Construction of a five-storey residential building in the city of Zelenodolsk

- Added: 10.03.2022
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The purpose of this course project on the topic: "Construction of a five-storey residential building in the city of Zelenodolsk, building dimensions 33.6 * 12.0 m" is to draw up a project for the production of works and the architectural part for the implementation of this project.
Objectives of the project:
- perform a heat engineering calculation;
- calculate the height of the floor and stairs;
- perform the calculation of jumpers;
- calculate the depth of the foundation;
-perform architectural drawings (scheme of the location of foundation elements, layout of floor slabs, plan of the typical floor, section, facade, master plan).
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Architectural-structural part
1.1. Volumetric planning solutions
1.2. Master Plan
2 Calculation of architectural and structural part
2.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation
2.2 Stair Calculation
2.3 Calculation of jumpers
2.4 Calculation of foundation depth
3 Construction structures
3.1 Foundations
3.2 Walls
3.3 Overlaps
3.4 Windows and Doors
3.5 Roof and roof
3.6 Ladder
3.7 Floors
4 External and internal finishes
5 Engineering plumbing equipment
5.1 Ventilation
5.2 Power supply
5.3 Heating
5.4 Water supply
5.5 Drainage
5.6 Gas supply
6 Environmental and safety measures
6.1 Environmental protection measures
6.2 Fire safety measures
6.3 Construction Safety
List of literature used
Appendix A Opening List
Appendix B Jumper Specification
Appendix B Space exploitation
Graphic Material List
Sheet 1 Architectural-structural solution of the elevation
Sheet 2 Typical Floor Plan, Ground Floor Callout
Sheet 3 Structural solutions of foundation units
Sheet 4 Slab Design
Sheet 5 Section, Nodes
Sheet 6 Plot Plan 1:
The purpose of this course project on the topic: "Construction of a five-story residential building in the city of Zelenodolsk, the size of the building 33.6 * 12, 0m" is to draw up a project for the execution of work and an architectural part for the implementation of this project.
Project Tasks:
- perform heat engineering calculation;
- calculate the height of the floor and stairs;
- perform calculation of jumpers;
- perform calculation of foundation laying depth;
- perform architectural drawings (layout of foundation elements, layout of floor slabs, standard floor plan, section, elevation, plot plan).
Multi-storey apartment buildings are the main type of urban development. Such houses allow rational use of the territory, reduce the length of engineering networks, streets, and urban transport structures. In addition, their high-altitude composition contributes to the creation of an expressive silhouette of development. The correct choice of building floors determines its cost-effectiveness.
The object of the study is the designed building.
Master Plan
The plot plan is 1:500 scale and has a size of 20x20 (400m2).
On the territory adjacent to the residential building, tree landscaping and lawn are designed. In addition to the designed building, driveways are located on the site.
A residential building and an entertainment center are designed on the territory.
The general plan provides passages with asphalt pavement, sidewalks with asphalt pavement.
In areas free of development, the installation of lawns, deciduous and coniferous trees of ordinary planting is provided
. 3. Construction structures
Design solution: the building has 5 floors + technical floor.
3.1 Foundations
Foundations are underground structures that transfer loads from the building to the ground.
Prefabricated tape foundations consist of slabs laid in the foundation base and wall blocks, which are walls of the underground part of the building.
Foundation slabs-cushions are laid on a leveled base with a sand filling 10 cm thick. Bulk or loose soil cannot be left under the base of the foundation. It is removed and crushed stone or sand is poured instead. Recesses in the base more than 10 cm are filled with concrete mixture. Cushion plates for external walls have a width of 800 mm, and for internal walls - 1000 mm. During design, the dimensions of the foundation cushion slabs are accepted in accordance with GOST 1358085.
Pillow plates are laid with breaks. In places of conjugation of longitudinal and transverse walls of the cushion slab are laid in front and places of conjugation between them are sealed with concrete mixture. Horizontal waterproofing is arranged over laid pad slabs and 30 mm thick cement-sand brace is arranged on top of it, in which reinforcement mesh is laid, which leads to more uniform distribution of load from overlying blocks and structures. Upon completion of the cement bracing, the pit is filled to the top of the mounted reinforced concrete foundation cushions.
Then concrete foundation blocks are laid with dressing of seams in five rows, over which a waterproofing layer of two ruberoid layers on the mastic is arranged.
The purpose of the waterproofing layer is to prevent migration of capillary soil and atmospheric moisture up the wall. The width of the foundation blocks for the external walls is 600 mm, for the internal - 600 mm.
During design the dimensions of foundation wall blocks are accepted according to GOST 1357978.
The depth of foundation laying is 2.9 m, which exceeds the depth of soil freezing, which is 1.4 m in a given construction area.
The base of the building does not protrude, and therefore does not form a single plane with the wall of the building.
The basement is lined with decorative stone, which gives the building artistic expressiveness.
The entire perimeter of the building is paved with a width of 900 mm with a slope of i = 0.03. It is designed to protect the foundation from rain and meltwater penetrating into the ground near the walls of the building.
