Design of gasification of multi-storey building

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Additional information
1. Environmental protection:
1.1Performance and disadvantages of gaseous fuel
1.2Development of the gas industry and improvement of environmental protection
1.3Specification of gas characteristics
2. Design of the external gas pipeline:
2.1The gas distribution system
2.2Tracing of external gas pipeline
2.3Hydraulic calculation
2.4Gas flow rate determination
2.5Selection and substantiation of pipe diameter
3. Design inside the yard and inside the house gas pipeline:
3.1The calculation of branches inside the main gas pipelines
3.2Tracing inside house gas pipeline
3.3Projection and calculation inside the house gas pipeline
3.4Installation of gas instruments
3.5Fume and ventilation duct arrangement
4. Selection of GRP equipment:
4.1Gas filter pressure regulators
4.2Gas filter
4.3Protection devices: PZK, UCS
4.4Check measuring instruments
Literature used
In 2006, the gas industry of Russia turned 60 years old.
Of course, among other large sectors of the fuel and energy complex - coal, oil, and electricity, which have more than a century of history, it seems to be a rather young organism. But even now, in a crisis, the industry is showing flexibility and the ability to find zones of stability and growth niches.
There are high expectations for natural gas as the cheapest high-ecologic fuel in preparation for the transition to the wider use of alternative unconventional types of electricity (wind, sun, tidal, internal heat of the earth). In addition, in Russia there are huge reserves of this type of fuel. That is why a thorough analysis of the gas industry is needed, as one of the most important industries for the Russian economy.
The purpose of this work is to consider the peculiarities of the development and placement of the gas industry in Russia, the characteristics of the modern state of the industry, as well as to analyze the existing problems and ways to solve them.
In addition, the work shows the prospects for the further development of the gas industry and options for overcoming the current difficult economic situation.
Composition and importance of the gas industry in the national economy of Russia.
First, it is necessary to understand what is gas and where it is used. Gas is the best type of fuel. It is distinguished by the completeness of combustion without smoke and soot; absence of ash after combustion; ease of ignition and regulation of the combustion process; high efficiency of fuel using plants; cost-effective and easy transportation to the consumer; possibility of storage in compressed and liquefied condition; absence of harmful substances.
A significant role is played by the low cost of gas production compared to the cost of mining other types of fuel - coal, peat, oil.
If you accept the cost of coal (in terms of 1 ton of conventional fuel) for 100%, then the cost of gas will be only 10%.
Due to high consumer properties, low production and transportation costs, a wide range of applications in many areas of human activity, natural gas occupies a special place in the fuel and energy base and raw materials. Its stockpiles and consumption are therefore growing rapidly.
Natural gas is one of the most economical sources of fuel and energy resources. It has high natural productivity, which contributes to its wide use in many sectors of the national economy. The favorable natural prerequisites of natural gas and the high level of scientific and technological progress in its transportation largely ensure the accelerated development of the gas production industry.
The gas industry is the youngest branch of the fuel complex. Gas is applied in the national economy as fuel in the industry and in life as well as as raw materials for chemical industry.
The national economy uses natural gas extracted from gas fields, gas extracted along with oil, and artificial gas extracted from the gasification of shale from coal. In addition, gas obtained from production processes in some branches of the metallurgical and oil refining industries is used.
Gas is used in large quantities as a fuel in the metallurgical, glass, cement, ceramic, light and food industries, completely or partially replacing fuels such as coal, coke, fuel oil, or is a raw material in the chemical industry.
The largest consumer of gas in industry is ferrous metallurgy. In blast furnaces, partial use of natural gas gives savings of deficient coke up to 15% (1 cc. m of natural gas replaces 0.91.3 kg of coke), increases the furnace productivity, improves the quality of cast iron, reduces its cost.
The method of direct reduction of iron from ores is also based on the use of gas fuel.
In metallurgy and mechanical engineering, natural gas is also used for heating rolling, blacksmith, thermal and smelting furnaces and dryers. In metalworking, the use of gas increased the efficiency of furnaces by almost 2 times, and the heating time of parts decreased by 40%.
The use of gas in metallurgy also extends the life of the lining.
