Design of heat supply of facilities
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Additional information
1. Building Heat Supply System Design Algorithm
1.1 Object Information
1.2 Architectural-planning and structural solution
1.3 External networks and internal systems of engineering equipment
1.4 Design parameters of outdoor air
1.5 Design parameters of internal air
2. Calculation method
2.1 Heat engineering calculation of external enclosures
2.1.1 Calculation of thermal resistance of enclosing structures
2.1.2 Calculation of thickness of the main heat insulation layer
2.2 Calculation of heat loss of the building
2.2.1 Design capacity of heating system
2.2.2 Heat loss through enclosing structures
2.2.3 Heat loss for infiltrating air heating
2.2.4 Heat input from domestic sources
2.3 Calculation of heating devices
2.3.1 Surface area of heating device
2.3.2 Design heat loss
2.3.3 Heat loss through enclosing surfaces
2.4 Hydraulic calculation of the building heating system
2.4.1 Determination of friction pressure losses
2.4.2 Pressure loss on local resistances
2.5 Annual heating and hot water consumption
2.5.1 Average heat flow to heating
2.5.2 Average heat flow to hot water supply
2.6 Selection of elevator
2.7 Calculation of central heat point
3. Example of calculation according to the developed algorithm
3.1Information of the object
3.2 Architectural and Design Solution
3.3 Climatological data
3.4 Thermal engineering calculation of external enclosing structures
3.5 Calculation of heat loss of the building
3.6 Development of building water heating system
3.7 Calculation of heating devices
3.7.1The surface area of the heating device
3.7.2Computed heat loss
3.7.3 Heat loss through enclosing surfaces
3.7.4The minimum permitted number of radiator sections
3.8 Hydraulic calculation of the building heating system
3.9 Annual heating and hot water consumption
4. Calculation of electrical loads of a residential building
4.1.Selecting the number and power of transformers
4.2.Compute 0.4 kV cable line
4.3.Selection of 0.4 kV cable line protection equipment
4.4. Calculation of external lighting network
5. Calculation of heating system payback period
6. Operation of water supply systems
6.1. Requirements for heating and ventilation systems
6.2 Requirements for natural and artificial lighting
6.3 Water Supply and Sewerage Requirements
List of sources used
The explanatory note contains 110 pages, including 24 tables and 16 sources. The graphic part is made on 6 sheets of A1 format.
The work is devoted to the problem of designing housing and civilian facilities in the city of Yasny. A study of the conditions for the construction of facilities and their heat supply showed the need to present the system of housing and civilian facilities as a set of single objects consuming heat. In this regard, the design of the heat supply of a single object of maximum complexity, namely the nine-story building under construction, was analyzed. For the purpose of presenting the algorithm and method of designing residential and civilian objects.
The example of heat supply design is made in accordance with the developed algorithm, and includes information about the object, architectural - planning and structural solution, climatological data of the area in which the object is located. Heat engineering calculation of external enclosing structures, calculation of heat loss of the building, calculation of heating devices, hydraulic calculation of the building heating system, calculation of electrical loads of the residential building, calculation of the payback period of the heating system was also performed. The requirements for heating systems and the rules for their operation are listed .
Operation of water supply systems
During operation of heat network systems, reliability of heat supply to consumers, supply of coolant (water and steam) with flow rate and parameters in accordance with temperature schedule and pressure drop at the inlet shall be ensured.
The organization operating the heat networks monitors compliance of the consumer with the specified heat consumption modes.
During operation of heat networks, paths of approach to the network objects, as well as road pavements and surface layout above underground structures are maintained in the proper state, fencing structures are ensured, which prevent access of unauthorized persons to equipment and to shutoff valves.
Excavation of heat network pipelines or works near them by foreign organizations is allowed only with the permission of the organization operating the heat network, under the supervision of a person specially appointed by it.
In the organization, the following are compiled and constantly stored:
- heat network plan (large-scale);
- operational and operational (design) diagram;
- heat flow profiles for each line with static pressure line application;
- list of gas hazardous chambers and passageways.
On the plan of the heat network, neighboring underground communications (gas pipeline, sewerage, cables), electrified transport rail tracks and traction substations in the zone of at least 15 m from the projection of the edge of the construction structure of the heat network or a channel-less pipeline on both sides of the route are applied to the plan of the heat network. On the plan of the heat network, the places and results of planned pits, places of emergency damage, flooding of the route and shifted sections are systematically noted.
Information about changes in diagrams, drawings, lists and corresponding changes in instructions are communicated to all employees (with an entry in the order log) for whom knowledge of these documents is required.