3.2 Walls
The walls of the building are designed to protect and protect against environmental influences and transfer loads from the above structures - floors and coatings to the foundation.
External walls are designed in the form of multilayer masonry made of silicate brick according to GOST 37995. Insulation - polystyrene foam .
When erecting the walls of the building, manual masonry with horizontal and vertical dressing of seams is used. Clay bricks are used for masonry of external and internal walls.
The walls are laid on cement sand mortar. Thickness of external walls is determined on the basis of heat engineering calculation and is 660 mm. Such a thickness is necessary to ensure stability to wind and impact loads, as well as to increase the thermal insulation and sound insulation capacity of the walls.
Outside, the walls are plastered with cement sand mortar. The thickness of the outer (decorative) layer of plaster is 20 mm. Outside, a layer of plaster is colored whitewash. This is necessary to improve the appearance of the building.
Window openings in the walls are designed with quarters designed for the convenience of installation of window blocks. Lintels above window and door openings. They transfer the load from overlying structures to walls or spacers .
Internal walls and partitions:
Internal walls and partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Internal walls perform fencing and load-bearing functions in the building, partitions - only fencing.
Partitions - brick, gypsum board on a metal frame with the necessary sound insulation.
Internal load-bearing walls made of brick with thickness of 380 mm, partitions have thickness of 100 mm. Internal structural walls are supported by slabs .
The structures of these walls and partitions meet the regulatory requirements for strength, stability, fire resistance, sound insulation.
3.3 Overlaps
Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from floors to the structural walls of the building.
Floors and coatings are designed from typical prefabricated hollow reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 220 mm with preliminary reinforcement stress. The use of prefabricated slabs and coatings increases the construction speed of buildings.
Slabs are laid on the outer walls from the inner edge of the wall by 150 mm.
Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength.
3.4 Windows, doors
Windows - building elements designed for lighting and ventilation of rooms. Doors are used to connect isolated spaces and to enter the building.
Windows in the building are designed with double glazing. The thickness of the window blocks is 620 mm, which gives the right to judge their sufficient heat and sound insulation. The frames in the windows are plastic.
Doors in the building are designed filenoid single-floor and double-floor, glazed (in the kitchen, living room) and deaf (non-glazed). All doors of the building are custom-made and decorated with decorative carvings. Door dimensions: height - 2000 mm, width: D1 - 1800 mm, D2 - 800 mm, D3 - 900 mm.
3.5 Roof, roof
The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building.
Internal drainage through water intake funnel.
In this project, the roof is aligned flat with the technical floor.
3.6 Stairs
Stairs are designed to communicate between spaces located on different floors.
The stairwell is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Two-march staircase resting on staircases. The width of the steps is 300 mm, the height of all steps is 150 mm. The width of the march is 1000 mm, which is sufficient for its operation.
The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings. All doors along the stairwell and in the vestibule open towards the exit from the building according to fire safety conditions. The fence of stairs is 1000 mm high, the handrail is lined with plastic.
Engineering and plumbing equipment
5.1 Ventilation
Ventilation is natural, plenum. The inflow of air is unorganized through windows and doors. Exhaust is carried out by means of ventilation channels arranged inside walls. Ventilation rooms are located in internal walls in kitchens and bathrooms and have dimensions of 140x140 mm. Ventilation ducts are brought out of the roof plane.
5.2. Power supply
Electricity is a major energy source in all developed countries. The inability to perform simple homework, prepare food, comfortably spend free time - all the usual way of life will simply be destroyed. That is why the power supply of an apartment building is a very important and responsible matter.
5.3 Water supply (hot and cold water)
Central water supply is provided in the designed building. hot water supply is designed from main heating networks, with lower wiring on the basement.
5.4 Gas supply
The designed house provides centralized gas supply. A gas pipeline is introduced into an apartment building through a system of subscriber branches into each kitchen of residential premises and apartments.
5.5 Drainage
Plastic pipes, risers with a diameter of 15 mm, branches with a diameter of 50 mm are used for drainage. The drainage system is central.
5.6 Heating
Heating and hot water supply is designed from main heating networks, with lower wiring on the basement. Heating devices are convectors. For each section, a separate heat unit is performed to regulate and account for the coolant. Main pipelines and riser pipes located in the basement of the building.
I developed a layout of floor slabs along the floors, their sizes, number and mass were determined. The course project was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction. New materials and technologies were used in the project.
During the development of the course project, I learned to design a residential building, tie the walls of the building to the axes and perform other design solutions. The layout of the nine-story residential building was carried out in accordance with the current norms and rules of SNiP 2.08.0189 * "Residential buildings." She calculated the technical and economic indicators of a residential building, and also conducted a number of architectural and planning solutions. Compiled an explication of the premises, determined the area of the premises and the area of the walls. Compiled a specification of reinforced concrete products, window and door blocks.
When calculating the heat engineering calculation and the depth of foundation laying, she determined the characteristics of the construction area according to
During the implementation of this course project, the skills in drawing and explanatory note were fixed, which were performed in accordance with GOST 21.10197 * "Basic requirements for design and detailed documentation."

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