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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Construction of mini pavilions


1.1. Master Plan. The plot plan of the site was developed in accordance with the design assignment, as well as regulatory documents valid in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The following are located on the territory: Tabys market building, boiler room, new., pavilions-designed, platform for TB- designed, parking for 250 refrigerated cars - designed. The fertile soil layer is removed to a depth of 0.2 m and stored for the period of construction, and then used for landscaping and landscaping of the territory. The planned and regular system for cleaning the designed area of ​ ​ solid waste includes the collection, disposal and disposal of waste. The area is completely fenced with a metal fence h = 1.6m. with the gates, the Project provides trays for collecting water with a grid from driveways, lighting of the territory, overhaul of driveways, on-site driveways are provided with asphalt concrete pavement, pavement in front of the pavilion's main entrance is pavement pavement. Also the project provided repair sushch. asphalt concrete covering of 4372.0 sq.m. Repair of asphalt concrete pavement consists in arrangement of water receiving tray for water discharge from roadway. Removal of the upper layer - 100mm of asphalt and laying of fine asphalt concrete. 1.2. Architectural and construction solutions The building is single-storey arceless rectangular in plan with dimensions in axes of 5,06x6,0 m. height of premises 2.8 m. Set of premises:· trading room 1.8m2;· warehouse 6.8m2;· cubic 5.0m2. Foundations - tape from monolithic concrete B15, F25, W4. External walls - from cellular gas block with thickness of 300mm, with insulation of foam block with 50mm. Lining - profile painted Coating - wood, attic. The roof is single-pitched along wooden rafters. Windows - metal plastic. Internal - wood doors External - metal doors External entrance - metal plastic Partitions - silicate brick M100, thickness 120 mm. Floors - linoleum and ceramic tiles. Interior finishes - improved plaster, flooring water emulsion painting for 2-rasai The pavement of the building from monolithic concrete B15.

Project's Content

icon ГП_павильоны табыс+.dwg

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