The amount of sulfur in the cast iron is reduced.
The use of natural gas in the glass industry instead of generator gas increases the productivity of glass-melting furnaces by 1013% while reducing the specific fuel consumption by 2030%.
The cost of cement is reduced by 2025%. In brick production, the cycle is reduced by 20%, and labor productivity increases by 40%. [11]
When introducing natural gas in glassmaking, special measures are required to bring the luminosity of gas (i.e. to increase heat transfer from the flare to the glass mass) to the level of luminosity of the flare on liquid fuel, that is, 2-3 times, which is achieved by soot formation in a gas medium.
For drying and burning ceramics in gas-heated furnaces, infrared radiation burners are successfully used, which reduces the drying time from 812 hours to 1015 minutes, while reducing the amount of scrap by one third.
In the food industry, gas is used to dry food, vegetables, fruits, baking bakery and confectionery products.
When using gas at power plants, operating costs associated with the storage, preparation and loss of fuel and the operation of the ash removal system are reduced, the inter-repair mileage of boilers is increased, the land for ash dumps is not occupied, electricity consumption for own needs is reduced, the number of operating personnel is reduced, and capital costs are reduced.
So, the products of the industry under consideration are provided by industry (about 45% of total national economic consumption), thermal electricity (35%), utility utilities (more than 10%). Gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel and valuable raw material for the production of chemical products.
Now let's look at the composition of the gas industry. The gas industry includes the following elements:
natural gas production - produced in gas fields;
liquefied gas production - obtained during oil gas processing;
associated gas production - obtained during development of oil fields.
The oil contains dissolved methane, ethane, propane, butane and other higher hydrocarbons. When it comes to the surface, the dissolved components in it are released in the form of gas. This gas is called oil, or associated.
These gases cannot be directed into the main gas line because heavy hydrocarbons, when cooled or compressed, are released in the pipe in the form of a liquid, which, when in contact with moisture, forms a hydrate plug that reduces the section of the gas line or completely plugs it.
Therefore, these gases are sent to gas processing (gas-gasoline) plants, where heavy hydrocarbons and other components are extracted from them, after which the stripped (dry) gas, consisting mainly of methane, is sent to consumers.
Production of combustible gas from coal and shale.
Gas storage.
Gas consumption is not uniform throughout the year, decreases in the summer months and rises in the winter months. To smooth out uneven consumption and create emergency gas reserves among large consumers, for example, in cities, they built special storage facilities - gas golders in which excess gas accumulated. Gas golders have a number of significant shortcomings - they are expensive, occupy large areas and are insufficient in volume.
The problem of gas accumulation in large quantities was solved when a method of creating underground gas storages was developed.
The gas industry is not a purely monoproduct industry.
In addition to the supply of natural gas via main pipelines (methane with small additions of higher hydrocarbons) oil, condensate, sulphur, liquefied gases, machinery and agricultural products, etc. However, the basis of the industry, which provides its competitive advantages, is the Unified Gas Supply System (ESG), which combines the production and transport of natural gas into a single technological, technical and economic system within Russia, connected with the gas supply systems of the Central Asian and Transcaucasian republics of the CIS and continued in the systems of supply of Russian gas to three European CIS countries: Ukraine, Belarus, and twenty other European states, for example, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany.
Currently, the Russian gas industry, represented by Gazprom OJSC, continues to produce oil, gas condensate and gas in Western Siberia, in the north of the European part and in other parts of Russia. In particular, industrial exploitation of deposits in the north of the Tyumen region (Zapolyarnoye, Kharamnurovskoye, Porkharovskoye), on the Yamal Peninsula (Bovalenskoye, Kharasaveyskoye), on the shelf of the Barents Sea (Shtokmanovskoye), in the Irkutsk Region, in the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia, on the shelf of Sakhalin.
Natural gas is the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuel. It will form the basis of Russia's fuel and energy balance in the 21st century.
Environmental protection
Advantages and disadvantages of gaseous fuel.
