Course project of a 14-storey residential building

- Added: 27.01.2015
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The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.
In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility, convenience and beauty include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to the laws of beauty.
Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.
Over the years, the architecture of mass residential buildings, their space-planning solutions and appearance have radically changed.
The new residential buildings of the mass series under construction are distinguished by a diverse apartment composition, greater architectural and planning variability and comfort of living, various storeys, which allows increasing the density of development, forming cozy residential formations, saving urban territory.
The planning solutions of social apartments have also improved: the dimensions of residential rooms have approached the square, more spacious kitchen-dining rooms with glazed loggias, comfortable front rooms, bathrooms with bathrooms for bedrooms, pantries have appeared. In all new houses, regardless of the storey, freight and passenger elevators are now installed to lift large loads.
The appearance of modern residential buildings has become much more attractive and elegant. In residential buildings, in addition to balconies and loggies, erkers, attic floors, interesting solutions for the wings of the entrances and original crowning elements and details appeared.
Due to the constant increase in the cost of energy resources and, as a result, the increase in fees for heating and hot water, which affects the family budget, significant work is carried out on energy saving in mass housing construction.
In two stages, the construction industry of mass types of residential buildings was transferred to the production of external enclosing large-panel structures with a significant increase in the level of thermal protection. As a result, their resistance to heat transfer increased 3 times, and translucent structures (windows and doors) are used energy-efficient, with double-glazed windows. The systematic implementation of these solutions has significantly reduced the cost of mass residential construction
The designed building is a nine-story residential building with 35 apartments.
The construction site is located in Votkinsk, Udmurt Republic.
Building Class II. Fire resistance degrees of building II. Durability degree II.
The construction site is characterized by the following climatic conditions:
the outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period with a security of 0.92 - 34 ° C;
absolute minimum air temperature, ° C - -48° C;
average temperature of the heating period - 9.2 ° С;
duration of heating period - 237 days;
design snow load for the V snowy area - 3.2kN/m2;
site relates to IB climatic construction area;
normative depth of ground freezing: loam - 1.6 m, sand - 1.76 m;
by weight of snow cover belongs to the V region, weight of snow cover is 2000 kPa.
The main planning solutions shown in the drawing are made taking into account the urban planning situation, in connection with the existing buildings and structures laid earlier by engineering communications taking into account the existing cargo flows, in accordance with sanitary and fire regulations.
The space-planning decision of the building was made based on the completion of architectural forms, taking into account modern urban planning requirements. The complex line of facades broken in plan allows you to perceive architectural and planning solutions wholly from various points.
The planning structure of the building is based on the expressiveness and individuality of architectural volumes, the convenience of its operation in general .
The main facade of the building is oriented north.
The building was designed using serial prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and local materials produced by construction industry plants.
The territory free from engineering communications will be landscaped by the installation of lawns and flower beds, planting a group shrub.
The implementation of construction in the conditions of the existing development allows to use the existing networks of water supply, power supply, communications for the construction needs and during the construction period to lower storm and fecal drains into the existing sewage system.
Surface water removal is carried out by an open system along a freely planned relief.
The designed networks are connected to existing networks. All utilities shall be laid underground.
Power supply of the residential building is provided from the existing RP. Common-house supply and group networks are performed by PVC wire in PVC pipes. Group network in apartments is laid by IWG cable on walls and partitions.
The project adopted the following types of lighting: working and operational in the general artificial lighting system. Mains voltage 380/220V.
Lamps with DRL250 lamp installed on reinforced concrete supports are adopted for outdoor lighting.
The project provides for the installation of internal telephony, radio and television networks.
Lightning plugs are provided for protection against lightning discharges of radio racks and television antennas of the building. The tire is laid along the roof. Descent to the grounding terminals is carried out along the facade of the building.
The project provides for the installation of autonomous optoelectronic smoke detectors in the premises of apartments (except for latrines, utility rooms and hygienic ones).
Gas supply is provided from the existing low pressure gas pipeline. The gas pipeline is laid partially on supports, partially underground.
Before performing the main works, the fertile soil layer is removed and stored for subsequent reclamation.
Architectural - Structural Section
1.1 Brief description of the project
The economic feasibility, in relation to the structural part of the project, lies in the assignment, during design, of the necessary reserves of strength and stability of structures, as well as their durability and fire resistance in accordance with the purpose of the building and its design period.
This is facilitated by assigning the building to a specific class during design. The building class is appointed in accordance with its national economic and urban planning role.
The designed building belongs to class II - residential buildings of mass construction, II degree of durability and II degree of fire resistance;
Accepted degrees of fire resistance and durability of enclosing structures according to SNiP.
Durability - a characteristic of a building determined by the limit period for preserving the physical qualities of building structures during operation. It depends on the following qualities of structural materials: creep, frost resistance, moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, bio-resistance.
Conditional evaluation of durability is carried out according to the limit life of the building: II degree - 2050 years;
The degree of fire resistance of the building depends on the degree of ignition of the main parts of the building and their fire resistance limit.
The fire resistance limit is the duration of resistance of structures to fire until their carrying capacity is exhausted, stability, until through cracks are formed in them or until the temperature is more than 200 ° C on the surface opposite to the fire. The fire resistance limit is measured in hours.
According to SNiP, the fire resistance limits of building structures are different due to materials, but the maximum limit (22.5 hours) must have load-bearing vertical structures. The fire resistance limit of the slab is 22.5 hours, but can be less than that of vertical structural structures. The minimum fire resistance limit (0,250,5 hours) has non-bearing structures (partitions, coatings, non-bearing walls).
1.2 Characteristics of the construction area
When designing buildings for a certain climatic area or subdistrict, a set of requirements corresponding to its natural conditions for architectural and planning solutions (orientation, ventilation, the need for summer rooms, etc.) structures and engineering equipment is taken into account.
The construction site of a residential fourteen-story building is located in the city of Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The construction site is characterized by the following natural and hydrogeological conditions:
design temperature of the coldest five-day period with coverage of 0.92-41 ° С;
design temperature of coldest days with coverage of 0.92 45 ° С;
calculated weight of a snow cover on the III region (1800kgs/sq.m) of 1.8 kPa;
humidity zone - dry;
normative depth of ground freezing - 2.8 m;
the dominant wind direction - southwest;
Курсовой проект.dwg

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