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Coursework on Water Supply and Drainage

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1. Design Input

2. Composition of coursework

3. Design of the building water supply system

3.1. System Selection and Plumbing Design

3.2. Water Line Axonometric Diagram

3.3. Hydraulic Running Water Calculation

3.4. Selection of water meters and pumps

3.4.1. Selection of water meters

3.4.2. Selection of pumps

3.5. Drawing Up Water Supply Specification

4. Building sewer design

4.1. System Selection and Development of Sewerage Scheme

4.2. Internal sewerage axonometric diagram

4.3. Drawing up of sewage specification

4.4. Hydraulic calculation of yard sewage and construction of its longitudinal profile

4.5. Preparation of the table "Basic indicators for water supply and sewerage of the building"



The supply of sufficient water to various consumers, the quality of which meets the high requirements of the current GOST, the disposal and treatment of contaminated water for the purpose of repeated or repeated use or discharge into the reservoir are of great economic, technical and social importance. Modern water supply and sewerage systems are complex engineering structures and devices that provide water supply to consumers, as well as waste water removal and treatment. The correct solution of engineering problems in water supply and sanitation largely determines the high level of improvement of settlements, residential, public and industrial buildings, as well as the rational use and reproduction of natural resources and the protection of the environment from pollution.

The purpose of this course project "Water supply and drainage of a residential building" is to consolidate the knowledge gained during the study of the theoretical course "Water supply and drainage," as well as to obtain initial skills in designing water supply and sewerage systems of a residential building.

Graphic part

The graphic part is made on a sheet of A1 format in accordance with the requirements of existing SPDS, GOST.

The drawing shows:

1) plan of technical underground (basement) with application and designation of all pipelines and risers of water supply and sewerage systems of the building, including places of exit of watering cranes, water supply and sewage outlets with reference to construction axes or characteristic protrusions of walls (scale 1:200);

2) an axonometric diagram of the internal cold water supply with the application of shut-off and water-discharge valves and the designation of the water supply, risers, pipe diameters and characteristic elevations of the water supply, dilution network, watering cranes, floor water supply and water-discharge valves (scale 1:200);

3) an axonometric diagram of the sewage riser with the extension to the first inspection well, with the application of sanitary equipment and the designation of the riser, the outlet, the diameters of the pipes, their slopes and elevations of the pipe trays, the points of connection of floor branch pipelines, showing the notches of the pipe bell and shaped parts (scale 1:200);

4) longitudinal profile of the yard sewerage system to the inspection well of the street collector inclusive (horizontal scale 1:500, vertical 1:100);

5) plot plan of the site with application of the building, red building line, water supply and sewerage networks with indication of their diameters, designation of inspection wells (scale 1:500);

6) a fragment of the apartment plan with drain pipelines and shaped sewage parts, as well as sanitary equipment (scale 1:100);

7) three nodes: the node of connection of water supply to the external network; water metering unit; pump unit diagram (scale 1:50);

- tables of hydraulic calculation of water supply and yard sewerage;

- table "Main indicators for water supply and sewerage of the building";

- equipment specifications of internal water supply systems B1 and sewerage system K1;

- short explanatory text and calculations for selection of the counter of cold water (hydrometer) and the pump (on the free area of a leaf).

Water Line Axonometric Diagram

The scale of the axonometric scheme is 1:200. The axonometric diagram of the water supply B1 is given for the entire building. On the axonometric diagram B1 we denote all the risers of the building. We completely draw the riser (calculated) farthest from the water pipeline input. In this course work, this is the riser St B11. For the rest of the risers, we show their lower part and brand. For the riser, depicted completely, on the upper floor we draw in axonometry apartment pipelines and water fittings. On the underlying floors, we show only the place where the apartment entry is connected to the riser and give a relative elevation of the axis of entry.

Shut-off valves (valves, gate valves) shall be installed on the internal water supply network B1 in accordance with item 10.4 and item 10.5 of SNiP 2.04.0185.

The axonometric diagram shows reference designations of units, diameters of pipelines and characteristic elevations. The numbers in the circles denote the calculation points for the hydraulic calculation of the water supply, which we begin after the construction of the axonometric diagram of the water supply B1. For the 1st design instrument, specify the elevation. In this work, the mark of the mixer for washing is indicated 20.65 m, that is, 85 cm above the floor in the apartment - this is the standard height according to SNiP 3.05.0185.

Internal sewerage axonometric diagram

Axonometric diagram of internal sewage system K1 is performed in frontal isometry with left axis system.

In this course work, we show not all K1 axonometry, but draw a completely sewer riser, for which there is a fragment of the floor plan with the K1 network (fragment 1). With this riser we show the sewer network in the technical subpole and the extension to the first inspection well KK11.

On the riser, floor taps and sanitary devices are drawn only for the upper floor. On the underlying floors, we indicate straight crosses - shaped parts for connecting floor discharge pipelines to the riser.

P100 revisions are installed on risers as per para 17.18 of SNiP 2.04.0185. Clearings before releases at an external wall are collected from direct TP100h100 T-connectors with traffic jams caps. The flush step is taken as per Table 6 of SNiP 2.04.0185.

The riser is ventilated by bringing its top above the roof in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185, by 0.3 m (for flat roof).

Elevations of K11 extension are defined as follows:

First, you define the elevation of the exhaust tray at the exterior wall of the building. The depth of laying from the ground surface to the pipe tray in this place is taken to be 0.3 m less than the depth of ground freezing 1.8 m, that is:

1.8 - 0.3 = 1.5 m,

as per item 4.8 of SNiP 2.04.0385. According to the general plan, the absolute ground elevation near the building of 126.20 m corresponds to a relative elevation of 0.800 m, since the relative zero (floor of the first floor) has an absolute elevation of 127.00 (see above) this is calculated as follows:

127 – 126,2,1 = 0,800,

and a minus sign is assigned to the elevation below zero (floor of the 1st floor). Then, at the depth of the discharge tray against the outer wall of 1.5 m, the relative elevation of the tray will be 0.800 - 1.500 = 2.300 m, which is shown at the beginning of the release on the asconometric diagram K1 in the graphic part of this course work.

Further, the length of the outlet is 5 meters from the cleaning to the inspection well (item 17.28 of SNiP 2.04.0185). The release slope with a diameter of 100 mm is accepted without calculating 0.02 according to clause 18.2 of SNiP 2.04.0185. On floors for pipe sections with a diameter of 50 mm, the slope is also adopted without calculation equal to 0.035, and for 100 mm the slope is 0.02.

By multiplying the slope by length, the output tray differential is obtained:

5 * 0.02 = 0.1 m,

therefore, the outlet elevation near the well is shown 2.400 m.

Outlet K11 shall be connected to the first inspection well KK11 with coincidence of pipe tops of different diameters. The yard sewerage network is already an external network, therefore, according to paragraph 2.33 of SNiP 2.04.0385, the smallest diameter of this network is 150 mm, which is accepted in our form of ceramic pipes according to GOST 28682. Therefore, the tray of the first well KK11 will be 5 cm below the exhaust tray due to mismatch between the diameters of the exhaust pipes and the yard network:

150-100 = 50 mm.

Relative elevation of KK11 well tray is 2.450, which corresponds to absolute elevation 127 - 2.45 = 124.55 m.

Other elevations of horizontal sections on the axonometric diagram K1 are assigned taking into account the slopes and lengths of pipes, as well as the thickness of the intermediate floor of 0.3 m and the convenience of assembling bell pipelines.

Drawings content

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