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Deformation Observations - Exchange Rate



Introduction................................................. .5

1. Summary of the facility area........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

2.Technological measures for control of onboard

arrays............................................................................... 10

3. Basic conditions of slope stability................................................. 12

4. Slope stability margin factor.......................................... 14

5. Calculation of stability of sides of sections and slopes of dumps............................ 18

6. Production and processing of marketing instrumental observation.22

6.1. Determination of excess error at trigonometric

leveling............................................................................................. 22

6.2. Camera processing of marksmanship observations.......................... 22

6.3. Creation of the line of sliding....................................................... 24

Conclusion............................................................................................. 27

List of sources used......................................................... 28

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Brief information about the area of the object

2.Technological measures for control of onboard


3. Basic conditions of slope stability

4. Slope stability margin factor

5. Calculation of stability of sides of sections and slopes of dumps

6. Production and processing of marketing instrumental observations

6.1. Determination of excess error at trigonometric


6.2. Camera processing of marksmanship observations

6.3. To Create a Sliding Line


List of sources used

1. Brief information about the area of the object

The mineralized zone "Quarry" is located within the "II October Square" of the Aksu quartz deposit.

Administratively, the Aksu field is located in the Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The nearest major settlement is Stepnogorsk, located 18 km from the field, Astana and Kokshetau, respectively, are located 200km and 250km from the field. The Aksu mine is connected to settlements by asphalt paved highways, and the Erementau station is connected by rail.

Geologically, the area of work is a typical shallow sediment with absolute elevations from 270 to 325 m. Directly, the section of the "Quarry" zone is characterized by a calm relief with a slight difference in heights (fluctuation in absolute elevations from 274 to 278m). The relief of the plot is flat, there is no common slope.

The transport artery is the asphalt road BestobeMakinsk.

The nearest railway station is Aksu station, located 810 km south of the site.

The hydrographic network is poorly developed and is represented by the Aksu rivers (5 km from the deposit) and the Seleta river (60 km from the deposit). The source of technical and domestic water supply is the existing domestic water pipeline of Zavodskaya village.

Aksu mine is provided with energy resources, power supply is provided from the SMES network (Steppe substation).

The Aksu field area has been developed, near the mine there are settlements of Aksu, Stepnogorsk, Karabulak, Zavodskaya.

The mining, metallurgical, metalworking and chemical industries are developed in the area of ​ ​ work. Recruitment of labor is possible in nearby settlements.

In addition to the Aksu and Quartzite Gorki gold deposits, uranium deposits (Manybay, South Manybay, Krugloye) are noted in the area. From local building materials there is sand, limestone, clay.

The climate of the region is sharply continental, arid and characterized by short hot summers and harsh long winters. Average temperature of external air is 1.8 wasps at an average temperature of July +26.4os and January of 16.2 wasps.

The average annual rainfall in the area ranges from 300330 mm, with an average annual evaporation from the open surface of 740750 mm.

2.Technological measures for control of state of aircraft arrays

The organization of mining operations should ensure the achievement of the design value of the stability margin factor of quarry slopes - the main criterion for the safety of open developments. The order of development of the deposit, the places of laying of capital trenches and the direction of development of mining operations are pre-scheduled, stability of the sides is calculated.

During the development process, the prism of a possible collapse in the working side moves deep into the massif, thereby changing the conditions of slope stability. The presence of relationships between slope stability and technological scheme of field development provides the possibility to control stability of working sides.

Structural and mechanical peculiarities of rock mass - violation of formation occurrence, layering, difference of physical and mechanical properties of rocks forming the developed mining and geological tier can influence conditions of slope stability during mining operations. Therefore, stability calculations of the working side are carried out as of each characteristic development moment.

Reduction of intensity of deformation processes is aimed at extension of period of standing of slope of non-working sides, which are folded with half-rock and rock rocks, which are most susceptible to weathering, at the same time the final purpose of control is to maintain in time the specified intensity of deformation of slopes with application of special methods of stalling of ledges and hardening of rocks, as well as control of power of mass explosions.

