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Design and calculation of friction clutch of VAZ vehicle

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In the course work there is an explanatory note with a volume of 26 pages, drawings

Project's Content

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icon Чертеж сцепления (original).cdw

Additional information



1. Connection of VAZ vehicle

1.1.General device technical characteristics of VAZ

1.2. Clutch Assignment

1.3.Clutch types

1.4 Design features of VAZ clutch

2. Calculation of traction-dynamic parameters of the car

2.1. Choosing the main parameters of the car

2.2. Construction of external speed characteristic

2.3. Construction of the traction characteristic of the car

2.4. Power balance calculation

2.5. Dynamic characteristic

2.6. Definition of vehicle acceleration

3. Clutch calculation

3.1. Selection of basic clutch parameters

3.2. Calculation of adhesion for wear and tear

4. Part calculations

4.1.Press disc

4.2. Cylindrical pressure spring

4.3. Driven disk hub

4.4. Clutch release bearing

4.5. Calculation of friction clutch drive

List of literature


Passenger cars are passenger vehicles designed to carry passengers and small goods.

The classification of modern cars is based on the following features: the working volume of the engine cylinders; number of driving wheels; body type and purpose.

The basis of the domestic fleet of cars is the cars of the Volga Automobile Plant in Togliatti (VAZ). These are previously produced small-class rear-wheel drive cars "Zhiguli" VAZ2101, -2103 and their modifications. Modern rear-wheel drive cars "Zhiguli" are produced with a body of the type "sedan" VAZ2105, -2106 and 2107 with modifications, with a body of the type "station wagon" VAZ2104, cargo passenger all-wheel drive cars VAZ2121 "Niva" and front-wheel drive cars "Sputnik" 08, VAZ209, etc.

VAZ cars are designed for operation in various climatic conditions at ambient temperatures - 40... + 50 ° С. They can work in mid-latitudes, in the Far North and in countries with tropical climates. These cars are basic models, that is, the main ones among families of cars assembled mainly from the same units. Based on each base model, a number of modifications are produced that meet certain requirements and operating conditions and thus distinguish modifications from the base model. Features of each family of the considered cars VAZ are their configuration, high extent of unification of details, knots, units and lack of points of greasing of the chassis thanks to what time and labor input of maintenance are reduced.

Each basic car model has its own designation (indexation). The designation consists of letters showing the manufacturer (VAZ - Volga Automobile Plant), and four digits, where the first two digits (21) indicate the class and type of car (small class, passenger), and the third and fourth - the model number (21st, 5th, etc.). Modifications of the base model have a fifth digit, meaning the sequence number of the modification. In addition to the index, the base model and its modifications are also given a certain name (Niva, Zhiguli, etc.).

VAZ cars have high structural safety: active, passive (internal, external), environmental.

Active car safety (the property to prevent road traffic accidents) is ensured by: high traction and braking properties, good stability and handling, high smoothness, good visibility and comfort, dramatically reducing driver fatigue and creating conditions for long-term accident-free work.

Passive (internal and external) safety of cars (the property of reducing the severity of the consequences of road accidents) is provided by: high strength of the passenger compartment, which practically eliminates its deformation in case of accidents; seat belts; An injury-proof steering wheel; safe glass; safe internal bodywork equipment that reduces injury to occupants; safe external body shape without protruding elements, reducing pedestrian injury.

The environmental safety of cars (the property of reducing damage during operation to passengers, the driver and the environment) is ensured by the design of individual systems, mechanisms and their elements that reduce the noise created by cars and reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases.

The main areas of development of passenger car designs include: transition to car production:

• front-wheel drive with reduced weight (due to the use of plastics, thinner rolled stock and aluminum-based alloy rolled stock),

• equipped with engines with a displacement of up to 1.8 liters.

Reducing the weight of front-wheel drive cars allows reducing fuel consumption by 1015%. At the same time, it is planned to expand the production of cars operating on compressed and liquefied gases.

However, all these improvements can be fully realized only if the proper operation of vehicles, which mainly depends on the driver, on his knowledge of the design of the car, the ability to detect and eliminate faults in a timely manner and on his driving skills.

Drawings content

icon ведомый диск.cdw

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кинематическая схема.cdw

icon нажимной диск.cdw

нажимной диск.cdw

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icon спецификация к ведомому диску.cdw

спецификация к ведомому диску.cdw

icon спецификация к кинем схеме.cdw

спецификация к кинем схеме.cdw

icon спецификация к приводу.cdw

спецификация к приводу.cdw

icon спецификация к сборке1.cdw

спецификация к сборке1.cdw

icon спецификация-211.cdw


icon Чертеж сцепления (original).cdw

Чертеж сцепления (original).cdw
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