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Design of cylindrical 2-stage gearbox

  • Added: 17.05.2018
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Design of 2-stage gearbox. The course project of the Meh-Mash student of the 3rd year of the Polytechnic University. The explanatory note +3 Drawings of A1 (3 projections) + Specifications of Energo - kinematic calculation of the drive Calculation of transfers Predesign of waves of a reducer Test calculation of the shponochny Finding of Reactions and Moments connections Test calculation of bearings Test calculation of a shaft Calculation of the shlitsevy Landing Choice connection for connection with the guaranteed tightness Thermal calculation of a reducer Test calculation of couplings

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1. Energo - kinematic calculation of the drive

2. Calculation of gears

3. Analysis of calculation options

4. Preliminary calculation of gear box shafts

5. Check calculation of key joints

6. Finding Reactions and Moments

7. Check calculation of bearings

8. Shaft check calculation

9. Calculation of splined joint

10. Select Fit for Guaranteed Interference Connection

11. Heat calculation of reduction gear box

12. Selection of lubricants

13. Verification calculation of couplings

List of used literature

12. Selection of lubricants

Lubrication of gears and bearings reduces friction losses, prevents increased wear and heat of parts, and also protects parts from corrosion. Reduction of friction losses provides increasing efficiency of reduction gear box.

According to the method of lubricant supply and engagement, crankcase and circulation lubrication are distinguished.

Crankcase lubrication system is selected for this gearbox. Lubrication of the stages passes automatically.

Oil is poured through inspection cover, and drain - through drain plug. For oil level monitoring the iron oil indicator is used.

Let's get the grease. In accordance with the recommendations [2, c.253], the viscosity of the lubricant = is selected.

From recommendations [2, page 204] we select oil according to viscosity industrial I70A of GOST 2079975.

The minimum oil level is selected so that the wheel falls into it at least to the height of the tooth.

The following methods are used to lubricate bearing assemblies:

spraying from a common lubricating bath;

plastic lubricant.

To lubricate bearing units on slow-moving and intermediate shafts, we choose a spraying method from a common lubricating bath.

Plastic lubrication is used to lubricate bearing units on high-speed shaft. To protect bearing units from washing out of plastic lubricant of liquid, an oil reflecting ring is used.

Lubricant is supplied through the lubricant press. Rubber reinforced cuffs are provided as seals on shafts.

Choose a lubricant from the group of multipurpose lubricants: LITOL24 GOST 2115075 .

Drawings content

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