When using pre-slit with uniform distribution of wells along the contour, it is possible to blow through the well when an uncharged well remains between them; charge must be dispersed by air gaps. The wells can be of any diameter, according to which the drilling pattern of the wells and the amount of charge are established.

At subsequent contouring of ledges by blasting of inclined wells it is possible to use auxiliary wells of reduced depth between contour and last row of baffle wells. Blasting of inclined wells of any diameter can be carried out using both dispersed and solid charges.

The excavation method is used regardless of the type of blast wells used for the development of contour belts - inclined or vertical. Natural stagnation - performed in areas of crack propagation of great length.

In all cases, the development of the contour zone should be carried out with a ribbon of small width with the parameters of drilling and blasting operations obtained by design and experimental ways.

E. L. Galustian proposed methods for working out contour strips on the overbermal horizon, which provides protection of the contour massif from the crushing effect of explosions. Based on these methods, 11 process diagrams have been developed for various geological conditions. The main difference between the proposed mining technology in the contour zone and the known one is the design of the upper part of the combined ledges, when the last approach above the safety berm lying below the horizon is extinguished. In order to protect against explosions of the upper eyebrows of the ledges, the shielding slot is deepened below the berm mark, and baffling is carried out in transverse or diagonal rows using the slot as an additional exposure surface. Depth of baffle wells decreases as it approaches upper edge of ledge, at the same time baffles of wells entering zone of upper edge of ledge are excluded. As a result, the berm acquires the design width and retains it in time. The practice of studying rock deformations from the seismic effect of explosions allows us to consider the following parameters as criteria for qualitatively tuning the slope: absolute displacements of the contour massif are no more than 3 mm; rock oscillation rate - not more than 24cm/s; absence of barrages; obtaining a surface with a degree of irregularity in the range of 15-20 cm.

Limiting the development of deformation processes in time provides for the establishment of a certain estimated life of slopes, during which and stability will correspond to the design and will not depend on the deformation design of the development stage of the deposit or the duration of the standing of the slopes of the non-working side in an intermediate position .

The advantage of a phased development of the field is the possibility of independent individual design of the sides for each period of operation. Since the duration of the stage is significantly less than the total duration of development of the deposit, the sides can have a maximum inclination angle for the depth of reduction of mining operations in a given period. At the same time, capital costs during the construction of the quarry are reduced.

In the methods of controlling the stability of a given group, the controlled parameter is the duration of the development stage of the deposit or the time of standing slopes without updating. Thus, if the duration of the stage (queue) is calculated taking into account the stability of the sides and ledges over time, then the control may consist in optimizing the parameters of the sides and ledges for each development stage depending on its duration and depth of the quarry .


When developing minerals in an open manner, the stability of slopes of ledges, pit sides and rock dumps is of great importance, since it largely determines the safety and economy of mining and ensures the rhythm of the mining enterprise.

One of the most important issues is the assignment of optimal parameters of quarry slopes, which ensure their long-term stability with minimum volumes of opening work. Overstated slant angles lead to the development of landslide phenomena that cause great damage to mining enterprises: they disrupt the technological process, lead to losses of reserves ready for excavation, cause the need for multiple overexcavations of landslide masses, violate safe working conditions and can cause accidents of mining and transport equipment. On the other hand, the underestimated slant angles cause a sharp increase in the volume of overburden work; thus, reducing the total angle of inclination of the side by only 10 at. the depth of the quarry of 300 m leads to an increase in the volume of opening by almost 3 million m3 for each kilometer of the length of the side.

With the further development of open works related to the increase in the depths of quarries, the issues of ensuring the stability of their sides become more and more relevant.

The loss of stability (sliding) of the ledges and sides of the quarries is mainly associated with a violation of the natural stress state of the rock mass caused by mining. At the same time, tangent stresses in the instrument zone of the rock mass increase, which, when reaching the limit values, cause irreversible shear deformations on sliding surfaces.

For proper design, safe and rational mining, it is necessary to know the forms of the movement process, be able to predict the nature of its development and possible consequences. This makes it possible to reliably determine the main parameters of mining operations that ensure the stability of ledges, boards and dumps during development, as well as to timely implement measures to prevent deformation of quarry slopes in weakened areas.

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