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Course project for the construction of mine workings


The project is designed for transportation of rock mass, delivery of cargo in VG-1.6 wagons using the AMP-14 electric locomotive, movement of people, ventilation, drainage, laying of cables, communication lines.

Composition - one drawing and note. In the drawing - Attachment certificate. Drainage groove. Lock. Section of workpiece. Technical and economic indicators. Ventilation scheme. Layout of holes. Design of charges of drilling holes. TRU.

Project's Content

icon Чертеж.cdw
icon Курс №1 - копия.docx

Additional information




1 Analysis of initial data of the exchange rate project

2 Select the cross-sectional shape of the roof,

material and type of support

3 Determining cross-sectional dimensions


4 Selection of mechanization and process equipment

diagrams of production performance

5 Preparation of TRU passport

6 Calculation of mine mine support

7 Drawing up of certificate of mining working ventilation

8 Organization of works during mining

9 Safety measures during mining

10 Occupational safety and fire protection at

mining operations

List of used literature

Review of the course project


The ever-growing demand of the national economy for solid fuel requires

Construction of new and reconstruction of existing mining enterprises. At under

a large amount of work is carried out on the Earth's coal mining method

mine workings, the total length of which is significant.

The preparatory work is one of the main tasks to ensure the uninterrupted and effective operation of the treatment face. Coal industry enterprises have a large fleet, penetrating machines and mechanisms that ensure high speeds of mining, the development of technology, the improvement of mining technology and the organization of work lead to fundamental changes in the characteristics of labor. His main type is mechanized labor.

The main tasks of mining operations are clear and systematic work of mining equipment, the introduction of complex equipment, the effective use of blasting and mine transport, the use of combined machines, and ensuring the safety of penetrators. A positive role in labor protection can be played by the introduction of technology during workings without issuing rock to the surface in dumps. In the present economic situation, the need to reduce the cost of conducting and increase the speed of moving the preparatory slaughter, to the economic relation, to the work performed should be emphasized.

The purpose of the course project is to consolidate theoretical knowledge when solving problems when designing a passport for conducting and fixing workings.

Organization of works during mining

Work on the hatch is carried out by a team of penetrators. The passing team performs the works stipulated by the work organization schedule. The team is divided into links by the number of working shifts. The team operation mode is 25 working days a month, with a working week with two weekends on a rolling schedule, that is, a team of penetrators works 7 days a week.

Processes of the penetration cycle during the hatching:

1. Drilling of holes

2. Charging of holes

3. Explosive charge explosion

4. Airing

5. Inspection and safety of the face

6. Erection of temporary support

7. Mining harvesting

8. Erection of permanent support

9. Extension of ventilation pipeline, water drain devices

grooves, rail extension, cables

10. Delivery of goods and materials

Drawings content

icon Чертеж.cdw
