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Construction plan and CP + DBE


Production of object construction master plan;
Work execution schedule for the entire construction period;
Schedule of workers movement;
DBE (calculations of temporary buildings, warehouses, resource requirements);

Project's Content

icon СГП и КП.dwg
icon Титульник к СГП и КП (ПЗ).docx
icon ПЗ_СГП и КП.docx

Additional information


The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on achieving the final result - the commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and on time.

Construction Master Plan

Construction plan - a general plan of the construction site, which displays both designed and existing buildings and structures, engineering roads, paths and areas of operation of installation cranes, storage areas of materials and structures.

The construction plan was developed for the period of construction of the above-ground part. Entry to the territory of the construction of vehicles is carried out through existing streets and entrances with the installation of temporary roads covered with rubble (250 mm thick). Storage areas are located in the area of the installation crane.

Temporary power supply and water supply of construction is provided from existing utilities, supply of compressed air - from mobile compressors, oxygen and propane - from cylinders brought to the facility. All temporary office buildings are located outside the crane area and outside the hazardous areas.

Technical and economic indicators

1) Total duration of construction according to the calendar plan - 22 months (663 days);

2) The maximum number of workers is 80 people;

3) Labor costs for construction and installation works at this facility - 17783 chelsm, 582 massm;

4) Area occupied by temporary structures and warehouses - 540 m2;

5) Area of temporary and permanent roads - 1354 m2;

6) Length of roads - 196 m;

7) Length of temporary water supply networks - 162 m;

8) Length of temporary power grids - 202 m;

9) The total building area is 16876 m2.

Drawings content

icon СГП и КП.dwg

СГП и КП.dwg