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Construction of a production building for the manufacture of light metal building structures in Ufa


The diploma project was developed for the construction of a production building for the manufacture of light metal building structures in Ufa

Project's Content

icon 1.dwg
icon 1 вариант орган.doc
icon BETON 9 LIST.dwg
icon (12)Заключение.doc
icon (2)Содержание.doc
icon (5)_1_Сост.вопроса.doc
icon FUNDAMENT 5 лист.dwg
icon (7)_3_Расчетно-конструктивная часть.doc
icon (8)_4_ТСП.doc
icon (9)_5_Организация.doc
icon (11)_7_БЖД.doc
icon ЛМК.doc
icon сетевой график.doc
icon (10)_6_Экономика возведения объекта.doc
icon (3)Перечень сокращений.doc
icon (4)Введение.doc
icon (1)Реферат.doc
icon (6)_2_Архитектура.doc

Additional information


List of abbreviations of symbols of terms, units

and symbols


1. Status of the question

1.1 Literary overview

1.2 Relevance and novelty of elements

2 Architectural part

2.1 Design Input

2.2 Volume-planning solution

2.3 Plot plan of the territory development

2.4 Calculation of the administrative-domestic building

2.5 Structural solution

2.6 Engineering Equipment

2.7 Lighting Engineering Calculation

2.8 Technical and economic indicators

3. Design and structural part

3.1 Determination of frame loads

3.2 Static calculation of transverse frame

3.3 Calculation of the extreme row column

3.4 Foundation calculation

3.5 Calculation of ribbed prestressed coating plate

4. Construction production technology

4.1 Earthworks

4.2 Erection works for building frame erection

4.3 Concrete works

4.4 Roofing works

5. Organization and management of site erection

5.1 Calculation and construction of the network

5.2 Development of Construction Plan

5.3 Control of site erection processes

6. Economics of construction of the facility

6.1 Choice of economical design option

6.2 Calculation of estimated cost of the facility

6.3 Project Technical and Economic Indicators

7. Project safety and environmental friendliness

7.1 Safety of work during earthworks

7.2 Occupational safety during installation works



Appendix A. Static calculation of the transverse frame by finite element method in the SCAD program

Appendix B. Local Estimate No.

Appendix B. Network


Diploma project 110c., 21 Fig., 44 Table, 42 sources, 3 Annexes.


The object of the diploma project is the development of facades, space-planning solution, calculation of building structures, production technology by type of work, organization and economy.

As a result of the work on the project, the design of an architectural solution was carried out, the selection of a set of mechanization of the work was based on a comparison of technical and economic indicators.


This diploma project was developed for the construction of a production building for the manufacture of light metal building structures in the city of Ufa.

There are seven main sections in the diploma project:

- Status of the question;

- Architectural part;

- Design and structural part;

- Technology of construction production;

- Organization and management of the facility erection;

- Economics of construction of the facility;

- Project safety and environmental friendliness.

The architectural part has developed versions of facades, a master development plan, longitudinal and transverse sections, a plan of about 0.000, a roof plan.

Calculation of slab, extreme column, foundation for extreme column is made in design and structural part.

The process part of the project consists of four Job Instructions for the production of earthen, erection, roofing, concrete works. Each process sheet has developed all technological operations, calculation of labor processes, work schedule, selection of machines and mechanisms, safety instructions.

In the section, the organization and management of the construction of the facility developed a network schedule for the construction of the facility, a construction plan.

The economics section provides a comparison of two structural solutions for covering the building, the option adopted in the project is more economical.

In the section safety and environmental friendliness of the project, methods of safe excavation and installation work have been developed.

Status of the question

1.1 Literary overview

During the design and development of the project on the topic: "Production building for the manufacture of light metal building structures in Ufa" it is necessary to use the following SNiP, training manuals, methodological guidelines:

- in terms of architectural and planning part, it is recommended to use methodological guidelines developed by the department "Architecture," containing the basic principles for the development of architectural and construction drawings; textbooks "Industrial Buildings" edited by L.F. Shubin; "Architecture of industrial and civil buildings" edited by Orlovsky B. Ya;

- as for the design and construction part, the main regulatory document is SNiP 2.03.0184 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures"; examples of the calculation of reinforced concrete structures are given in the textbooks "Calculation of building structures" edited by Bondarenko V. M., "Reinforced concrete structures" edited by Baykov V. N., Sigalov E. E., "Pre-strained reinforced concrete structures" edited by Drozd Ya. I., "Examples of the calculation of reinforced concrete structures" edited by Mandrikov I. A.

