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Design of cell battery drive for chicken feeding

  • Added: 15.11.2021
  • Size: 936 KB
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The content of the work shows the full calculation of the drive, kinematic calculation, power calculation, and its verification. The work shows 2 assembly drawings, a worm wheel and a slow-moving shaft, together with the specification.

Project's Content

icon Червячное колесо 4.cdw
icon Тихоходный вал 5.cdw
icon Курсовой проект по Деталям машин.docx
icon Сборочный чертеж 3.cdw
icon Общий вид привода 1.cdw
icon Сборочный чертеж 2.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw

Additional information



Kinematic and power calculation of the drive

Electric motor selection

Kinematic calculation

Power calculation

Gearbox selection

Calculation of chain transmission

Worm gearbox calculation

Worm Gear Box Sketch Layout

Check calculation of low-speed shaft

Test calculation of key connections

Selection of rolling bearings

Coupling selection

10, Check calculation of gearbox attachment bolts to the frame



The course project on machine details is one of the first independent engineering works of the student, completing the general education cycle. The project uses knowledge gained in the study of such disciplines as theoretical mechanics, resistance and materials, mechanical engineering technology, etc.

The design objects are drives of various stationary agricultural machines: conveyors, mixers and feed distributors, machines for cleaning and washing parts, etc. The drives widely use parts and devices of general industrial purpose: mechanical gears, couplings, bearings, shafts, fasteners.

In agricultural production, it is sometimes necessary to manufacture simple mechanisms on their own.

The electric motor is selected according to the required power and estimated rotation speed. Worm gears are designed according to the criterion of contact strength of the active surface of teeth, checked by contact and bending stresses.

The estimated calculation of shafts is carried out for net torsion at reduced permissible stresses. We choose bearings by the nature of the load on the shafts and by the diameters of the shafts, we check for durability by dynamic load carrying capacity. Key connections are checked for crushing.

The lubrication method and oil level are due to the arrangement of the mechanism. compactness;


smoothness and noiselessness;

relatively small weight of the structure;

reliability and ease of care

Drawings content

icon Червячное колесо 4.cdw

Червячное  колесо 4.cdw

icon Тихоходный вал 5.cdw

Тихоходный вал 5.cdw

icon Сборочный чертеж 3.cdw

Сборочный чертеж 3.cdw

icon Общий вид привода 1.cdw

Общий вид привода 1.cdw

icon Сборочный чертеж 2.cdw

Сборочный чертеж 2.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw

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