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Course design for reinforced concrete structures

  • Added: 04.05.2021
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Course project for reinforced concrete structures. Calculation of the frame of a one-story industrial building

Project's Content

icon Германьев жбк 2 сем.dwg.doc
icon Германьев жбк 2 сем.dwg

Additional information


In the course design under development, the reinforced concrete frame of the one-story production building is calculated in accordance with the basic principles of calculation, design and layout of reinforced concrete structures. Coating structures: ribbed plates measuring 3x6m, gable lattice (BDR).

Loads are collected in accordance with SNiP 2.01.0785 "Loads and impacts," and structures are calculated in accordance with SNB 5.03.01 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures."

Relatively small spans of industrial buildings are most economically covered by reinforced concrete beams, since reinforced concrete trusses will be very labor-intensive and more difficult to install.

Source Data:

- span - 18m;

- column pitch - 6m;

- number of steps - 12;

- crane lifting capacity - 30/5t;

- load-bearing rafter structure - gable lattice beam (BDR);

- soil resistance - 3.2 MPa;

- construction area - Grodno;

- cross-frame diagram of the building - two-span;

Static calculation of the cross frame of the workshop

On the transverse frame of the workshop there are constant loads from the weight of the enclosing and load-bearing structures of the building, temporary from bridge cranes and atmospheric effects of snow and wind.

Several loads can be applied to the building at the same time and several combinations of them are possible, taking into account the absence of some of them or possible changes in the diagrams of their application. Therefore, the frame is calculated for each of the loads separately, and then a calculated combination of forces is made at a disadvantageous combination of loads. At the same time, the load values ​ ​ should be calculated separately, even if they have the same distribution patterns on the structure, but differ in the duration of the impact.

Drawings content

icon Германьев жбк 2 сем.dwg

Германьев жбк 2 сем.dwg

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