Compared to other fuels, natural gas has the following advantages:
high heat of combustion, which ensures expediency of its transportation through main gas pipelines for considerable distances;
complete combustion, facilitating the working conditions of personnel serving gas equipment and networks;
the absence of carbon monoxide in its composition, which is especially important in gas leaks arising from the gas supply to utility and household consumers;
high temperatures during combustion (more than 2000 ◦S) and specific heat of combustion allows efficient use of natural gas as energy and process fuel;
possibility to automate combustion processes and achieve high efficiency;
The cost of natural gas production is significantly lower than that of other fuels; labor productivity in its production is higher than in oil and coal production;
with gas heating of cities and settlements, the air basin is much less polluted;
the absence of carbon monoxide in natural gases prevents the possibility of poisoning during leaks, which is especially important when supplying gas to utility and household consumers .
Natural gas as an industrial fuel has the following technological advantages:
a minimum excess of air is required during combustion;
contains the least amount of harmful mechanical and chemical impurities, which makes it possible to ensure the continuity of the combustion process;
When burning gas, more precise temperature control can be provided than when burning other fuels, which saves fuel; gas burners can be located anywhere in the furnace, which improves heat exchange processes and ensures a stable temperature regime;
when using gas, there is no loss from mechanical malfunctioning of the fuel;
the use of natural gas allows relatively fast heating of thermal units and minimizes heat losses during the shutdown of these units, which does not contribute to fuel economy;
the shape of the gas flame is relatively easy to adjust, allowing a high degree of heating to be rapidly achieved at the desired location if necessary.
At the same time, some negative properties are inherent in gas fuel. Mixtures consisting of a certain amount of gas and air are fire - and explosive. When a source of fire or a high heated body is introduced into such mixtures, they ignite (explosion). Combustion of gaseous fuel is possible only in the presence of air in which oxygen is contained, the process of ignition (explosion) occurs at certain gas-air ratios.
When explosions of a gas-air mixture occur in pipes with a large diameter and length, cases can occur when the flame propagation speed exceeds the sound propagation speed. At the same time, a pressure increase of approximately 8 MPa (80kgf/cm ²) is observed. Such explosive ignition is called detonation. Detonation is due to the occurrence and action of shock waves in a flammable medium.
Natural gases are not poisonous, but if the concentration of methane in the air reaches 10% or more, suffocation due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air is possible. Flammable gases pose a significant fire hazard; they themselves are easily ignited, and their burning can cause burns or ignition of other combustible materials.
Event on development of gas industry and improvement of environmental protection.
The development of the gas industry and the widespread introduction of gas in various sectors of the national economy are one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress. With regard to the gas industry, the following areas of scientific and technological progress can be distinguished:
- implementation of means of complex mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes and advanced technology of gas equipment maintenance and repair;
- increase of reliability and speed of control of FRG and networks by introduction of telemechanization systems and automated process control systems;
- improving safety of gas supply systems operation;
- Introduction of gas fuel into agricultural and other industries;
- wide use of non-metallic pipes and new materials in the construction of gas supply systems;
- the transition from the creation and implementation of separate machines and technological processes to the development, production and mass use of high-efficiency machines, equipment, devices and technological processes that ensure the mechanization and automation of all production processes;
- Introduction of modern methods of production and labour organization;
- Improvement of standards and technical specifications.
The implementation of these tasks will significantly increase the level of mechanization and automation of production processes in the gas industry, increase the proportion of highly qualified workers, improve the quality of gas equipment maintenance, and increase the productivity of workers and employees.
External gas pipeline design
2.1 Gas distribution systems in settlements.
The main purpose of GRP and GRU is to reduce the gas pressure and maintain its constant regardless of the change in inlet pressure and gas flow by consumers.
Gas control station is a technological device used to reduce inlet pressure and maintain constant pressure to the consumer.
GRP and GRU are equipped with similar process equipment and differ mainly only in location. GRU is located directly in the premises where units using gas fuel (workshops, boiler houses) are located. Depending on the purpose and technical feasibility, the EMG shall place:
- in additions to buildings;
- embedding in single-storey production buildings or boiler houses;
- to separate buildings.
Depending on the location of processing equipment distinguish gas control points, i.e. GRP gas control points block GRPB and the SRP cupboard regulatory points.
