Complex mechanization of a barn for 200 heads - course

- Added: 06.06.2014
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Drawings and note.
The purpose of this course project is to reduce the cost of milk by improving the quality of manure harvesting, as well as reducing labor costs per unit of production.
Drawings - TSN-160B manure conveyor; Barn for 200 heads; Dairy farm master plan for 1,600 heads.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Development of master plan of livestock facility
1.1. Calculation of herd structure and notional number
1.2. Characterization of a given system or method of keeping animals
1.3. Justification and development of the farm day schedule
1.4. Selection of feeding diet, calculation of daily and annual quantity of feeding, development of daily feeding schedule
1.5. Calculation of output of main and auxiliary products
1.6. Justification and selection of standard designs of main and auxiliary buildings and structures, feed storage facilities and calculation of their required quantity
1.7. Description of location on site of production and auxiliary rooms
2 Process Line Engineering (PTL)
2.1. Zoo-engineering requirements for manure harvesting
2.2. Justification and development of design and process diagram of manure harvesting line
2.3. Determination of PTL (machine) performance, selection of machines for performance of process operations and determination of their quantity
3 Maintenance (maintenance) of the designed PTL equipment
3.1. Farm Maintenance Organization
3.2. Maintenance Planning and Accounting
3.3. Determination of maintenance labor intensity and calculation of required quantity of maintenance personnel
4 Organization of works and labor protection
5 Economic justification of the project
5.1. Calculation of Job Instruction of Complex Manure Harvesting Line Mechanization
5.2. Determination of the main technical and economic indicators of the farm
List of literary sources
One of the main ways of increasing the efficiency of livestock production, further improving its productivity and quality of the final product is the industrialization of this production, which is based on integrated mechanization. The use of industrial production methods in animal husbandry requires improvements in technological and technical solutions.
Dairy cattle breeding remains a high-cost industry. So the production of one liter of milk in Ukraine, compared with countries with developed dairy cattle breeding, is spent in 3... 5 times more working time, 1.5 times more feed. Total energy consumption is more than twice as high.
Naturally, in such a situation, in the conditions of a free market, the dairy products of our farms become not competitive in value with the same products coming from abroad.
From the above it can be concluded that the milk production technology needs to be improved in order to reduce the material, energy and labour costs of production.
The purpose of this course project is to reduce the cost of milk by improving the quality of manure harvesting, as well as reducing labor costs per unit of production.
Characterization of a given system or method of keeping animals
In cattle breeding, two animal maintenance systems are most useful [2, 8].
1. Year-round stall content of livestock with wide use in winter when feeding cattle - silage, hay, straw, beets and in summer - green mass of green conveyor crops with additions of concentrates. The system is recommended for farms that have maximum land plowing and a minimum number of natural feed lands;
2. Stall-pasture livestock content in winter, based on feeding animals - silos, hay, straw and in summer - on the use of natural pastures in combination with green feed of green conveyor crops with the addition of concentrates. It is recommended for farms with sufficient areas of natural feed land. The presence of natural hayfields and sown grasses allows farms to harvest the necessary amount of hay, straw is also used to feed livestock.
In summer, cattle should be kept on pastures (May, June, September) and receive green feed from sown fodder crops (July, August, September). During this period they receive 50... 60% annual amount of milk. Depending on features of economy, local conditions it is possible to apply the stall, stoylovolagerny, pasturable and stall and pasturable systems of maintenance of the cattle.
It has been established that a cow eats daily 60 kg of green food, neteli - 45-55, young animals older than one year - 15... 20, up to one year - 10... 15 kg.
Stall cattle maintenance system. It is used in regions, with strong plowing of land throughout the year. At the same time, cattle are kept in summer in livestock yards, and green feed is set by them in the form of feeding, and in winter - in rooms with a walk on livestock bases 2 times a day.
In domestic and foreign dairy cattle breeding, two methods of keeping animals are used - tethered and unrelated. Each has both advantages and disadvantages.
Tethered content is the main in dairy cattle breeding (95%). Its advantage over the unrelated is that individual fixation and maintenance of cows allows you to receive products for 12... 20% longer and extend the period of economic use for 2-3 lactation.
The organization of tethering is advisable in two or four-row cows with a capacity of 100 and 200 cows with no more than 50 animals in one row with milking on installations with a milk wire of the ADM100 (200) type. Distribution of feed by mobile feed distributors of KTU10A type. Manure harvesting by scraper conveyors (TSN160, TSN-3.0B).
Floors in stalls with a slope of 12 ° towards the manure passage are made of expanded clay, concrete, asphalt, rubber bitumen. Litter - straw or sawdust. When keeping animals on straps, they are presented with active walks. This contributes to their health and to the normal functioning of the reproduction system.
The churning yards are arranged along the longitudinal walls of the barn or taken at a certain distance and combined with a summer camp. The standard area of the pit yard at the rate of 8 m2 of hard coating or 20... 25 m2 without it. Feeders are arranged on the walkways, based on the feeding front 0.8 m, shadow canopies. Zoohygienic standards in the tethered barn are as follows: air temperature at least 10 ° C in winter, relative humidity - 75%, carbon dioxide content - 0.25.%, ammonia no more - 0.2 mg/l.
Depending on the natural-climatic and economic conditions, the tethered content has its own characteristics. Thus, in areas of sufficient humidification provided by pastures, the content of cows on tethers in the stall period is combined with pasture content in summer. If the pasture plots are located further than 2... 2.5 km from the farm, summer camps with mobile milking plants are arranged. For pasture, they form gurts no more than in 150... 200 cows (better in 110... 120 cows).
