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Coursework - panel multi-storey residential building


Multi-storey residential building, drawings in autocade format, panel house

Project's Content

icon Листы.dwg
icon 1 Архитектурная часть.doc
icon 2 ИНТЕРЬЕР.doc
icon 4 КОНСТРУКЦИИ.doc
icon 5 Инженерное оборудование.doc
icon Содержание для Архитектурного раздела.doc
icon Содержание для инженерного оборудования.doc
icon Содержание для интерьера.doc
icon Содержание для конструкций.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Фасады-3листа.DWG

Additional information





1.1 General provision

1.1.1 Initial data for the diploma project

1.2 Space-planning solution of 9-storey building

1.3 General Development Plan

1.4 Finishing materials of facades and apartments

1.4.1 Facade Finishing Materials

1.4.2 Finishing materials of apartments






5.1 Building Cold Water Supply System, System B Design

5.2 Hot Water Supply System

5.3 Sewerage system




2.1 Interior of demonstration computer equipment

2.2 Interior of the administrative room






4.1 Building Structural System

4.2 Reinforced concrete structures of the building

4.2.1 Columns and girders

4.2.2 Overlaps

4.2.3 Staircase arrangement

4.2.4 Foundation arrangement

4.3 Construction of building walls

4.4 Partition Arrangement

4.5 Floor and ceiling covering

4.6 Arrangement of windows and doors, balcony glazing

4.6.1 Window Design

4.6.2 Door Design

4.6.3 Balcony glazing

4.6 Roof Arrangement

4.7 Elevator Arrangement







1.1 General provision

1.1.1 Initial data for the diploma project

1.2 Space-planning solution of 9-storey building

1.3 General Development Plan

1.4 Finishing materials of facades and apartments

1.4.1 Facade Finishing Materials

1.4.2 Finishing materials of apartments


2.1 Interior of demonstration computer equipment

2.2 Interior of the administrative room



4.1 Building Structural System

4.2 Reinforced concrete structures of the building

4.2.1 Columns and girders

4.2.2 Overlaps

4.2.3 Staircase arrangement

4.2.4 Foundation arrangement

4.3 Construction of building walls

4.4 Partition Arrangement

4.5 Floor and ceiling covering

4.6 Roof Arrangement

4.7 Elevator Arrangement


5.1 Building Cold Water Supply System, System B Design

5.2 Hot Water Supply System

5.3 Sewerage system

6 Economic section

List of sources used


A new, framework monolithic technology has been widely used in construction. At this time, more than 300 buildings have been built in Russia in more than 40 cities of Russia using a prefabricated monolithic framework.

The origins of the new Russian technology are Honored Builder of Russia, Honored Builder of Chuvashia, academician of the International Academy of Informatization V. A. Shembakov (Patent No. 2107784 for the invention "Method of erection, restoration or reconstruction of buildings, structures and structures made of composite materials, mainly concrete, for the construction, restoration or reconstruction of buildings, structures" dated 30.12.1996).

In the context of competition in the country, the approach to the consumed products of the construction complex has changed. The consumer requires a flexible approach to the planning structure of apartments, changing it from the changing internal structure of the family .

The approach to the "external" architecture of residential buildings has also changed - a greater variety of facade solutions of buildings, their uniqueness, are required .

The new structurally - planning system (prefabricated monolithic framework) opens up wide opportunities for solving all problems. It became possible with a fairly free grid of columns from 1.5 to 12 meters with the same structural system to create several planning options for apartments, different in the set of rooms and layout. Moreover, by the time the installation of the building is completed, work is underway with the customer - that is, with the residents of this building to satisfy their wishes for the layout of apartments .

Architectural - constructive solution

1.1 General provision

The premises of a 9-storey residential building, in addition to the main element - apartments, have been designed a built-in room: a store.

The positive side of such a solution is the maximum approximation to the residential area of ​ ​ goods supply facilities, which leads to comfort in serving the population, reduces construction costs. On the other hand, the store located in the building concentrates human flows, vehicles; by their activities increase noises.