GRP and GRPB are distinguished with an inlet gas pressure of up to 0.6 MPa and an inlet gas pressure of more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa, (high-pressure gas pipeline of category 1).
SGPs are distinguished with an inlet gas pressure of up to 0.3 MPa, over 0.3 to 0.6 MPa and over 0.6 to 1.2 MPa, (high-pressure gas pipeline of categories 1 and 2).
The process equipment of regulatory points includes the following elements:
a pressure controller that lowers or maintains a constant gas pressure regardless of the flow rate;
safety shut-off valve (PSV), which stops the gas supply when its pressure increases or decreases after the regulator above the specified values;
a safety relief device designed to discharge excess gas so that the pressure does not exceed the specified in the diagram of the control station;
instrumentation (instrumentation), which record: pressure, temperature, flow rate;
impulse piping for connection of pressure regulator, SZC, safety relief device and instrumentation.
Gas supply of settlements from main gas pipelines is carried out through gas distribution stations (GRP) and (GRU). Gas supply systems of any settlement must meet a number of criteria: ensure reliability and safety, be convenient to maintain and repair, have the necessary service life and minimum level of reconstruction and restoration costs, ensure high efficiency and maximum profit during operation. Natural gas supply is more reliable and comfortable, does not require large, metal and investment compared to liquefied gas.
Gas pipelines laid in cities and settlements are classified according to the following indicators.
By type of transport gas:
- natural
- bevel
- oil
- liquefied hydrocarbon
- artificial
- mixed
By gas pressure:
- low (operating gas pressure within 0.005MPa);
- medium (operating gas pressure above 0.005 to 0.3 MPa);
- high: 2 categories (operating gas pressure above 0.3 to 0.6 MPa);
- 1 category (operating gas pressure above 0.6 to 1.2 MPa).
By location relative to land:
- underground
- above ground
- ground
By purpose in the gas supply system:
- urban
- trunk
- distribution inputs
- inlet gas pipelines
- impulse
- blowdown
By location in the planning system of settlements:
- external
- internal
According to the construction principle:
- looped
- dead end
- ring
- mixed
By Material:
- metal
- non-metallic.
On the territory of settlements, all gas pipelines, as a rule, are laid in the ground. On the territory of industrial and public utilities, above-ground laying of a gas pipeline is recommended.
The low-pressure gas pipeline is designed to supply gas to residential and public buildings, as well as utility consumers.
Medium-pressure gas pipelines serve to supply low-pressure distribution gas pipelines through FRG, and also supply gas to the gas pipeline of industrial and municipal enterprises.
The high-pressure gas pipeline supplies gas for urban GRP, and local regulatory points of large enterprises, as well as enterprises whose technological processes require the use of high-pressure gas (up to 1.2 MPa).
The gas supply system shall ensure uninterrupted gas supply to consumers, be simple, convenient and safe to maintain, provide for the possibility of disconnecting its elements for emergency and repair work.
Gas pipelines laid in cities and settlements are classified according to the following indicators.
By type of transported gas: natural, associated petroleum, liquefied hydrocarbon; artificial, mixed.
By purpose in the gas supply system: city main, distribution, inputs, inlet gas pipelines (entry into the building), pulse, blowdown.
According to the construction principle (distribution gas pipelines): looped, dead end, mixed.
By pipe material: metal, non-metallic.
The gas supply system can be reliable and economical with the right choice of routes for laying gas pipelines. The following conditions affect route selection: distance to gas consumers; direction and width of driveways; type of pavement; the presence of various structures and obstacles along the route; terrain; layout of neighborhoods.
Gas pipeline routes are selected taking into account gas transportation in shortest way.
In underground and in-house gas pipelines, as a rule, steel pipes are used. Steel pipes are made of well-welded low-alloy and low-carbon steels.
For underground gas pipelines, pipes with a minimum nominal diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm are used.
For the construction of underground gas pipelines, non-metallic pipes can also be used.
Polyethylene and vinyl plastic pipes are most often used.
Polyethylene gas pipelines have a number of positive qualities: corrosion resistance in almost all acids (except organic) and alkalis, which makes them almost indispensable in livestock enterprises; increased throughput by 1015% due to a smooth internal surface; reduction of labor costs during welding and installation works.