The plans, diagrams and piezometric graphs indicate the operating numbers of all heat lines, chambers (branch units), pump stations, automatic control units, fixed supports, compensators and other structures of the thermal network.
On operational (design) diagrams, all consumer systems connected to the network are to be numbered, and on operational diagrams, in addition, partition and shut-off valves.
Valves installed on the supply pipeline (steam line) are indicated by an odd number, and the corresponding valves on the return pipeline (condensate line) are indicated by an even number following it.
On the operational diagram of the thermal network, all gas-hazardous chambers and passage channels are noted.
Gas-hazardous chambers must have special signs, color of hatches and be kept under reliable locking.
The supervision of gas hazardous chambers is carried out in accordance with the safety rules in the gas industry.
The organization operating heat networks (heat supply organization) participates in acceptance after installation and repair of heat networks, heat points and heat consuming plants owned by the consumer.
Participation in the technical acceptance of consumer facilities consists in the presence of a representative of the heat supply organization during strength and density tests of pipelines and equipment of heat points connected to the heat networks of the heat supply organization, as well as heat consumption systems connected according to a dependent scheme. The organization operating the heat networks stores copies of test certificates, as-built documentation indicating the main shutoff and control valves, vents and drains.
After completion of construction and installation works (during new construction, modernization, reconstruction), overhaul or maintenance with replacement of pipeline sections, heat network pipelines are subjected to strength and density tests.
Pipelines laid in impassable channels or without channel shall also be subject to preliminary tests for strength and density in the process of works prior to installation of gland (bellows) compensators, sectional gate valves, channel closing and filling of pipelines.
Preliminary and acceptance tests of pipelines are performed by water. If necessary, preliminary pneumatic tests may be performed in certain cases.
Pneumatic tests of above-ground pipelines, as well as pipelines laid in the same channel or in the same trench with effective engineering communications, are not allowed.
Hydraulic tests of pipelines of water heating networks in order to check strength and density should be carried out by test pressure with inclusion in the certificate.
The minimum value of the test pressure during the hydraulic test is 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2).
The maximum value of the test pressure is established by the strength calculation according to the regulatory and technical documentation agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
The value of the test pressure is selected by the manufacturer (design organization) between the minimum and maximum values.
All newly installed heat network pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia shall be subjected to a hydraulic strength and density test in accordance with the requirements established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
When performing hydraulic tests for strength and density of heat networks, disconnect the equipment of heat networks (gland, bellows compensators, etc.), as well as sections of pipelines and connected heat-consuming power plants that are not involved in the tests with plugs.
During operation, all heat networks shall be subjected to strength and density tests to detect defects no later than two weeks after the end of the heating season.
Strength and density tests shall be carried out in the following order:
- the tested section of the pipeline shall be disconnected from the existing networks;
- at the highest point of the section of the tested pipeline (after filling it with water and lowering air) set the test pressure;
- pipeline pressure should be increased smoothly;
- speed of pressure rise must be specified in the regulatory and technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as NTD) for the pipeline.
In case of significant difference of geodetic elevations in the tested area, the value of the maximum permissible pressure in its lower point is agreed with the design organization to ensure the strength of pipelines and stability of fixed supports. Otherwise, the area shall be tested in parts.
Strength and density tests shall be performed in accordance with the following basic requirements:
- pressure measurement during tests should be performed using two certified spring pressure gauges (one - test) of the class not lower than 1.5 with the casing diameter not less than 160 mm. The pressure gauge shall be selected from the condition that the pressure measured is 2/3 of the scale of the instrument;
- test pressure shall be provided at the upper point (elevation) of pipelines;
- water temperature shall not be lower than 5 ° С and not higher than 40 ° С;
- when filling with water, air shall be completely removed from the pipelines;
- the test pressure shall be maintained for at least 10 minutes and then reduced to the working pressure;
- at operating pressure, pipelines shall be thoroughly inspected along their entire length.
The test results shall be considered satisfactory if there is no pressure drop during the test and there are no signs of rupture, leakage or fogging in the welds, as well as leaks in the main metal, in the fittings casings and glands, in the flange joints and other piping elements. In addition, there should be no signs of displacement or deformation of pipelines and fixed supports.
The results of the pipeline strength and density tests shall be reported in the form specified.
Connection of heat networks and heat consumption systems after installation and reconstruction is carried out on the basis of a permit issued by the state energy supervision bodies.
Start-up of water heating networks consists of the following operations:
- filling of pipelines with network water;
- establishment of circulation;
- network density checks;
- actuation of consumers and starting adjustment of the network.
