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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Country house with furnace heating


Architectural drawings, plot plan, construction project.

Project's Content

icon Стройгенплан Т14.dwg
icon 1-но квартирный жилой дом.dwg
icon Генплан Т14.dwg
icon Проект организации №14.doc

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Short description of construction

3. Definition of construction dates

4. Scope of construction and installation works and demand for construction structures, parts, materials

5. Construction Organization Recommendations and Main Work Methods

6. Need for personnel

7. Need for construction machines and machinery

8. Construction needs for energy and water

9. Temporary buildings and structures

10. Stroygenplan

11. Recommendations on environmental protection

12. Safety Philosophy

13. Technical and economic indicators


1. Stroygenplan


The construction organization project at the 1no apartment building facility has been developed for the entire scope of construction and installation work.

The initial data for PIC development are:

• technical assignment for development of anti-icing system;

• summary estimate for the construction of the facility;

• general information, data on natural conditions, relief, soils, hydrology, given in the part "General Explanatory Note."

The following regulatory documents were used in the development of the construction organization project:

• SNiP 3.01.0185 Construction Production Organization;

• SNiP 1.04.0385 * "Standards of construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures";

• "Calculation standards for drawing up construction organization and work execution projects," part 2;

• SNiP III480 "Safety in construction";

• "Manual on the development of construction organization projects and construction projects for housing and civil engineering."

Geodetic works

All geodetic work at the site should be performed in accordance with the current regulatory documents and geodetic work projects (GMP), which are developed by the geodetic service of the construction organization.

The interaction of the geodetic services of the customer, the general contractor and the subcontractor is determined by the "Regulation on the Geodetic Markschader Service."

The Owner shall create a geodetic basis for construction not less than 10 days before the start of construction and installation works, hand over to the contractor the technical documentation for it and for fixing the points and signs of this basis on the construction site.

Performance of geodetic survey works during construction, geodetic control of accuracy and performance of construction and installation works is the responsibility of the contractor.

Acceptance of the correctness of the installation of structures is executed by an act with the application of as-built schemes for geodetic verification of the position of structures with the application of all deviations from the project and agreed with the author's supervision of the design organization.


It is recommended to perform the complex of earthworks at the construction site by the following mechanisms:

• 130 hp bulldozer performs planning work, backfilling of trenches, arrangement of bases for roads;

• soil compaction is performed mechanically.

Piling works

The foundation shall be arranged according to the work execution project, which shall contain working drawings of all accessories and internal communications related to the foundation execution.

Foundation arrangement is preceded by preparatory works including:

acceptance of the construction site, issued by the certificate;

selection of equipment for piling;

detailed breakdown of the pile field;

pile delivery and storage;

checking compliance of technical documentation and marking of piles delivered to the place of work;

protective coating application;

marking of piles by length.

Piling is performed by KP8 or other driving unit with suitable characteristics

Installation works

Prior to installation, installation and acceptance of installation facilities and equipment, preparation of the road along which the crane will move and stability of the crane shall be carried out. Type of crane, its lifting capacity and equipment shall be checked and tested.

Installation of structures is mainly carried out from storage sites.

The type of crane is selected based on the dimensions of the building under construction and the maximum weight of the mounted parts. Motor crane KS 3562A based on a/m "Maz" Lstr. = 10 m, lifting capacity mach - 10 t is accepted for installation on the construction site.

Finishing works

External decoration - upholstery with a wagon.

Interior decoration - gypsum board with wallpaper, chopped board with oil color. The furnace is painted with water emulsion paint.

It is recommended to paint using S-6-12 or S491A paint, oil painting using S-765 spray pistols.


The construction GP was developed for the period of construction of the above-ground part.

The construction plan shows buildings and structures under construction, places allocated for storage of prefabricated structures, materials, temporary structures. Temporary roads, coverage areas of lifting equipment are shown.

Along the fence of the territory, a temporary electrical network and searchlight masts are shown. Workplaces are illuminated by portable lighting masts. A smoking area is equipped.

At the entrance to the site, an information board must be posted, with the name of the object, the name of the site manager, the date of start and end of work, and a traffic diagram.

For construction and installation works the following dimensions of temporary roads, platforms, driveways are adopted:

the width of temporary roads is 4.5m;

gate width - 6.0m;

Drawings content

icon Стройгенплан Т14.dwg

icon 1-но квартирный жилой дом.dwg

1-но квартирный жилой дом.dwg

icon Генплан Т14.dwg

Генплан Т14.dwg