2.2 Routing of external gas pipeline.
The gas supply system should be reliable and economical, which is determined by the correct choice of the gas pipeline route, which depends on the distance to the consumer, the width of the driveways, the type of pavement, the presence of various structures and obstacles along the route, as well as on the terrain.
Gas pipelines can be above ground, ground and underground.
Underground gas pipeline is made of polyethylene and steel pipes with wall thickness less than 3 mm. Laying of gas pipelines in tunnels, headers is not allowed. Connection of pipes shall be provided non-detachable. Detachable connections can be made between steel pipes and polyethylene pipes and in places where fittings, equipment and instrumentation are installed.
Minimum depth of gas pipelines shall be not less than 0.8 m. In places where no traffic is foreseen, the depth of gas pipelines can be 0.6 m.
It is allowed to lay two or more gas pipelines in one trench at one or different levels. At the same time, the distance between gas pipelines in the light should be sufficient for their installation and repair .
At the intersection of gas pipelines with underground communications, headers and channels of various purposes, as well as at the places of passage of gas pipelines in the case.
The ends of the case shall be brought to a distance of not less than 2 m to both sides of the outer walls.
The crossing of gas pipelines through ravines and waterways is carried out in the following ways:
1 suspension to structures of existing bridges;
2 construction of special bridges;
3 supporting method of pipes themselves with devices from them arch transitions.
When crossing the railways, tram tracks and roads, they are sealed in the case by compacting their ends. The crossing is performed at an angle of 90 °, a control tube is installed on the highest end.
The horizontal distance from the intersections should be less than the bridge and tunnels. On public railways and roads 4-5 category 15 m. The ends of the case at the intersection of gas pipelines with public railways should be removed at a distance, from them they are installed along SNiP 3201. Under cramped conditions, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m. In all cases, the ends of the cases shall be extended beyond the fill foot by a distance of at least 2m.
Routing inside house gas pipeline
Gas pipelines laid inside buildings and structures should be provided from steel pipes. The laying of gas pipelines inside buildings and structures should be provided, as a rule, open. It is allowed to lay hidden gas pipelines (except for LPG gas pipelines and gas pipelines inside residential buildings and public buildings of a non-industrial nature) in the grooves of walls closed by easily removable shields having a hole for ventilation. In places of gas pipeline inlet and outlet there should be laying in case, ends of which should protrude. Gas pipelines, when laid together with other pipelines on common supports, should be placed above them for distances that provide convenience of inspection and repair. For connection of movable units, portable gas burners, gas devices, instrumentation and automation devices, it is allowed to provide rubber and rubber-fabric hoses.
Vertical gas pipelines at the intersections of the structure should be laid in cases. The space between the gas line and the case must be sealed with a ground pack, rubber sleeves or other elastic materials. The end of the case must protrude above the floor of at least 3 cm. Internal gas pipelines, including those laid at the ends, should be painted. Waterproof paint materials shall be used for painting.
Gas devices and burners should be connected to gas pipelines, usually by a rigid connection. All pipes and turns are connected by non-detachable welding. In the bridges of the passage of people, the laying of the gas pipeline is provided at a height of 2.2 m from the floor to the bottom of the gas pipeline.
3.4 Installation of gas instruments
Installation of gas devices in houses should be provided in premises of the kitchens not less than 2.2 m high having a window with a window leaf (transom), an extract an air duct and natural lighting.
In existing residential buildings it is allowed to install gas stoves: in the premises of kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume of at least PG28 m; PG-3-12m; PG415m in the absence of a ventilation channel and the impossibility of using chimneys as such channel, but in the presence of a window with a window or frame in the upper part of the window; in kitchens with inclined shelves, having a height in the middle part of at least 2 m. Installation of gas equipment should be provided in this part of the kitchen, where the height is at least 2.2 m.
In existing residential buildings owned by citizens on personal property rights, it is allowed to install gas stoves in premises that meet the requirements of the above, but have a height of 2:2 m to 2 m inclusive, if these premises have a volume of at least 1.25 times the normative. At the same time, in houses that do not have a dedicated kitchen, the volume of the room where the gas stove is installed should be twice as large as specified above.