Multi-storey residential buildings are the main type of housing in the cities of our country. Such houses allow rational use of the territory, reduce the length of engineering networks, streets, and urban transport structures. A significant increase in the density of housing stock (the amount of living space (m2) accounted for by 1 hectare of built-up territory) with multi-storey development gives a noticeable economic effect. In addition, their high-altitude composition contributes to the creation of an expressive silhouette of development. The correct choice of building floors determines its cost-effectiveness.

In houses with more than five floors, in connection with the mandatory installation of elevators and garbage trucks, the construction cost of 1 m2 of living space, and then operating costs for the house, increases. At the same time, the use of only multi-storey buildings in development leads to uniformity, a loss of scale and does not even allow achieving an ultra-high density of buildings, since with an increase in storeys, sanitary gaps between buildings also increase. Therefore, it is advisable to build cities not only with multi-storey houses, but also with medium-rise houses.

1.1.1 Initial data for the diploma project

According to the assignment, the topic of the diploma project: "Construction of civil and public buildings."

Assignment for graduate design: "Design of a nine-story residential building."

Residential building refers to multi-storey residential buildings of sectional type, with a total area of ​ ​ S = 13482m2:

building class in terms of durability = 1;

building class by fire resistance = 1;

General Contractor - Development South Joint Stock Company;

the residential building is equipped with passenger elevators with lifting capacity = up to 1000 kg;

waste pipe - asbestos cement pipe d = 400 mm;

foundation - a glass type under a column with a section of 400 × 400;

walls - brick, lightweight structure;

slabs and coverings - reinforced concrete monolithic structure;

The 1st floor provides for the design of a store for the sale of television, video and computer equipment and components for them.


At all times, mankind was drawn to the beautiful. Nowadays, this passion is gaining larger significance. After all, as they say, they meet on clothes, and in this case it will be appropriate to say that they meet on the interior. The interior does not play an insignificant role in human life. After all, a properly chosen environment can heal, and not competently built space, can cause harm. Man first of all seeks comfort for soul and heart. The interior reflects each individuality, and a certain information message.

In the interiors of civil buildings, the main goal is to give each visitor the opportunity to find something of their own so that everyone can find comfort and comfort. In creating an interior for civilian objects, the role of psychology is also important. The main goal is to bait. Only a well-selected texture and palette, in creating the interior, gives a huge plus to competitors. In an era of rapidly developing progress, the range of materials offered is so great that each designer can find something of his own and convey this information to the consumer.

The interior is a deep part of art, which is an important link between the buyer and the seller.

There is an invisible connection - this is an artist, a customer and an audience. At all times, this chain acted as an incentive to create images. But the design of the themes differs from the paintings that a person is constantly in the created atmosphere. Whether it's a house or a workplace. As I said, the interior of civic buildings is aimed at mass perception, which means that the main goal of the designer should be the finest vision of society and its needs. This is the main condition, because a person always returns to where he is comfortable, and he feels invisible warmth and comfort. Different nations had their own ideas about beauty, but all are similar in one thing - a person is a spiritual being and vibrations of the soul and spirit react to the environment.

In my project, I present to you the interiors of demonstration computer equipment and the interior of the administrative room.

Structural solution of the building

4.1 Building Structural System

The designed 9-storey residential building according to the structural system is adopted as a frame wall.

The building frame consists of columns with a section of 400 × 400 mm and monolithic reinforced concrete girders arranged around the entire perimeter of the building. The walls of the designed residential building are accepted as brick, which are conjugated with columns. Floor slabs are designed monolithic, with a reinforced system.

4.2 Reinforced concrete structures of the building

4.2.1 Columns and girders

The designed 9-storey building is a prefabricated monolithic frame, operating as a frame-coupling system.

