Construction of 10 storeys 40 apartment building. (Coursework)

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3 drawings in Autocad (Construction Plan, Organization Schedule, Standard Floor Plan, Building Construction Map). Explanatory note 47 pages. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................3 1. ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PART....................... 8 1.1. Climatic conditions of the construction area............... 8 1.2. Construction plan.......................................................... 9 1.3. Architecturally planning solution........................... 11 1.4. Structural solution.......................................... 12 1.5. External and internal finishing................................ 13 1.6. Specification of precast reinforced concrete elements..... 15 2. CALCULATION OF VOLUMES OF INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS.............................................................................. 24 3. CALCULATION OF LABOUR INTENSITY OF WORKS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANISMS, PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS..................... 28 3.1. Selection of construction methods and organization of construction..................................................................................... 38 3.2. Calculation of storage areas.......................................... 41 3.3. Definition of need for temporary buildings and constructions................................................42 3.4. Calculation of Water Demand for Construction Needs...................................................................................... 44 LIST OF USED LITERATURE............................ 47
Project's Content
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Additional information
Climatic conditions of the construction area
Architectural Planning Solution
Constructive solution
Exterior and interior finishes
Specification of precast reinforced concrete elements
3.1. Selection of construction methods and construction organization
3.2. Calculation of storage areas
3.3. Define time requirements
buildings and structures
3.4. Calculation of water demand for construction needs
3.5.Control power supply organization
Guided by the Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 05.03.2011 No. 76 "On the results of the implementation in 2010 of the Strategy for the development of the construction complex of the Kemerovo region until 2010 and the tasks for 2011," by the decree of the administration of the Mezhdurechensky urban district dated 29.04.2011 No. 764p "On the decision on the need to develop a draft program" Development of housing construction in the Mezhdurechensky urban district for 2011-2015 "; Guided by the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131FZ "On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation," the decree of the administration of the city of Mezhdurechensk of 17.02.2011 No. 250p "on approval of the Procedure for deciding on the development of long-term municipal target programs, their formation and evaluation of their effectiveness
implementations ":
1. Approve the municipal target program "Development of housing construction in the Mezhdurechensky urban district" for 20112015.
2. The Financial Administration of the city of Mezhdurechensk to finance the municipal target program "Development of housing construction in the Mezhdurechensk urban district" for 20112015.
3. Work With Department Publish This
The decision in the mass media in its entirety.
4. IT Department to place the present
resolution on the official website of the administration of the city of Mezhdurechensk.
General characteristics of the city
The designed object is located in the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region.
The city is located in the southeast of the Kemerovo region, 60 kilometers east of Novokuznetsk and 312 km southeast of Kemerovo, at the confluence of the Usa River with Tom (hence the name). At an average altitude of 240 m above sea level. Mezhdurechensk is one of the most remote cities from the regional center. Railway station on the Taishet - Novokuznetsk line. City area: 335.4 km ².
The city of Mezhdurechensk, like the entire Kemerovo region, is located in the Omsk time zone. Offset from UTC is + 7:00. Relative to Moscow time, the time zone has a constant shift of + 3 hours and is designated in Russia as MSK + 3.
On September 14, 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the use of the fifth time zone in the Kemerovo region. The transition to a new time zone in Kuzbass took place on March 28, 2010, when a planned daylight saving time was carried out in Russia. As a result, the time difference between Mezhdurechensky and Moscow was reduced from 4 to 3 hours.
