding the surfaces Ø65k6 and Ø60u8 with grinding of the end from one installation in the centers. It is checked in the center fixture using a watch type indicator with a price of 0.002 mm.

The tolerance of symmetry of the side surfaces of the key groove relative to the common axis can be provided by setting the axis of the cutter exactly relative to the prism (shaft). The measurement is made using a key template.

1.6 Preliminary Process Route

005 Procurement (ON208)

010 Thermal: for relieving internal stresses after forging

015 Milling Center (MP71M)

020 Turning Draft with NC (mode. 16K20F3)

025 NC Turning Finish (Mode. 16K20F3)

030 NC Vertical Milling (WF2SA)

035 Locksmith (blunting of sharp edges)

040 Thermal

045 Flushing

050 Locksmith (Verstak, scale removal after thermal operation)

055 Calibration (calibration of M52 thread after thermal operation)

060 Round-grinding (3M153)

065 Flushing

070 QC monitoring

075 Marking

080 Preservation

5.2 Technical measures to ensure safety requirements

In the machine in question, all moving and rotating parts are placed inside the frame, housing and boxes, without the need for any additional guards. Special safety devices shall be provided to protect the worker from sparks and spatter of coolant. Such devices are most often made removable or folded in the form of transparent shields or screens for convenient monitoring of the process. To reduce the vibration and noise of the machine, it is recommended to use high-quality bearings, low-noise gears and electric motors, the use of rational designs of the cutting tool and devices, the stiffness of their attachment.

The lack of natural light in the room must be filled with artificial light, solving the single problem of lighting the room.

To prevent electric shock to people, it is necessary to perform protective grounding, suspension or protective disconnection of the machine.

To relieve physical fatigue and rest from monotonous work, breaks must be arranged.

Drawings content

icon Заготовка.cdw


icon Контроль детали.cdw

Контроль детали.cdw

icon Наладка(токарная).cdw


icon Наладка(фрез030).cdw


icon Приспособление(станочное).cdw


icon Техусловие.cdw


icon чертеж детали.cdw

чертеж детали.cdw

icon карты эскизов.frw

карты эскизов.frw

icon Участок.cdw