Rigid conjugation of the crossbar with the column (reduction of the span bending moment due to its redistribution to the support), as well as the inclusion in the operation of the prefabricated crossbar of adjacent sections of the floor (design T-section) made it possible to significantly save the consumption of reinforced concrete by 1 m2.

The consumption of precast reinforced concrete is 0.11-0.15 m2 per 1 m2 of the total area .

Columns with a section of 400x400 mm and are manufactured in a form. The material of the columns is heavy concrete of class B30. For conjugation of columns with girders, sections with open reinforcement reinforced by cross reinforcement links are provided in them in floor level. Connection between columns is carried out by passing longitudinal reinforcement bars of one column into the body of another, which allows connecting columns of one section size with another .

The columns are joined without welding - using a "plug" joint. Prefabricated prestressed girders with a cross section of 220x215mm serve as ribs of the monolithic floor, with which the reinforcement outlets are mated.

The calculated cross-section of the crossbar is a tavr, the shelf of which is the floor. The material of the girders is heavy concrete of class B30, longitudinal reinforcement with pre-stressed ropes with a diameter of 12 K7.

The coupling of the crossbar with the column is rigid, they have stiffening walls, which together with the prefabricated monolithic frame perceive design forces. Additional rebars are passed through the column body to stiffen the crossbar-to-column connection assembly. The coupling unit is ground with concrete of class B30.

4.2.2 Overlaps

The floor consists of pre-stressed 60 mm thick railway plates, which serve as a non-detachable formwork and a monolithic reinforced layer with a thickness of 80 mm to 140 mm laid on top.

Adhesion of the monolithic layer with the assembly plate is carried out due to the rough upper surface of the plate, which is carried out in factory conditions by exposing coarse aggregate. The material of the slabs is heavy concrete. B35. Longitudinal reinforcement with prestressed wire with diameter of 5 BpII.

When concreting a monolithic layer, the slab - formwork, including girders, is supported by a system of inventory supports. Rigidity of the slab disk is achieved by laying reinforcement grids at the joints of the plates and above the girders. The cast-in-situ floor layer is made of heavy concrete of class B15 - B25. The column-girder-plate joint is monolithic. The entire frame is assembled without welding. Hollow slabs can be used as a slab.

4.6 Arrangement of windows and doors, balcony glazing

4.6.1 Window Design

In the designed 9-storey building, the PRO-PLEX window systems - five-chamber PVC profiles "PROPLEX" of the Premium class are used to fill the window openings.

The benefits of this choice of Proplex Premium are:

1. The increased coefficient of heat transfer resistance is achieved due to the five-chamber structure and the profile width increased to 70 mm, as well as the fact that the reinforcing profile is separated from the outer face wall by at least two preliminary chambers, and from the inner face wall by chambers, which reduces the probability of formation of cold bridges and thereby increases the overall coefficient of heat transfer resistance. According to GOST 30673, the profile heat transfer resistance coefficient of 0.8441 m20C/W allows it to be classified as No. 1 and used in the Far North. The increased width of the fake under the double-glazed window is designed to install any double-glazed windows, including frost-resistant ones, up to 40 mm thick.

2. Faltz under the double-glazed window has a slight inclination, to free the cavity from condensate. When filling is installed in the folding box under the double-glazed window, a compensation gasket is installed that distributes the load on the folding box, on which, in turn, spacer adjustment gaskets are installed.

3. The system is concise in the number of profiles used to produce the main window types. Interchangeable (universal) components.

4.6.2 Door Design

The projected 9-story building uses FORMO doors for store entrance doors (3640 × 1600. 3640 × 2400) and porches (2700 × 900). Doors are custom-made with all necessary technologies. Properties of FORMO reinforced soundproofing doors :

strength - additional protection;

acoustic insulation (29 dB in accordance with GOST 47578)

Door canvas 40 mm thick with folding, frame made of composite material. Aggregate - extruded DSP, surface - MDF plate with any of the possible coating options.

