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Coursework "One-apartment residential building in Meleuz"


Coursework (ASG 3 course). Explanatory note, 2 sheets Compass.

Project's Content

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Additional information


Small in area, compact in terms of building spot, extremely rational brick house with attic. In the planning solution of the house everything is simple and functional. On the ground floor, the premises of the family's daily stay are conveniently arranged: living room, kitchen, dining room, office, bathroom. Prevails the entrance of the vestibule and veranda. The kitchen and dining room make up a single room. The living room has double-sided lighting and glazed erker. In the attic there are two bedrooms and a bathroom - a concise, but quite functional solution. It combines these rooms with a small stair hall, from which you can access the terrace located above the verandah. In the decoration of the facades, a front brick of two colors is used, creating a fairly bright, picturesque image of the house.

Architectural construction drawings of the project are made in accordance with GOST 21.10197 "Basic requirements for design and working documentation," GOST 21.50193 "Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings."

Space Planning Solution

The designed residential building "one-story building with attic" is intended for permanent residence of one family. The plan shape of the building is polygonal with dimensions between axes 1-2 6 m, 2-4 3 m, A-G 9m. The building has 2 floors. The height of the first floor room is 2.5 m, attic 2.5 m. The height of the building in the skate is 6.585 m.

The main entrance to the buildings is located on the side of the main facade. Entrance through the veranda. A vestibule was designed at the entrance. The space-planning solution of the building is subject to the requirement of functional zoning. On the ground floor there is a common area consisting of a living room, a kitchen hall, an entrance hall, a bathroom and a cabinet. Communication of the first and second floors is carried out through a wooden staircase with running steps. On the second floor there is a recreation area, which includes: two bedrooms, a bathroom, a hall and a terrace.

In the designed building, natural lighting has: residential and common rooms. When assigning the area of the window openings of rooms, the requirements of SNiP 2.08.0189 are taken into account.

Since the orientation of the house on the ground is free, the necessary level of insolation is provided in the house.

Natural ventilation of the house is carried out due to the influx of air through the windows and not dense in the window and door openings. Air outflow is carried out through ventilation channels in the walls of the kitchen room, bathrooms and bathroom.

Constructive solution

3.1 Structural diagram of the building.

The building is brick-free with longitudinal and transverse bearing and self-supporting walls made of ceramic bricks laid with dressing, and in the corners of knowledge and in the corresponding knots - with reinforcement with a grid or wire. The terrace is located above the verandah and the office, rests on walls and a brick column. The spatial rigidity of the structure is ensured by the mutual operation of intersecting walls (external and internal, transverse and longitudinal).

3.2 Foundations and bases.

The foundation is tape. It consists of reinforced concrete slabs FL8.8, FL8.12 and FL8.24. installed for sand preparation with thickness of 150mm and reinforced concrete blocks FBS6.24.6, FBS6.12.6, FBS6.9.6. In places of contact with the ground, perform vertical waterproofing: coat with hot bitumen in 2 layers. Horizontal waterproofing is made of 2 layers of ruberoid on mastic. Width of foundation blocks for external walls 600mm for internal walls 400mm.

During design the dimensions of foundation wall blocks are accepted according to GOST 1357978. Closures of monolithic sections are made of concrete B15. The building wall protrudes 40mm from the basement to the outside. The entire perimeter of the building is paved with a width of 1000 mm.

3.3 Walls

External walls with a thickness of 640mm (masonry of ceramic brick on M100 mortar, with insulation foam polystyrene plates with a thickness of 110mm, air layer of 20mm with silicate brick lining with a thickness of 120mm on M100 mortar).

3.4 Internal walls and partitions.

Interior walls of 380mm thick ceramic brick on M50 solution. From the inside of the wall, they are plastered with cement sand mortar. The thickness of the inner layer of plaster is 10 mm.

Partitions perform enclosing functions in the building. They consist of ceramic bricks with a thickness of 120 mm on a M50 solution.

3.6 Floors.

Floors are structures that are constantly subjected to mechanical effects. Floors along intermediate floors shall have sound-insulating properties. In the sanitary unit, the floor cover is made of ceramic tiles. Floors adjoin walls in rooms. In order to ensure that there are no gaps between the floor and the walls, wooden plinths are nailed along the entire perimeter of the room. In rooms where the surface of the floor is ceramic tiles, a plinth of shaped ceramic tiles is used.

3.7 Roof, Roof

The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building. The roof is designed gable, attic, rafter.

Designed sloping rafters are supported by external load-bearing walls, on which a tuning bar (mauerlat) with a section of 150 * 150mm is fixed. Rafter legs are designed in the form of a wooden bar, which has dimensions of 200 * 100mm in section.

Rafter legs, lay along the stingray, support the grate. The lower ends of the rafter legs rest on the outer walls through a tuning bar - mauerlat. In the upper part of the roof structure, rafters are connected to each other by means of a wooden lining. To the end of the rafters' legs, paws with a size of 150 * 40 mm are attached. The mare, fixed to the rafter leg with nails, is carried over the outside of the wall by 0.5 m.

The pitch of the rafter legs is 1.3 m. The slope of the roof slab of the building is 35 °. Since the wooden roof elements work in a moist and flammable (wiring passes in the attic) environment, they must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants.

3.7 Roof

The roof is designed from sheet steel. Roofing sheets shall be laid on a grid of boards with a section of 40 * 100mm with a pitch of 350mm. Attachment is carried out by nails. The watershed is unorganized.

3.8 Ladder

In the designed building, the staircase is wooden with running steps and a 180 ° turn. The staircase is made of small elements. The staircase has a railing 900mm high. The width of the stages is 325 mm and the height of all stages is 200mm. The width of the march is 900 mm, the laying length is 2050 mm.

3.9 Windows and Doors

Windows in the house are accepted in wooden binding with triple glazing according to GOST 1628986: ORS 1512, ORS15-6. External window flaps are equipped with screwdrivers with removable handles. Glass as per GOST 11178 with thickness of 2.53 mm shall be used for windows glazing.

Doors in the building are designed single-floor. Doors in the house are accepted according to GOST 662988: DN 219, DG 219, DG 218, DG 217, B 229.

Engineering equipment

The sewerage system of the building is connected to the central city sewerage network. Water supply is carried out from a common water supply. Water is supplied to the kitchen to the mixer, in the bathroom to the mixer and the drain tank, to the bathroom. The heating system of the building is central. It consists of pipes and heating batteries through which heated water circulates from the central heating network.

Power supply of the building is carried out from the general electrical network. Wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached by means of special fasteners to the building structures. If necessary, a hole for the electric wire in the walls and floors is drilled.

Drawings content

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