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Course work "Determination of utilization efficiency of recovery boiler"

  • Added: 19.03.2020
  • Size: 504 KB
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Course work on the topic "Determining the efficiency of the utilization boiler." RPZ content: - Calculation of enthalpy of gases and parameters of steam and water; - Heat balance and steam efficiency of recovery boiler; - Calculation of superheater; - Calculation of evaporator; - Calculation of economizer; - Determination of efficiency of utilization of recovery boiler. List of graphic material: diagram of connection of recovery boiler in steam-gas plant, graphs of dependence of water temperature and its enthalpy on area of heat exchange surfaces.

Project's Content

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Calculation of enthalpy of gases and parameters of steam and water

Heat balance and steam capacity of recovery boiler

Steam superheater calculation

Evaporator calculation

Economizer calculation


List of literature



In the scope of the course work, the boiler-recycler was calculated, according to the results of which a conclusion was made on the efficiency of the energy-saving measure: the installation of an additional device for the use of secondary resources in the heat engineering scheme.

Diagram of connection to metallurgical furnace and diagram of dependence of temperature of heat carriers and their enthalpy on heat exchange surface area of recovery boiler are presented in graphical part of course work.

At metallurgical plants, heat of waste gases is transferred to water through recovery boilers. As a result of this, a large amount of steam is formed, part of which serves to ensure the steel melting process, and part goes to household needs (heating, heating water).


In the scope of the course work, the calculation of the boiler - recycler with the boiler - prototype KU80 was carried out. Based on the results of the calculations, it was concluded that the energy-saving measure was effective: the installation of an additional device for the use of secondary resources in the technological scheme .

The steam capacity of the recovery boiler is 6.391 kg/s, the steam temperature is 365 ° C. In this case, the temperature of flue gases will decrease from 650 ° C to 240 ° C.

The savings of conventional fuel from the use of the recovery boiler are 0.602 kg/s, which in recalculation for the year is 18971.884 tons/year.

Drawings content

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