Pipelines of heat networks are filled with water with temperature not higher than 70 ° С with disconnected heat consumption systems.
The pipelines should be filled with water with pressure not exceeding the static pressure of the filled part of the heat network by more than 0.2 MPa.
In order to avoid hydraulic shocks and to better remove air from the pipelines, the maximum hourly flow rate Gfil when filling the pipelines of the thermal network with a nominal diameter Dn shall not exceed the values specified in the table below:
Filling of distribution networks should be carried out after filling of main pipelines with water, and branches to consumers - after filling of distribution networks.
During start-up it is necessary to monitor filling and heating of pipelines, condition of shutoff valves, gland compensators, drain devices.
The sequence and speed of start-up operations are carried out in such a way as to exclude the possibility of significant thermal deformation of pipelines.
The program for the start-up of heating networks takes into account the features of the start-up of the water heating network at negative ambient temperatures (after a long emergency shutdown, overhaul or during the start-up of newly built networks).
Heating of the mains water when establishing circulation should be carried out at a rate of not more than 30 ° С per hour.
In case of damage to start-up pipelines or related equipment, measures shall be taken to eliminate these damage.
If there are no instruments for measuring coolant flow rate, start-up adjustment is performed by temperature in return pipelines (until temperature equalization from all consumers connected to the network).
During the current operation of heat networks, it is necessary to:
- maintain in good condition all equipment, construction and other structures of heat networks, carrying out their timely inspection and repair;
- monitor the operation of compensators, supports, fittings, drains, vents, instrumentation and other equipment elements, timely eliminating the detected defects and loopholes;
- identify and restore the destroyed thermal insulation and corrosion protection coating;
- remove water accumulating in channels and chambers and prevent groundwater and top water ingress;
- disconnect non-operating network sections;
- timely removal of air from heat pipelines through air ducts, prevention of air suction into heat networks, maintaining constantly required overpressure at all points of the network and heat consumption systems;
- maintain cleanliness in cells and passageways, prevent unauthorized persons from staying in them;
- take measures to prevent, localize and eliminate accidents and incidents in the operation of the thermal network;
- perform corrosion control.
To monitor the state of equipment of heat networks and thermal insulation, their operation modes, thermal pipelines and thermal points are regularly bypassed according to the schedule. The bypass schedule provides for the monitoring of the state of the equipment by both locksmiths and craftsmen.
The frequency of rounds is set depending on the type of equipment and its condition, but at least 1 times a week during the heating season and once a month during the inter-heating period. Heat chambers shall be inspected at least once a month; chambers with drain pumps - at least twice a week. Serviceability check of drain pumps and their actuation automation is mandatory during each bypass.
The inspection results are recorded in the heat network defect log.
Defects threatening an accident and incident shall be rectified immediately. Information about defects that do not pose a danger from the point of view of reliability of operation of the thermal network, but which cannot be eliminated without disconnection of pipelines, are entered in the log of bypass and inspection of thermal networks, and for elimination of these defects in case of immediate disconnection of pipelines or during repair - in the log of current repairs. Control can be carried out by remote methods.
When bypassing the thermal network and inspecting underground chambers, personnel is provided with a set of necessary tools, devices, lighting devices, and an explosion-proof gas analyzer.
During operation of heat networks, coolant leakage shall not exceed the norm, which is 0.25% of the average annual volume of water in the heat network and heat consumption systems connected to it per hour, regardless of their connection scheme, with the exception of hot water supply systems.
In addition to strength and density tests in organizations operating thermal networks, their tests are carried out for the maximum temperature of the coolant, for the determination of thermal and hydraulic losses 1 times every 5 years.
All tests of heat networks are carried out separately and in accordance with the current methodological instructions.
To monitor the condition of underground heat pipelines, thermal insulation and construction
Shurfovka is primarily carried out:
- near places where corrosion damages of pipelines are recorded;
- at points of intersection with drains, sewage, water supply;
- in areas close to open gutters (cuvettes) passing under lawns or near sidewalks;
- in places with unfavorable hydrogeological conditions;
- in areas with an assumed unsatisfactory state of thermal insulation structures (as evidenced, for example, by melting places along the heat pipeline route in winter);
- on sections of channel-less gasket, as well as channel gasket with heat insulation without air gap.
Dimensions of pit are selected based on convenience of inspection of opened pipeline from all sides. In channel-less gaskets, the dimensions of the pit along the bottom of at least 1.5 × 1.5 m are provided; in channel gaskets minimum dimensions provide removal of floor slabs by length not less than 1.5 m.