- Methodological guidelines developed by the department "Roads and Technology of Construction Production" were applied according to the technology of construction production; designer's handbook "Installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures," builder's handbook "Earthworks," handbook "Machines for installation work and vertical transport" edited by V.I. Polyakov;

- The sections "Organization and management of the construction of the facility" and "Economics of the construction of the facility" cover a wide range of issues reflected in the collections of ENiR and ERER, methodological guidelines and annexes to SNiP. The main textbook for this section is "Organization, Planning and Construction Management" edited by Dickman L. G.;

- under the section "Safety and Environmental Friendliness of the Project," the main regulatory document is SNiP 12.032001 "Labor Safety in Construction," and textbooks "Labor Safety in Construction" edited by Zolotnitsky N. D., Pchelintsev V. L., "Engineering Solutions for Environmental Protection and Labor Protection" edited by OrG. G. G.

1.2 Relevance and novelty of elements

The design of the building for the manufacture of light metal building structures is due to the fact that at present the direction of "buildings from light metal structures" has been widely used in construction. These can be: warehouses, production shops, shopping complexes, sports facilities, administrative and household complexes, hangars of all kinds (for aircraft, cars, military and agricultural equipment, etc.).

Modern technologies make it possible to manufacture frame elements with high accuracy, thereby reducing the time and simplifying the installation process of metal structures, while ensuring high reliability and durability.

The further development of the theory and methods of calculating reinforced concrete structures is due to the desire to reduce their material capacity while ensuring the necessary reliability, use new materials, change the characteristics of structures and expand their areas of operation under various operating conditions and impacts. In industrial construction, the promising direction is the design of large-span buildings with an enlarged column grid and large-sized enclosing structures when unifying volume-planning solutions and the use of standard structures.

The decrease in material capacity of reinforced concrete structures is largely due to the improvement of structural shapes and the use of high-strength concretes and steels. The structural layout of the building is also being improved.

One of the main areas of design and construction of industrial buildings is the use of efficient construction materials that reduce the material capacity of industrial construction.

In this project, during the design, special attention was paid to the selection of materials and roof design.

The reliability of the roof depends on the following factors:

- correct roof design, depending on the extent to which operating conditions were taken into account during its design;

- competent selection of materials from which this roof will be made; at the same time, it is important that the supplied materials comply with the declared specification, this is the purpose of certification of products in the GOST R system and more complex international certification for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9002.

In this project, a roof made of bitumen-polymer materials with insulation from mineral wool plates is used.

Roofing bituminous and bituminous polymer materials consist of a base (cardboard, glass cloth, glass fabric, polyester nonwoven fabric - polyester), on which bituminous or bituminous polymer binder is applied.

The upper side of the materials intended for the upper layer of the roof carpet is covered, as a rule, with coarse-grained sprinkling. To prevent sticking, polyethylene film is increasingly used, which is coated with the lower or both sides of the material.

Water removal from coatings is accepted as internal.

To remove vapors from the roof structure, roof fans (aerators, vanes) are installed.

Architectural part

2.1 Design Input

The site designated for the construction of a production building for the manufacture of light metal building structures is located in Ufa.

The assignment for the performance of the diploma design provides for the in-depth development of the design and technology of the roofing.

The operating mode of the enterprise is two-shift, 262 working days per year with two weekends per week. The duration of work shifts is 8 hours.

The climate of the construction area is continental. The standard snow load for the V snow region is 3.2 kN/m2. The wind head for the II wind region is 0.3 kN/m2. The estimated external temperature of the coldest five-day period is - 38 ° C.

Outdoor humidity zone is normal. The normative depth of ground freezing is 1.8 m. Groundwater at the construction site is at a depth of 5 m. The site is not flooded during the spring flood. Layers of geological section: 1 - soil-growing; 2 - loam; 3 - clay.

The production building according to the production process belongs to group 1c - these are processes causing pollution by substances of the 3rd and 4th classes of danger of the body and workwear.

Number of employees: list - 94 people, including workers - 88 people: men - 78chel., women - 10chel., ITR - 4chel., employees - 2 people. The largest shift in the production process involves 62 people: 57 men and 5 women. Construction is planned to be carried out from local materials and structures produced at the ZhBK plant.

2.2 Volume-planning solution

The production building was solved taking into account the requirements of SNiP. The total dimensions of the building are 36x60.3 m. The production building is a two-span one-story. The dimensions in the axes are 36x48 m. The width of the span of the workshop is 18 m, the pitch of the columns of the extreme rows is 6 m, the middle row is 12 m, the height to the bottom of the rafters is 10.8 m. Each span is equipped with a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of Q = 10 t.

