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Construction of RTC operation cyclogram


Course work on APS.

The topic of the course work: the construction of a cyclogram of the work of the robotic technological complex for processing the bushing part. Contents: Explanatory note; process; drawings - part; procurement; operational sketches; cyclogram; cyclogram to layout drawings; 3e part model.

Project's Content

icon Технологический процесс.xls
icon Заготовка.cdw
icon Планировка автоматизированного участка..cdw
icon Деталь..cdw
icon Втулка 3d модель..m3d
icon Циклограмма работы РТК.cdw
icon Установ А (для карты эскизов)..cdw
icon Установ Б (для карты эскизов).cdw
icon Пояснительная записка.docx

Additional information





1.1. Job for Course Work

1.2. General characteristics of automatic production


2.1. Define Production Type

2.2. Selection of the workpiece and definition of its parameters

2.3. Determination of product readiness for automatic production

2.4. Automated Manufacturing Process Design


3.1. Calculation of equipment quantity by operations

3.2. Select and calculate the required number of industrial robots

3.3. Select Equipment Location Option on Site

3.4. Calculation of Automated Transportation and Storage System

3.5. Construction of cyclogram of robotic technological complex operation




Automation of production processes is one of the areas of development of the national economy. This is due to the fact that automation of production opens up unlimited opportunities for the productivity of public labor. In addition to increasing productivity, it facilitates and fundamentally changes the nature of work, makes it creative, erases the difference between mental and physical labor.

Mechanization and automation improve product quality and safety and equipment utilization, and in some cases intensify equipment operation.

The problem of production automation also raises socio-economic issues. In modern society, automation of production is a means of maximizing profit and an instrument for combating competitors. These and a number of other positive factors lead to serious attention to mechanization and automation.

The real economic impact of mechanization and automation depends to a large extent on the specific conditions under which the mechanization and automation tools and methods are used to solve the production tasks. Mechanization and, especially, automation of machine-building production requires significant capital expenditures. If the automation object is selected successfully, these costs pay off quickly. In a short time, high economic efficiency is achieved, and if you follow the path of "continuous" automation, then instead of saving, you can get losses. Therefore, each mechanical engineer must have a clear understanding of the technical capabilities of the mechanization and automation tools and be able to select them correctly on a case-by-case basis with the greatest efficiency

General characteristics of automatic production

Automatic flow lines are the main element of automated production.

Automatic line is a system of machine machines located, as a rule, in a process sequence and combined by a system of automatic loading of interoperative transportation, accumulation of interoperative gaps of products, automatic control.

The purpose of creating automatic lines is to ensure high quality and a given amount of products, to rid a person of monotonous and heavy physical labor, to create comfortable service conditions.

Features of automatic lines:

- by the nature of inter-unit communication (rigid or flexible), when the equipment in the line operates either synchronously or non-synchronously - when dividing into sections and installing inter-operation accumulators;

- mutual arrangement of process and transport equipment with passage of the product transportation route from the side, from the top, through the working areas;

- capacity for re-setting - impossibility or possibility of switching to production of other products by re-setting, re-arrangement, structural redundancy, etc. [1, p. 12]

Thus, in this course design, on the basis of the given task, the process of automatic production of the Bushing part will be designed in accordance with the above statements.

Select Equipment Location Option on Site

The layout of RTK is influenced by the type of technological process being implemented, the composition of technological equipment, the peculiarities of the organization of this production, the characteristics of industrial robots and related special technological equipment.

In our case, there is no interoperative transport system, and the transfer of production items from one cell to another is carried out directly by industrial robots entering them. Such complexes can have both centralized control and a decentralized control system consisting of interconnected control devices of individual industrial robots. All cells of the complex operate synchronously in a single rhythm, providing the sequence of work operations and idle moves specified by the program. Such lines with a direct rigid connection between the cells are the simplest and have the lowest cost. However, they require a strictly defined mutual arrangement of the main process equipment. [13, page 114]

In this work, a variant of the longitudinal arrangement of the equipment will be used, since all other versions do not make sense due to the small amount of equipment used.


During the course work, in accordance with the task, an automated section was designed, the type of production was calculated, the degree of readiness of the product for automatic production was determined, and the technological route of automatic production was designed. The result of the work was the construction of a cyclogram of the work of a robotic technological complex.

Drawings content

icon Заготовка.cdw


icon Планировка автоматизированного участка..cdw

Планировка автоматизированного участка..cdw

icon Деталь..cdw


icon Втулка 3d модель..m3d

Втулка 3d модель..m3d

icon Циклограмма работы РТК.cdw

Циклограмма работы РТК.cdw

icon Установ А (для карты эскизов)..cdw

Установ А (для карты эскизов)..cdw

icon Установ Б (для карты эскизов).cdw

Установ Б (для карты эскизов).cdw

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