Design of boiler room for store heating

- Added: 09.08.2014
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Additional information
Explanatory Note
Basis of Design
Design solutions
Design solutions are in accordance with Specification No. dd., issued by EPU.
The following process sections are developed in this project:
internal gas equipment of the boiler house;
safety automation.
The total gas flow to the boiler room of the store building is B = 0.9 m ³/h.
The development of the project was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" (PB 1252903) of the Gosgortekhnadzor; SNiP 42.01.2002 "Gas Distribution Systems," SP 421012003 "General Provision for the Design and Construction of Gas Distribution Systems from Metal and Polyethylene Pipes," "Pipeline Production Rules" VDPO dated 2002 and "Gas Accounting Rules in the Russian Federation," registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 1198 dated November 15, 96.
Process Part
1.3.1. Characteristics of heat supply facility
Climatic characteristics of the construction area:
- design ambient air temperature - minus 32 ° С,
- standard weight of snow cover - 150 kgf/m ²,
- standard wind speed - 30 kgf/m ²
- freezing depth - 1.7 m.
Gas pipeline inlet
The tie-in point of the low-pressure gas pipeline is provided in the existing low-pressure gas pipeline Du50, laid along the facade of the pharmacy building. The gas pipeline inlet to the boiler house is designed above ground from steel electric welded pipes dy50 and from steel water and gas pipes f25x2.8 according to GOST 326275 * on supports and on the facade of the store building. When crossing the passage between the pharmacy and the store, Mr. dy50 was laid at an altitude of 4.5 m.
At the inlet and at the place of tie-in to the boiler room, a disconnecting device is installed - gas valve DN 25.
The above ground low pressure gas pipeline shall be protected against atmospheric corrosion by a coating consisting of two layers of paint, lacquer or enamel intended for outdoor operations at ambient temperature 32○S.
Excavation, welding, blowing, insulation, blowing and testing of gas pipelines shall be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" PB1252903 of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia "2003, SNiP 42012002" Gas Distribution Systems. "
Boiler house characteristics
This section of the project provides for internal gas equipment of the boiler shop in the village of Apastovo, Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The boiler house is built-in, the brick building of which meets the requirements of gas and fire safety.
Bearing and enclosing structures have fire resistance rating not less than REI 45. Degree of fire II.
Explosion and fire hazard category "D."
Easy-throwing enclosing structures in the form of glass window openings are made on the basis of 0.03 m3 per 1 m3 of the boiler volume in which the boiler is located, is F = 1.002 m2.
The boiler room, where the boiler is installed, has a door and a window with a window.
For air inflow in the boiler room there is an installation of plenum louver grille.
According to the heat engineering calculation, one boiler of the Danko7.5 grade with a heating capacity of 7.5 kW is provided in this boiler room. Back-up heating - electric heating.
Boiler house internal gas equipment
The internal gas pipeline is designed from pipes steel water pipeline in accordance with GOST 326275 * f25kh3.2 and f20kh2.8.
Smoke ventilation channels are used for drawing and smoke removal (for dimensions and height see on GCS sheets). The smoke channel dimensions shall be not less than the section of the boiler smoke outlet branch pipe, the chimney shall be removed from the wind overpressure zone. 200 mm below the point of connection of the smoke discharge pipe from the boiler to the chimney, a "pocket" device with a cleaning hatch is provided .
To control the gas concentration in the room with the boiler, a gas content indicator is installed at a distance of 25 cm from the ceiling.
To block the gas supply to the boiler when the temperature increases, a thermally sensitive shutoff valve is installed at the inlet to the boiler room.
To block the gas supply to the boiler in case of increased concentration of gas in the room, an electromagnetic valve is installed in front of the meter. The light or sound signal is output to the security panel.
Gas instruments shall be installed as per drawings of 5.90520 series.
Fill the heating system with chem. purified water.
The total gas flow to the boiler room of the magazine is B = 0.9 m3/h .
Gas meter VK G -4 with throughput of 0.04 to 6 m3/h at gas flow rate of 0.9 nm3/h is installed in the boiler room to account for gas flow rate.
Lighting, power supply
The boiler house has natural lighting in the form of window openings and electric lighting from existing electric networks.
The glazing surface is more than 0.03 m2 per 1m3 volume of boiler room. Electric lighting can remain in the usual version, but in addition to the main electric lighting in the normal version there is at least one light fixture in the explosion-proof version with independent wiring and a switch and a fuse located outside the boiler room.
Portable electric lights with accumulators or dry elements may be used as emergency lighting for the boiler room.
Inputs to the building of power and communication networks are provided as for lightning protection facilities of the 2nd category.
The mutual location of gas pipelines and wiring inside the building meets the following requirements: a distance of at least 10 cm is maintained from the open laid electric wire to the gas pipeline wall (it can be reduced to 5 cm when laying electric wire in tubes); at the intersection of the gas pipeline with an open electric wire, the latter is enclosed in a rubber or ebonite tube protruding 10 cm on each side of the gas pipeline; at hidden electrical wiring the distance of not less than 5 cm is maintained from the gas pipeline wall, counting to the edge of the embedded furrow.
For electricity metering the project provided the counter of active energy of CE 6303V1T.
Technical and economic indicators
Key figure name Unit of measure Quantity
Internal gas equipment of boiler house 1.
Boiler KSG7.5 pcs 1 2.
VK G-4 counter with bimetallic corrector by temperature of pcs. 1 3.
Signaling device of gas contamination of SGG 6MP10S of piece 1 4.
Signaling device of SOU1 carbon oxide of piece 1 5.
Gas flow rate m3/h 0.9
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