The city of Mezhdurechensk is located in the central district of the Tomusinsky coal deposit on the arrow of the Tom and Usa rivers (hence the name of the city). Within modern borders, the area of the city is 33,536 thousand hectares, including the area of green spaces of 17,077 hectares, built up with residential and industrial facilities of 1,174 hectares. The city is located southeast of the regional center of Kemerovo and is 302 km away from it. The distance to the capital of Russia - Moscow is 3,784 km. The length of streets, driveways, embankments is 223.5 km, including with an improved surface of 117.1 km. The population density is 307 people per 1 km ² (the maximum population density in the region in Kemerovo is 1877 people. per 1 square km; minimum in Tashtagol - 290). The population as of 01.01.2008 is 106.5 thousand people, including the urban - 103.8 thousand people, the rural - 2.7 thousand people. Employed in various sectors of the economy - 44.5 thousand people, pensioners registered in social protection bodies consists of 29,306 people, students in general education institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lycées) - 11,694 people, pupils of preschool institutions - 4,630 people, students of all forms of education - 4,395 people, students of vocational school - 594 people. In 2008, the volume of shipped goods of its own production, performed works and services on its own amounted to 69495 million rubles, retail trade turnover - 11372 million rubles, paid services to the population - 1,711 million rubles, investment in fixed assets for 11 months of 2008 - 9680.7 million rubles. The average monthly salary of one worker for 11 months of 2008 is 20,408 rubles, the average monthly pension of one pensioner is 4,714 rubles. The basis of the city's economy is coal enterprises. The largest CJSC Raspadskaya Coal Company, OJSC Mezhdurechye, OJSC Southern Kuzbass, OJSC Yuzhkuzbassugol. In 2008, 26.7 million tons of coal were mined. Enterprises of the processing industry of the city for 2008: OJSC Bakery - 4.8 thousand tons of bread and bakery products, 185 tons of confectionery products; JSC Slavyanka - 443.4 thousand dollars of beer. Soft drinks 66.6 thousand dcl. Trade and catering in the city are represented by 5 markets, 400 stores (199 for the sale of food and 201 for the sale of non-food goods), 97 enterprises of a small retail chain (kiosks, pavilions), 2 restaurants, 26 bars and cafes, 5 canteens. Banking and credit and financial activities are carried out by 11 banks (the largest: a branch of Sberbank, Uglemetbank), 11 insurance companies, 4 state and municipal funds, 4 consumer credit cooperatives. Mezhdurechensk has 37 preschool institutions, 32 general education institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceum), 3 additional education institutions (stations, center for children's creativity), 1 secondary special educational institution, 1 initial vocational education institution, 8 branches and representative offices of universities. In the city there are: 2 hospital facilities for 646 places, 8 outpatient and polyclinic institutions (2,191 visit per shift), 3 feldsher-shakushere points. Sanatorium and resort organizations are represented by the Solnechny sanatorium with 150 seats and the Romantika sanatorium with 220 seats. There are several recreation centers, the largest of which is Fantasia Health Center LLC with 47 seats. In Mezhdurechensk there are 53 libraries, 9 cultural and educational institutions, the House of Music and children's choir school No. 52, children's art school. At the moment, 77 public associations are operating in the city. Today, Mezhdurechensk is being formed not only as a center of the coal industry, the development of sports and tourism is becoming increasingly important. There are 151 sports facilities for sports, including the Crystal Ice Palace, 2 stadiums, 3 ski bases, a shooting range, a swimming pool, 34 gyms.
City economy
Mezhdurechensk railway station
The main branch of the economy is the extraction of coal (coking and energy coal), which enters mainly the ferrous metallurgy and power plants of Southern Kuzbass.
Mines: Raspadskaya (the largest in Russia, is part of the coal mining company of the same name, whose headquarters is also located in the city), Raspadskaya Koksovaya, Lenin, Tomskaya, Olgerasskayanova. (The Shevyakov mine was closed after the accident on December 1, 1992, which killed 25 miners)
Sections: Krasnogorsk, Olgerassky, Mezhdurechensky, Tomusinsky, Raspadsky.
Factories for the enrichment of mined coal: Kuzbasskaya, Tomusinskaya, Krasnogorsk, Raspadskaya, Mezhdurechenskaya.
Gold mining enterprises: ZAO Artel prospectors "Golden Pole."
The city has the management of Coal Company South Kuzbass OJSC, subordinate to the Mechel group. The enterprises which are a part of the company carry out coal mining as underground (the OlzherasskayaNovaya mine, the mine of Lenin, the Sibirginskaya mine, the Erunakovskaya mine under construction), and the way opened (coal mines "Krasnogorsky", "Olzherassky", "Sibirginsky"). The coal company also includes coal processing and enrichment enterprises (GOF Tomusinskaya, ZOF Kuzbasskaya, OF Krasnogorsk, ZOF Siberia, under construction by OF Sibirginskaya) [3].