During pit inspection insulation, pipeline under insulation and building structures are inspected. If there are noticeable traces of corrosion, it is necessary to grind the pipe surface and measure the pipe wall thickness using an ultrasonic thickness meter or a flaw detector.
Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up.
Technical inspections and scheduled preventive repairs are carried out in the following terms:
- technical inspection of cathodic units - 2 times a month, drainage units - 4 times a month;
- technical inspection with efficiency check - once every 6 months;
- maintenance - 1 times a year;
- overhaul - 1 once every 5 years.
All faults in the operation of the electrochemical protection unit are eliminated within 24 hours after their detection.
In water heat networks, internal corrosion of pipelines is systematically monitored by analysis of network water and condensate, as well as by indicators of internal corrosion installed in the most characteristic points of heat networks. Internal corrosion indicators are checked during the repair period.
Each year, before the start of the heating season, all pumping stations must be subjected to a comprehensive test to determine the quality of repair, correctness of operation and interaction of all thermal and electrical equipment, controls, automation, telemechanics, protection of equipment of the heat supply system and determination of the degree of readiness of pumping stations for the heating season.
The current inspection of the equipment of the automated pump stations should be carried out on a daily basis, checking the load of the electrical equipment, the temperature of the bearings, the presence of lubrication, the condition of the glands, the operation of the cooling system, the presence of diagram belts in the recording devices.
The non-automated pumping stations carry out daily maintenance of the equipment.
During operation of automatic regulators, periodic inspections of their condition are carried out, operation check, cleaning and lubrication of moving parts, adjustment and adjustment of regulatory bodies to maintain the specified parameters. Automation and process protection devices of heat networks can be taken out of operation only by order of the technical head of the organization, except for the cases of disconnection of individual protections during the start-up of equipment provided by the local instruction.
Water pressure at any point of supply line of water heat networks, heat points and in upper points of directly connected heat consumption systems during operation of network pumps shall be higher than pressure of saturated water steam at its maximum temperature by at least 0.5 kgf/cm2.
Overpressure of water in the return line of water heating networks during operation of the network pumps shall not be less than 0.5 kgf/cm2. The water pressure in the return line shall not exceed the allowable pressure for heat networks, heat points and for directly connected heat consumption systems.
For two-tube water heat networks, a schedule of central quality control is provided at the base of the heat release mode.
If there is a hot water supply load, the minimum water temperature in the supply pipeline of the network is provided for closed heat supply systems at least 70 ° С; for open heat supply systems of hot water supply not lower than 60 ° С.
The water temperature in the supply line of the water heating network in accordance with the schedule approved for the heat supply system is set according to the average outside air temperature for a period of time within 1224 hours, determined by the heat network dispatcher depending on the length of the networks, climatic conditions and other factors.
Deviations from the specified mode at the heat source are provided not more than:
- by the temperature of water entering the heat network ± 3%;
- by pressure in the supply pipeline ± 5%;
- by pressure in the return pipeline ± 0.2 kgf/cm2.
The deviation of the actual average daily temperature of the return water from the heat network can exceed the specified schedule by no more than + 5%. The reduction of the actual temperature of the return water compared to the schedule is not limited.
Repair of heat networks is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule (plan) on the basis of the results of analysis of detected defects, damages, periodic inspections, tests, diagnostics and annual tests for strength and density.
Repair schedule shall be based on condition of simultaneous repair of heat network pipelines and heat points.
Before repairing the heat networks, the pipelines are released from the network water, the channels must be drained. The temperature of the water pumped from the discharge pits shall not exceed 40 ° C. Water is not allowed to descend from the heat network chamber to the ground surface.
6.1 Requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and air environment of premises
Heating and ventilation systems shall ensure permissible conditions of the microclimate and air environment of the premises.
Heating devices shall be easily accessible for cleaning. With water heating, the surface temperature of the heating devices shall not exceed 90 ° С. For devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 ° С it is necessary to provide protective barriers.
Premises of the first floors of residential buildings located in the I climatic area shall have heating systems for uniform heating of the floor surface.
The installation of autonomous boiler houses for heat supply of residential buildings is allowed if there is a positive conclusion of the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.
Natural ventilation of residential premises should be carried out by inflow of air through the windows, or through special holes in the window doors and ventilation channels. Channel exhaust openings shall be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, latrines and drying cabinets.
The ventilation system shall prevent air from one apartment to another.
It is not allowed to combine the ventilation channels of kitchens and sanitary units with living rooms.
Ventilation of public facilities should be autonomous.