In farms where land is high and there are no pastures, cows are kept in summer in camps located near crops of the green conveyor. At the same time, animals are not grazed, green feed from seeded herbs is mowed and fed to cows.
Given the main disadvantage of tethering content - low labor productivity and some costs of breeding the herd, it is necessary to further improve this method in the direction of integrated mechanization and automation of the main processes - milking, feeding, harvesting and recycling manure, as well as organizing the active motion of animals in the stable period.
Feed distribution is carried out with the help of KTU10A mobile feed distributors, manure harvesting in cows with the help of TSN160A scraper conveyors, and in the calf - by hydro washing, singing cows with the help of PA1 automatic dryers, young - by group drinkers AGK. Milking of cows is carried out using the ADM8A milking plant.
2.1 Zoo-engineering requirements for manure harvesting CAS
For most machinery for the mechanization of livestock farms, zootechnical requirements are imposed, which are reduced to the following [1, 2, 4]:
versatility of identical processes or operations;
high performance;
possibility of capacity control according to zootechnical requirements;
compactness, that is, machines should not clutter passages and obscure premises, the dimensions of machines should allow their use in typical livestock premises;
convenience of cleaning from manure, washing and disinfection of the main working organs of machines;
reliability in operation and ease of management;
interchangeability in case of failure of machines;
possibility of using automation tools;
simplicity of device and operation;
stability of machine working bodies against chemical impacts;
execution of the process or operation within the time specified by the zootechnical requirements;
minimum power consumption;
optimal technical and economic indicators.
Therefore, the manure disposal and disposal system should provide:
timely removal of excreta from livestock premises;
creation of optimal indoor microclimate;
receipt and temporary accumulation of manure, as well as its storage in the territory of the farm (complex), when it is impossible to enter the fields due to rasputets;
production of loose peat compost;
complex mechanization and maximum possible automation of production line processes with minimum labor costs for their execution, uninterrupted operation of process line equipment of the entire production process, as well as safety for maintenance personnel and animals;
to ensure constant and easily maintained cleanliness of machines, passageways and fences;
To prevent the formation and penetration of harmful gases into the animal habitat where possible;
prevent infiltration of contagious bacteria with manure from one production room to another.
Equipment Maintenance
Designed ptl
Equipment maintenance (MT) means a set of measures that ensure the necessary reliability and required operability of machines and equipment during their use.
As a maintenance system, we choose a planned warning system, since it ensures the operability of machines and equipment during the entire period of their operation.
As a maintenance type, we take the combined maintenance type, which is carried out by the farm with the participation of district repair organizations. Maintenance personnel at this 6 operators, locksmiths, craftsmen. The works are carried out at STO or in farms at maintenance posts and points directly at livestock facilities or CMM.
Maintenance Organization
The main task of maintenance of machinery and equipment of livestock farms and complexes is to ensure high-efficiency use of electrification and mechanization facilities due to high-quality and timely technical services, rational use of spare parts, materials, exchange fund of units and units. All maintenance operations are monitored by the Maintenance Service.
Maintenance of machinery and equipment of livestock complexes and farms is organized taking into account the peculiarities of farms, which can be divided into three groups:
1) farms provided with the necessary material and technical base, as well as a well-tuned engineering and technical service and performing all the work on the maintenance of machines in animal husbandry on their own;
2) farms performing daily maintenance of all equipment and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment on their own, and periodic maintenance of only simple equipment on their own, and periodic maintenance of complex equipment (refrigeration units, milk wires, etc.) by subdivisions of the regional production association;
3) farms with a weak material and technical base, low availability of specialists and mechanic personnel, performing maintenance and repair of all machines and equipment on complexes and farms by means of specialized organizations or relevant inter-economic associations, taking into account the specialists of the farms themselves.
Best practice shows that the bulk of the work on daily maintenance of machines and equipment can be carried out by the personnel working on them: operators, cattlemen, etc.
Operators of farms and complexes should be fully responsible for the correct operation, complexity, technical condition and safety of the machines and mechanisms assigned to them.
The main work on periodic maintenance on farms and complexes is carried out by specialized links led by a master engineer. The structure of the link, as a rule, includes locksmiths, electricians and welders.
Repair of simple equipment is carried out by the erection team and parts are repaired in the central workshop or at the maintenance point, and complex units and units are sent to specialized workshops [4].
Maintenance Planning and Accounting
The main document for the maintenance work is the planning, which is approved by the chief engineer of the farm. It indicates the timing of periodic technical services, as well as the person responsible for the work. The service life, depending on the specific conditions, may have deviations ± 10% from the established ones.
The works performed according to the planning schedule are recorded in the maintenance log.
The maintenance schedule is drawn up for all machines that are included in the timesheet.
When performing periodic technical services, the field teams of the line-mounting section draw up certificates for the work performed, which are signed by representatives of the farm and enterprise that carried out periodic maintenance. The relationship between the farm and the repair plant in this case is regulated on the basis of the concluded contract for maintenance work.
The contract reflects the obligations of the parties during the maintenance work, the procedure for the delivery and acceptance of the work performed, the cost and procedure for calculating for the work, the liability of the parties in case of non-fulfillment of the obligations undertaken and the validity period of this contract [4].
Analyzing the results of the completed course project on the mechanization of the manure harvesting process at the cattle dairy farm, we can conclude that the proposed project is effective. In addition, the project has developed health and safety measures.
Calculations show that the use of the designed PTL manure harvesting has an economic effect. At the same time, the cost of milk production amounted to 2.2 UAH/kg, profit amounted to 1323,000 UAH, and the profitability of production was 13.6%.
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