The end part of the web is covered with a special edge material for the color of the web to increase strength. Door box (section 42x92 mm) of fused pine mass, coating - in accordance with the surface of the canvas. Soundproofing seal is installed along the box perimeter.

Properties of lightweight interior doors FORMO absence of the effect of "breathable wood" (due to cellular filling) - the door is not adversely affected by changes in temperature and humidity in the room, unlike doors made of wood; maximum reduced weight - the door is easy to transport and install, in addition, the door is more durable and retains its consumer properties and geometry during long-term operation.

The interior door design "FORMO" is a lightweight design. Door canvas 40 mm thick with folding, frame made of composite material. Aggregate - cardboard cells, surface - MDF plate with any of the possible coating options. The end part of the web is covered with a special edge material for the color of the web to increase strength. Door box (section 42x92 mm) of fused pine mass, coating - in accordance with the surface of the canvas. Soundproofing seal is installed along the box perimeter.

4.6.3 Balcony glazing

The designed residential building for balcony glazing uses the material of PROPLEX, which represents a system of two-chamber PVC profiles for balcony glazing.

The two-chamber profile in terms of heat transfer resistance (0,405 m20C/w) and strength of angular welded joints meets the requirements of GOST 3067399 and SNiP 23022003 for translucent enclosing structures (Test Report No. 2711/05I dated 23.12.2005). In addition to the obvious price advantage, PROPLEXBALKON has a number of advantageous distinguishing features from PVC and aluminum systems used for balcony glazing:

compared to aluminum profiles, PVC-profile products retain better heat;

compared to aluminum profiles, PVC-shaped products provide better sound insulation;

as compared to extendable aluminum profiles, PVC-shaped products provide better tightness and guarantee no blowing;

PVC profiles less aluminum are subject to mechanical damage (scratches) both during processing, transportation, installation, and in subsequent everyday use.


Currently, when designing residential buildings, special attention is paid to creating comfortable living conditions for people, one of the factors of comfort is the uninterrupted supply of housing with cold and hot water, timely drainage, heating, gas supply, etc.

This section will address the issue of cold water supply of the designed 9 storey residential building, with a total area of 1597.32 m2.

Internal water supply is provided from the existing external networks of the city water supply. Connection to the city water supply is carried out in the well No. 1, designed to carry out tie-in and installation of disconnecting valves.

Engineering equipment

Water supply - household drinking water.

Sewerage - household in the city network.

Heating - central water, single-tube system with radiators of RSG2 type for design temperature - 15 ° С. Coolant parameters 105/70 ° С.

Ventilation is natural, 9 floors of kitchens are forced.

Hot water supply - from the external network, design head at the base of the risers 32 m.

Gas supply - from the external network to the cookers.

Power supply - from external network, category II, voltage 380/320 V.

Lighting - filament lamps.

Communication device, collective teleantennes, telephone inputs.

Passenger elevator, lifting capacity up to 1000 kg.

Waste water - with a camera on the 1st floor, with a replaceable container

5.1 Building cold water supply system, B1 system design

According to SNiP 2.04.0185 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" item 2.1, the quality of cold and hot water supplied for household and drinking needs should comply with GOST 287482. To supply water for household and drinking needs, a system of household and drinking water supply is adopted in the building, supplying water to sanitary and technical devices.

Due to the fact that the building has a height of 9 floors, we accept an annular water supply system. According to SNiP 2.04.0185. Item 6.1, Table 1, the building provides for internal fire water supply, supplying two jets of 2.5 l/s. For watering green spaces and sidewalks around the building, a watering water supply is provided, which is connected to the main, through 70 meters along the perimeter of the building.