The concentration of chemicals in the air of residential premises during their commissioning should not exceed the average daily maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants established for the atmospheric air of populated areas, and in the absence of average daily MPC do not exceed the maximum single MPC.
6.2 Requirements for natural and artificial lighting and solar insulation
Living rooms and kitchens should have direct natural lighting.
The natural illumination factor (FIR) in living rooms and kitchens should be at least 0.5% in the middle of the room.
Residential buildings shall be provided with insolation in accordance with applicable sanitary standards.
The duration of insolation in the autumn-autumn period of the year in residential premises (in at least one room of 1-3 room apartments and in at least two rooms of 4-5 room apartments) should be:
- in the central zone (58 - 48 ° S) - at least 2.5 hours per day from March 22 to September 22;
- in the northern zone (north of 58 ° S) - at least 3 hours per day from April 22 to August 22;
- in the southern zone (south of 48 ° S) - at least 2 hours per day from February 22 to October 22.
In the case of intermittent insolation, the total duration of insolation should be increased by 0.5 hours. In meridional-type residential buildings for apartments where all residential premises are simultaneously insulated, as well as in reconstructed residential buildings or in especially difficult urban planning conditions (historically valuable urban environment, area of the citywide or district center), it is allowed to reduce the duration of insolation, but not more than 0.5 hours.
6.3 Water Supply and Sewerage Requirements
Drinking water and sewage should be provided in residential buildings.
In areas without centralized engineering networks, it is allowed to provide for the construction of 1 and 2-storey residential buildings with non-analyzed latrines.
In the I , II, III climatic areas, with the exception of the IIIB subdistrict, warm uncanalized latrines (luft closets, etc.) are allowed in 1 and 2-story buildings within the heated part of the building.
Pipes and other equipment in contact with water made of materials authorized by the authorities and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service shall be used in drinking and hot water supply systems.
Connection of potable water supply networks with non-potable water supply networks is not allowed.
When placing pumping units that supply water to a residential building, hygienic noise standards should be provided.
Air exchange multiplicity in all ventilated rooms not specified in the table in non-operating mode shall be at least 0.2 room volume per hour.
During heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures of residential buildings, the temperature of internal air of heated rooms shall be taken to be at least 20 ° С.
The building heating and ventilation system shall be designed to provide internal air temperature in the rooms during the heating period within the optimal parameters established by GOST 30494, with calculated external air parameters for the corresponding construction areas.
With the air conditioning system, optimum parameters should be provided during the warm period of the year.
In buildings erected in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and below, heating of the floor surface of residential premises and kitchens, as well as public premises with a permanent stay of people located above cold underground should be provided, or thermal protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2302.
The ventilation system shall maintain the cleanliness (quality) of the indoor air and its uniform distribution.
Ventilation can be:
- with natural inflow and removal of air;
- mechanically induced inflow and removal of air, including combined with air heating;
- combined with natural inflow and removal of air with partial use of mechanical motive.
In residential and kitchen areas, air inflow is provided through adjustable sashes, framugs, windows, valves or other devices, including self-contained wall air valves with adjustable opening. If necessary, apartments designed for III and IV climatic areas should be additionally provided with through or angular ventilation.
Air removal should be provided from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other premises of apartments, and it should be provided for the installation of adjustable ventilation grids and valves on exhaust channels and air ducts.
Air from premises in which harmful substances or unpleasant odors can be released must be removed directly outside and not enter other premises of the building, including through ventilation ducts.
The combination of ventilation channels from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms (showers), combined bathrooms, storage rooms for products with ventilation channels from rooms with gas-using equipment and car parks is not allowed.
Ventilation of built-in public premises, except for those specified in 4.14, shall be autonomous.
In buildings with a warm attic, air removal from the attic should be provided through one exhaust shaft for each section of the house with a shaft height of at least 4.5 m from the floor above the last floor.
In the thesis, a heat supply system for a multi-storey residential building was designed and a design algorithm was developed.
When designing the heat supply of the facility, the main thermal characteristics of the enclosing structures, the estimated capacity of the heating system were determined, a heating system was developed, heating devices were heat calculated, the estimated heat consumption for heating and hot water supply was determined, and average water consumption was found.
The design of heat supply systems for civil objects is a typical project, so the developed algorithm and methodology can be applied in the design, can also be introduced into the educational process. The developed algorithm will significantly facilitate and reduce the design time for heat supply to residential facilities. The issue of reducing the time and simplifying the design of heat supply is relevant today for any design and design organizations. The developed algorithm is easy to use, but it requires a large information base, which is listed in the list of sources used.
List of sources used
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