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Design of autocrane gearbox drive


Explanatory note, drawings: drive, frame, specifications, detail

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Additional information


In this course work, a transmission of an autocrane with a torque on the output shaft of 700 Nm was developed, and the number of revolutions at the first and second speeds of 150 and 300 rpm, respectively.

The gearbox efficiency is 0.841, which indicates its non-ideality, but at the same time this gearbox is original.

Today automatic transmissions are relevant.

A car has to move at speeds from a turtle to a hundred or other kilometers per hour - and therefore the range in which wheel speeds change turns out to be huge - once every 50. But the internal combustion engine is able to operate efficiently only in the interval of 2000-6000 rpm, that is, to change the speed of rotation of the crankshaft only three times. Therefore, it is necessary to put the same box between it and the wheels in order to obtain the required speed at a speed close to the optimal engine speed.

By the way, not all known motors require the use of such a converter on gears. For example, a steam engine and an electric motor develop a considerable torque, which is called "from zero" - that is why in trolleybuses (as in steam locomotives) there is neither a third pedal nor a gearbox lever.

ICE for cars is not the best engine. And since he does not yet have an ambulance replacement, it will not be possible to do without a gearbox in the coming years. But you can make it work, automatically adjusting to the mode of movement, and even in several ways.

List of sources used

1. Anuryev V.I.

Handbook of the designer - mechanical engineer: T. 1,2,3 - M.: Mechanical engineering, 1980. – 185 pages.

2. Dunaev P.F., Lelikov O.P.

Design of machine assemblies and parts: Textbook for engineering specialties of universities. - 4th ed., M, 6 Higher school, 1985416s., il .

3.Chernavsky S. A., Itskovich G.M., Bokov K.N .

Course design of machine parts: Training Manual for Technical Schools - M.: Engineering, 1979.

4. Scheinblit A.E.

Course design of machine parts: Textbook for technical schools. -M: Vyssh. Shk., 1991.432s.: il.

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Спецификация к раме.cdw

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