Quarterly networks are made of cast iron pressure pipes according to GOST 958375. Internal grids - from steel galvanized water and gas pipes. After crossing the CTP wall by the input, a water metering unit with a bypass line is installed. The main line of the internal water supply is laid under the ceiling of the basement (above the doorways). Risers are mounted in bathrooms behind the toilet. For ease of installation, they are placed in shafts next to sewage risers. Wiring to sanitary and technical devices is laid, opened at a height of 0.3 meters from the floor and connected with water discharge valves by vertical pipelines. The main line is laid along the basement at a distance of 0.3 meters from the ceiling of the basement and is attached on suspensions and brackets to the ceiling or capital walls. Risers and watering cranes are attached to it.

The water supply network in the building is installed from steel water and gas galvanized pipes according to GOST 326275.

Gate valves are installed at each inlet, at the entrance and exit from the basement of the building, at the pressure and suction branch pipes of the pumps .

Internal water supply systems include inlets to the building, water metering units, distribution networks, risers, supply to sanitary devices, pumping units, water discharge, shut-off and control valves. The selection of the internal water supply system is made taking into account the technical-economic and fire-fighting requirements, as well as the adopted external water supply system. Water risers should be placed together with sewage risers in mines when using sanitary and technical cabins of factory manufacture or in niches when installing sanitary and technical devices on the construction site.

5.2 Hot Water Supply System

The hot water supply of the building is local from the city network. The internal water supply consists of the following elements: inlet, water supply network, towels. The entry is designed from the side of the street facade of the building. The entry is made of 25 mm diameter galvanized steel pipes. Passage of entry through wall of underground is arranged in case of steel pipe with diameter of 45 mm with filling of gap of gas and waterproof material with application of glands. The internal hot water network is made of steel sheets of galvanized pipes GOST 326275 with a nominal passage of 1525 mm. The gas supply line is laid underground with a slope of 25% towards the inlet. Branches of water supply risers for distribution of hot water leave the main line. The pipelines to the water disassembly devices are laid at a height of 0.3-0.4 m from the floor, and with vertical pipes they are connected to the water disassembly valves.

All pipelines of the hot water supply system, with the exception of apartment supplies and towel dryers, shall be covered with insulation, the thickness and quality of which shall provide a normalized amount of heat loss. Air from the system is discharged from the upper points through an air collector with a pipe with a diameter of 15 mm, brought to the sink of the upper floor and equipped with a shutoff valve.

5.3 Sewerage system

The internal sewer network is designed from cast iron pipes and shaped parts of GOST 6.942.13080. Based on the purpose of the building, we accept household sewage. To drain stormwater and meltwater from the roof, drains are provided.

Selection of sewage system

Household sewage scheme is adopted from the following elements:

wastewater receivers;

hydraulic locks;

sewage network with cleaning devices and exhaust part;


yard network.

System Design

Sanitary devices for collecting the polluted water and waste have in the bathroom, a bathroom, kitchen:

cast iron enameled wash;

cast iron white bath with length;

ceramic washbasin;

toilet, medium-sized tank.

Hydraulic locks are installed after washing, bath, washbasin. The toilet has a built-in hydraulic lock.

Plastic two return hydraulic locks are provided:

for washing - 32 mm;

for washbasin - 25 mm;

for bath - 40 mm.

The sewer network is designed from cast iron and ceramic pipes. The sewerage network consists of risers, branch pipelines on each floor and combining san-appliances in the apartment, as well as horizontal pipelines connecting several risers in the basement and supplying to the outlet. Pipelines are laid with a slope towards the outlet, the value of the slope is determined by the calculation.

In the building, sewage risers are accepted - 4 pieces, the diameter of the riser is 100 mm, the diameter of the outlet is 100 mm. On risers 1 m from the floor, revisions on 1 and 2 floors are installed. Cleaning shall be installed on the branch lines, if 3 or more devices are connected, on straight lines every 8 m, on the turns of horizontal sections. The upper part of the riser is brought to the roof by 0.30.8 m., The diameter of the exhaust part is 100 mm. Washes and washbasins are equipped with bottle siphons. Outlet pipes are laid on walls above the floor with slope of 20%, slope of outlets is at least 20%.

Drawings content

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