In 1989, the first significant mining strike in the USSR began in the city.
According to the type of activity "mining," the volume of shipped products in actual prices for 2009 amounted to 40.52 billion rubles. In 2009, 24.3 million tons of coal were mined by large and medium-sized enterprises of the city. Manufacturing enterprises shipped goods of their own production, performed work and services on their own for 2009 in the amount of 1.429 billion rubles.
Architectural and structural part
Climatic conditions of the construction area
The Mezhdurechensky urban district is characterized by a sharp continental climate with significant annual and daily temperature fluctuations, as well as a large amount of precipitation.
The average annual temperature is 0.1 C °
The average January temperature is 25 C °
Average July temperature + 18.5 C °
Absolute temperature minimum - 48 C °
Absolute temperature maximum + 39 C °
The average annual wind speed is 2.9 m/s
The recurrence of calm situations in the city is - 51%
Average frost-free period - 107 days
The city is located in a zone of sufficient moisture: on average, from 750 to 1400 mm of precipitation falls per year. Snow cover is established in early November (in the mountains - in October). The height of the snow cover in the city area is about 1.0 m, in mountains - from 2.53.0 m (on the slopes) to 4.07.0 m (in intermountain depressions). The process of melting snow and glaciers in the mountains annually creates a threat of flooding the territory of the city limits. The duration of the snow cover is about 160 days. The average depth of soil freezing in the city is about 190 cm. The predominant direction of winds is western and eastern.
The severe temperature regime is accompanied by increased humidity of atmospheric air due to the location of the urban district between rivers on marshy terrain. The situation is aggravated by the lack of sunlight (mainly cloudy or cloudy weather).
Architectural Planning Solution
According to the assignment, a residential building for 40 apartments was designed. A site in the city development system is allocated for the designed building. The building has a basement and attic room. The structural diagram of the building is carkless; with longitudinal bearing walls. Natural lighting is made through windows located in longitudinal and transverse walls. The shape of the building in the plan is rectangular with dimensions in the axes: A-B - 12000mm, 1-5 -25200mm.
Building classification - residential;
Durability degree-2;
Fire resistance of the building - 2;
Building capital - 1;
Building storey - ten floors, floor height - 2.8m
Constructive solution
The object is a 10-story single-section residential building with 40 apartments, consisting of one block section. Structural diagram with transverse bearing walls and support of floor panels on two sides.
For the construction of this house, the following building structures and products were used:
⎯ foundations - strip prefabricated from foundation cushions and foundation blocks;
External ⎯ walls - single-layer lightweight concrete panels, stratified. 300 mm;
⎯ internal walls - prefabricated reinforced concrete panels made of heavy concrete, 200 mm thick;
⎯ slabs - prefabricated reinforced concrete flat panels made of heavy concrete, 220 mm thick;
⎯ partitions - prefabricated gypsum board on a metal frame, 80 mm thick;
⎯ partitions of bathrooms - prefabricated gypsum board on a metal frame, 80 mm thick;
⎯ stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete marches and platforms;
⎯ balconies - reinforced concrete flat slabs, 140 mm thick;
⎯ roof - flat with internal drain;
⎯ roof - 4-layered ruberoid;
⎯ entrance doors - steel;
⎯ interior doors - made of artificial materials (pine massif bars, MDF (medium-density wood fiber sheets and DSP (particle board);
⎯ windows and balcony doors - from PVC (metal plastic) in white with triple glazing;
⎯ floors - linoleum, ceramic tiles.
Exterior and interior finishes
External - factory finish of panels of external walls, textured layer of concrete (with flushing), painting of concrete surface with silicone paints;
Internal - in rooms and front - mashing, painting with water emulsion paint, gluing wallpaper, in kitchens and front in front of kitchens - mashing, painting with water-emulsion paint, gluing wallpaper, in showers - a panel of glazed tiles 1.8 m high, higher high-quality color, in bathrooms - mashing, painting with water emulsion paint, masonry ceramic tiles, in the corridors - water emulsion painting, gluing wallpaper, stairwell - rubbing, painting with water emulsion paint, painting walls with oil paint 1.2m high.