The administrative building is a two-story building with a plan size of 36x12 m and a floor height of 4.2 m. The spans in the ABK are 6 m, the pitch of the columns is 6 m.

The detailed location of the rooms is indicated on the drawings of the architectural part of the diploma project.

2.3 Plot plan of the territory development

The plot plan is made on a scale of 1:1000. The general plan shows the following objects: production workshop, ABK, material warehouse, finished goods warehouse, parking lots, canteen, checkpoints. Also depicted is a breakdown plan, discussed with a plan for the improvement of the territory. The territory of the industrial zone is fenced with a reinforced concrete fence 2m high.

The structural solution of internal roads is asphalt concrete 125 mm thick, the base is rubble - 200 mm.

The removal of water from all facilities provides for the arrangement of closed storm sewage.

Improvement of the workshop is carried out by arranging recreation places in front of the ABK and maximum landscaping of the site.

General Plan TEP:

plot area 39500 m2

building area 3455 m2

building factor 0.09

coating area 15925 m2

landscaping area 20120 m2

territory utilization rate 0.49

2.4 Calculation of the administrative-domestic building

The calculation of the administrative and domestic building is carried out according to the requirements of SniP "Administrative and domestic buildings" [3].

The ABC of the enterprise buildings are designed to accommodate premises for servicing workers: sanitary and household premises, health care premises, catering, trade and household services.

Manufacturing Process Group 1in.

A separate wardrobe is provided for street clothes.

For Group 1the manufacturing processes provide:

- two cabinets for home and special clothes with dimensions of 0.4x0.5x1.65m - 62 pcs.;

- one washbasin for 20 people - for men - 3 pcs, for women - 1 pcs.;

- one shower mesh (measuring 1.8x0.9m with a pre-shower) for 5 people - for men - 12 pcs, for women - 1 pcs.;

- 1 toilet for 18 men - 4 cabins., 1 toilet for 12 women - 1 cabin, measuring 1.2 x 0.9 m;

A relaxation room is provided - 27.4 m2.

The total area of ​ ​ ABK is 864 m2.

The complete location of the premises in the ABC is depicted in the architectural part on the plans of the first and second floors.

2.5 Structural solution

Structural diagram of the workshop and ABK - frame. The bearing composition is adopted according to a frame scheme formed by vertical bearing elements, on which frame girders rest. Structural scheme with articulated coupling of frame crossbar with columns and rigid sealing of columns in foundations has been applied. The spatial rigidity of the building in the longitudinal direction is provided by foundation beams, as well as roof and floor discs and vertical connections. Foundations for columns - monolithic reinforced concrete glass type according to the series 1.412.1/77. A monolithic reinforced concrete foundation of glass type according to a series of 1.412.1-4 is arranged under the reinforced concrete rack of the frame. Foundation beams - monolithic reinforced concrete.

Unified solid reinforced concrete columns of rectangular section: extreme - 400x500 mm, medium - 500x800 mm. Vertical connection is normal metal, located in axes A, D, and G between axes 6 and 7 in extreme spans, between 6 and 8 - on average.

Crane beams - reinforced concrete 6 and 12 m long series 1.4633. Substructure beam - reinforced concrete with a length of 12 m. Rafter beam - reinforced concrete gable lattice 18m long series 1.4623.

Reinforced concrete covering slabs 1.5x6 m.

Window bindings are steel, in the industrial building - blocks with dimensions of 3x3 m and 3x1.5m, in the ABK 1.5x1.8 m. Wooden double-deck rope gates with dimensions of 4.0x4.2 m.

Wall panels three-layer reinforced concrete 200 mm thick, in the workshop - 6 long; 3; 1.5 m high 1.5 and 1.2 m; in ABK - 6 long; 1,2; 0.6 m high 1.5; 1,2; 2.4 m.

The roof is solved using floating roll waterproofing materials.


This diploma project showed that the design of large-span buildings with an enlarged grid of columns is a promising direction in the construction of industrial buildings and structures.

The technical and economic comparison made in the diploma project of two structural solutions of the building coating established that the second of the following options wins:

1) Rafter trusses with a length of 18m are supported by tuning trusses with a length of 12m.

2) Rafter beams with a length of 18 m are supported by substructure beams with a length of 12 m.

The costs of the first option are 325.3 thousand rubles, of the second option - 305.03 thousand rubles.

The standard construction duration is 154 days, the planned construction duration according to the network schedule is 74 days. The economic effect of reducing the construction and early commissioning of the facility amounted to 1132.62 thousand rubles.

Drawings content

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