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Design of belt conveyor drive - coursework

  • Added: 11.03.2022
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Geared motor

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Terms of Reference

1. Analysis of drive diagram

2. Kinematic calculations

2.1. Electric motor selection

2.2. Determination of drive shaft speed

2.3. Determination of total drive ratio

2.4. Determination of torque on low-speed shaft

3. Calculation of gears

3.1. Calculations of cylindrical gear train

3.2. Computer Calculation Results

3.3. Material Selection and Heat Treatment Option

4. Draft Design Development

4.1. Shaft diameters

4.2. Select Bearing Type

4.3. Selection of bearing installation diagrams

5. Bearing calculation

5.1. Calculation of bearings on the intermediate shaft

5.1.1. Definition of Bearing Loading Forces

5.1.2. Bearing Selection

5.1.3. Resource Calculation

5.1.4. Selection of bearing fit

5.2. Calculation of bearings on low-speed shaft

5.2.1. Definition of Bearing Loading Forces

5.2.2. Bearing Selection

5.2.3. Selection of bearing fit

5.3. Calculation of drive shaft bearings

5.3.1. Bearing loading forces

5.3.2. Bearing Selection

5.3.3. Selection of bearing fit

6. Calculation of key connections

6.1. Connection of wheel with intermediate shaft

6.2. Key on motor shaft

6.3. Key on slow-moving shaft

6.4. Connection of wheel with slow-moving shaft

6.5. Key on drive shaft

7. Calculation of shafts for strength

7.1. Intermediate shaft strength

7.1.1. Static strength

7.2. Low-speed shaft strength

7.2.1. Static strength

7.2.2. Fatigue strength

7.3. Drive shaft strength

7.3.1. Static strength

7.3.2. Fatigue strength

8. Selection of lubricants

8.1. Sealing devices

9. Housing parts

10. Calculation of elastic element

11. Calculation of elastic-compensating coupling

12. List of literature

1. Analysis of drive diagram

Drive consists of asynchronous motor, cylindrical coaxial double-flow reduction gear and drive shaft with drum and clutch.

During the design of the conveyor, the following design solutions were made: to equalize the load along the flows, prefabricated gears with cylindrical compression springs built into them were used.

Select Bearing Type

Ball radial bearings are adopted for supports of cylindrical helical gears.

Often, shaft supports are placed not in one, but in different housings. In our case, these are the supports of the drive shaft. Housings accommodating bearings are mounted on conveyor frame. Since errors in the manufacture and assembly of the parts are inevitable, this leads to skew and displacement of the axes of the mounting holes of the bearing bodies relative to each other. In addition, in the working gear, under the influence of loads, the shaft is deformed. In the design of the drive shaft, due to the uneven distribution of load on the elevator buckets, shaft distortions and uneven loading of the shaft supports inevitably occur.

All of the above makes it necessary to use spherical bearings in such units, which allow significant distortions.

Calculation of key connections

Key connections are used to transfer torque from the wheel to the shaft. Most often, prismatic and segment keys are used. In all key connections, in this case, prismatic keys were used during design, since the diameters of the shafts are small, and the use of segment keys is not allowed due to deep slots for them. Keyboards are calculated based on the crushing strength of the key.

Calculation of shafts for strength

Static strength check is performed in order to prevent plastic deformations during the period of short-term overloads.

Refined calculations for fatigue resistance reflect the influence of a type of stress cycle, static and fatigue characteristics of materials, dimensions, shape and surface state.

Drawings content

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icon Specification2.spw


icon Specification1.spw


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