Course project. Calculation of water heating system
- Added: 20.08.2015
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Project's Content
К.П. Энергетические системы.docx
Спецификация энерг.spw
Схема системы отпления.cdw
Таблица 2.docx
Таблица 3.docx
Таблица 4.docx
Чертеж по энерг.сис..cdw
Additional information
Selection of design parameters of internal and external air
Thermal engineering calculation of building enclosing structures
Calculation of heat losses and determination of heat load on the heating system
Calculation of heating devices of the heating system
Hydraulic calculation of heating system pipelines
List of used literature
For course design
Project theme: Calculation of the water heating system of the administrative building of an industrial enterprise.
Project Input:
City: Moscow;
Building storey: 2;
Standard floor plan with dimensions in axes and structural layouts in external fences of the building;
Design parameters of coolant (temperature and available pressure drop at input): t1 = 100 ℃, t2 = 70 ℃, ∆P=22 kPa;
Type of designed heating system: double-tube, with upper wiring, with associated water movement;
Thermal conductivity: in the walls a = 0.059 Vt/m∙℃, in the floors a = 0.042 Vt/m∙℃.
Structures of external fences of the building: walls - a three-layer reinforced concrete panel with an internal heat insulation layer, floors - resistance to heat transfer of a multi-structure railway floor slab R = 0.14 m2∙℃/Vt;
The orientation of the building elevation is meridional (North-South).
Content of calculation and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed): Selection of design parameters of internal and external air. Thermal engineering calculation of building enclosing structures. Calculation of heat losses and determination of heat load on the heating system. Calculation of heating devices of the heating system. Hydraulic calculation of heating system pipelines.
List of graphic material (with exact indication of required drawings):
Plans of the typical floor, attic and basement of the building (one sheet format A1, M 1:100);
Axonometric diagram of the heating system (M 1:100);
Diagram of subscriber input in the building (without scale);
Project Description
This coursework contains... pages of written text, 3 tables, 4 drawings made on one sheet of A1 format.
In this course work, the heating system of the administrative building of the industrial enterprise of the city of Moscow was calculated. The calculation resulted in:
Actual heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures:
building walls
basement floor
attic floor
Window heat transfer coefficients:
for ground floor
for the second floor
for the third floor
The application of the heating system is due to the need to maintain comfortable indoor conditions in the winter. By comfortable conditions is meant such conditions when, with subjectively good thermal sensation of a person, the thermal equilibrium of the body is achieved without the stress of the thermoregulation apparatus.
The tasks of this work are:
calculation of thermal losses of the administrative building of an industrial enterprise;
calculation of a water heating system capable of compensating for heat losses taking into account internal heat emissions during the heating period;
selection of pipelines for heating system taking into account friction pressure losses and economic component .
Спецификация энерг.spw
Схема системы отпления.cdw
Чертеж по энерг.сис..cdw
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