If it is possible to fulfill the specified requirements of gas stove installations in such premises, it may be approved by the local sanitary supervision authorities.
The distance from the slab to the insulated incombustible materials, the walls of the room shall be not less than 7 cm, the distance between the slab and the opposite wall shall be not less than 1 m .
3.5 Smoke and ventilation duct arrangement
Chimneys are designed to completely divert combustion products from household gas devices to the external environment and prevent their spread in the room.
The chimneys from the instruments may consist of self-standing nozzle pipes or pipes located in the capital walls. Gas combustion products from each instrument shall be discharged via a separate chimney. Section area of gas device branch pipe is connected to chimney.
Chimneys shall be vertical, without installations. Connections of gas water heaters and other gas devices to chimneys shall be made using pipes made of roofing steel. Below the point of connection of the smoke discharge pipe from the device to the chimneys in the brick walls, a "karmon" device with a hatch for its cleaning should be provided.
Chimneys from gas appliances in residential buildings can be withdrawn: 0.5 m above the roof skate, at the level with the roof skate: not lower than the straight line, we will draw from the roof skate down at an angle of 10˚ to the horizon. Moreover, in any case, the height of the pipe above the adjacent part of the roof should be at least 0.5 m.
Systems of public ventilation, systematic control of air flow depending on changes in excess heat, moisture or harmful substances entering the room should be designed with economic justification. Public ventilation systems for industrial and administrative-domestic premises without natural ventilation should be provided with at least two plenum or two exhaust fans, each with a flow rate of 50% of the required air exchange.
Selection of safety devices
Gas control stations and plants, as well as gas consumers, operate reliably and safely only if they are equipped with devices that protect gas pipelines from excessive increase or decrease of gas working pressure.
Safety shut-off valves are installed in front of gas pressure regulator. Their membrane head is connected through pulse tube to gas pipeline of final pressure. When the final pressure exceeds the established standards, safety and shut-off valves automatically cut off the gas supply to the regulator.
Safety - discharge devices used in FRG provide discharge of excess amount of gas in case of loose closing of safety valve or regulator. Safety and discharge devices are mounted on the outlet branch pipe of the final pressure gas pipeline. Connector at gas outlet is connected to separate plug. If the process of gas consumers provides for continuous operation of gas burners, then safety valves are not installed, but only discharge valves are installed. In this case, it is necessary to install gas pressure annunciators that notify of gas pressure increase above the permitted value. If the FRG (GRU) is supplied with gas to the dead end objects, then the installation of safety and shut-off valves is necessary.
It is determined based on the parameters of the pressure regulator, namely the maximum gas pressure at the inlet to the output pressure regulator, that is, the pressure to be monitored and the diameter of the inlet of the pressure regulator.
As per Appendix 16 we select PKN grade PZK - 50
As per Appendix 17 we select UCS of UCS grade - 50N/5
4.4 Selection of instrumentation
The following instrumentation is used for monitoring the operation of the equipment and measuring the gas parameters: resistance thermometers for measuring the gas temperature, showing and recording (self-recording) manometers for measuring the gas pressure, devices for detecting the differential pressure, gas flow meters (gas meters or flowmeters).
All instrumentation shall be subject to periodic state or departmental inspection.
Instruments for measuring gas pressure are divided into two main groups: liquid, in which the measured pressure is determined by the value of the balancing column of liquid; spring, in which the measured pressure is determined by the amount of deformation of elastic elements (springs, bellows, membranes, etc.) that appears under the influence of pressure. Liquid pressure gauges are used to measure excess pressures up to 0.1MPa (1kgf/cm ²). Pressure gauges for pressure measurement up to 10 kPa are filled with water or kerosene (at negative temperatures), and for measurement of higher pressures - with mercury .
The following types of instrumentation are accepted for installation.
- MPZ-UU2 manometers in number of 4 on 0.5 kg everyone;
- OBM1 manometers - 100 in number of 4 on 0.5 kg everyone.
The next selection was made according to an earlier count.
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