Cinema made of hinged reinforced concrete panels

- Added: 02.02.2022
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The building is rectangular in plan, with reinforced concrete exterior walls and internal partitions. External walls have a thickness of 350 mm, internal partitions 200 mm. Walls are made of hinged reinforced concrete panels.
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Justification of land plot planning organization
1.1. General information about the cinema construction area
2. Volumetric planning solutions
2.1 Description of the geometric shape of the building
2.2 Characteristics of the building layout
2.3 Characteristics of the functional diagram of the building
3. Design solutions
3.1 Description of the structural diagram of the building. General Design Solutions
3.2 Characteristics of foundations
3.3 Wall Characteristics
3.4 Overlap characteristics
3.5 Roof characteristics
3.6 Characteristics of windows and doors
3.7 Characteristics of floors
3.8 Thermal engineering calculation of enclosing structures
3.9 Thermal Design Calculation of Coating Structures
4. Engineering equipment
5. Fire safety
In the course of this course project, within the framework of the discipline "Initial Architectural Design," special skills in the field of design of public buildings are acquired. The design object in the course project is the cinema building in Novosibirsk.
Objectives of the course project:
- acquisition of skills of practical use of theoretical knowledge for complex solution of problems of architectural and structural design when developing projects of low-rise public buildings of the floor type.
Justification of land plot planning organization
1.1. General information about the cinema construction area
The construction of the cinema is planned to be carried out in the city of Novosibirsk.
The building area of the building is 1183.2 m2. Landscaping area 375.2 m2.
Volumetric planning solutions
2.1. Description of the geometric shape of the building
The building is rectangular in plan, with reinforced concrete external walls and internal partitions. The outer walls have a thickness of 350 mm, the inner partitions 200 mm. Walls are made of mounted reinforced concrete panels .
The building is two-story, baseless, with a flat roof. The height of the building from the surface of the layout to the highest point of the roof is 9.8 m. The height of the interior rooms in the light from the surface of the clean floor to the level of the suspended ceiling is 3.0m.
The zero elevation is the mark of the clean floor of the first floor. The rainwater drainage system is a surface one made of plastic canals around the perimeter of the building.
2.2 Characteristics of the building layout
The layout of the building is mixed (combined), combines the hall and corridor layout of the building.
The floor system is based on the submission of a relatively small number of utility rooms to the main hall, which determines the functional purpose of the building as a whole.
The corridor system is characterized by the fact that the rooms are located along the corridor, and not only on one side.
The building is equipped with sanitary facilities both for personnel on the 1st floor and for visitors on the 2nd floor with all the necessary equipment and engineering systems (sewerage, ventilation, hot and cold water supply, electricity supply). A bathroom for low-mobility groups is also provided.
2.3 Characteristics of the functional diagram of the building
The size of the accepted modular planning grid is adopted taking into account the given sizes of cinema premises and structural dimensions of building products.
The auditorium and the premises of the cinema equipment room, office and utility rooms adjoin on one side.
The first and second floors are connected by stairways. Functional zoning of the cinema premises is carried out taking into account the grouping of auxiliary and main rooms. Ground floor: foyer, ticket office, sun. knots, buffet, auditorium, poster and carpentry. The second floor: administration, cinema equipment (film projection, acid, rewinding, mechanic's room, battery room, electric power room, bathroom), office and utility rooms (electric panel, office, storeroom of harvesting equipment, staff room). The auditorium is designed for 350 seats and has 2 entrances on the 1st and 2nd floors. The height of the floors is 3.0 m. Evacuation from the 2nd is carried out by stairs, from the first through the entrance double-floor doors, from the auditorium through the double-floor door.
3. Design solutions
3.1 Description of the structural diagram of the building. General Design Solutions
The structural type of a building is determined by the spatial combination of walls, columns, floors, and other structural elements that form its skeleton. In this course design, according to the design assignment, the frame building of the cinema is made in the prefabricated version: columns with a section of 400x400 are supported on the pile foundations of the columnar type, on the console of which reinforced concrete girders with a span of 6.0 and 9.0 m are laid along the letter axes. Hollow reinforced concrete slabs are laid along the girders. Hinged reinforced concrete panels (three-layer) act as enclosing structures. The coating is single-pitched reinforced concrete beams 0.6 m high in the one- and two-story part of the building. The three-story part of the building is covered by polygonal reinforced concrete trusses with a span of 21.0 m. There are also several sections of reinforced concrete covering made of slabs for flat roof arrangement, which is due to absence of columns in places of external walls conjugation along an arc. On the specified sections of the wall are made of small-piece elements (bricks) and are load-bearing.
3.2 Characteristics of foundations
Pile foundations of columnar type for columns. Piles C 6030 are accepted by section 300kh300mm, 6.0 m long. The bottom of the sole of the peduncle is at about 3,000; -3,150. The grillage sizes under columns in the plan 1.4kh1.3m, grillage height - 0.6 m. Prefabricated sub-columns with a section of 1.2x1.2m in plan and 0.75m in height are installed on the columnar monolithic pedestal. Supports for walls from small-piece elements are made by means of foundation beams, beam section is 2,100; -2,400.
3.3 Wall Characteristics
Hinged reinforced concrete three-layer panels have the following structure:
- outer lining part with thickness of 50 mm;
- insulation layer of polystyrene foam 150 mm thick;
- inner bearing part of reinforced concrete panel 150 mm thick, concrete class B25 F75.
3.4 Overlap characteristics
The reinforced concrete floor is made of prefabricated multi-pillar slabs, which are supported on two (short) sides on the walls and girders R-1. The resting value is 120 mm on the walls and 130 mm on the girder. When resting the slab on a brick wall, 120 mm includes:
- 100 mm minimum support;
- 20 mm masonry error (permissible deviation).
Thus, for the unification of the construction process, we accept the support for all slabs of the slab on brick walls equal to 120 mm. Reinforced concrete slabs in places of resting on walls are connected by anchors, which ensures their joint work.
3.5 Roof characteristics
The roof of the cinema building is represented by three different types:
- between axes 12, 8-9, a single-slope roof is made, along ribbed coating plates laid along reinforced concrete single-slope beams, the roof slope is 1:10;
- between axes 2-7 and B-K, the roof is made according to the type of sandwichpanels: on polygonal trusses with a span of 21.0m, runs from a metal profile (channel) are laid, on runs a profiled sheet with insulation is laid. From above the insulation is closed by the second layer of profiled sheet;
- between axes 4-5 and A-B, the roof is made according to the type of sandwichpanels: along polygonal trusses with a span of 9.0m, runs from a metal profile (channel) are laid, along the runs a profiled sheet with insulation is laid. From above the insulation is closed by the second layer of profiled sheet;
3.6 Characteristics of windows and doors
Door and window units are made of PVC profiles. Window blocks are received with three-layer double-glazed glass, frames are made of white metal plastic.
Internal door blocks are designed for the dimensions of openings: from 700 to 1200 with a gradation of 100 mm, and are made of PVC profiles with single-layer glazing.
External door blocks are made with or without glazing
glazing with additional insulation and finishers.
3.7 Characteristics of floors
According to [9], the heat absorption of the floor surface for public buildings, namely the cinema, is sufficient 12W/( m2 x ° С).
To ensure the standard value of the required parameter, we design several types of floor structures:
1) construction of floors of sanitary and technical premises;
2) construction of floors of corridors and rooms of the entrance group;
3) floor design of the premises not specified in paras. 1 and 2.
Consider in detail the floor structure of the auditorium.
Multilayer slab structure consists of:
- 200 mm thick reinforced concrete slab;
- minvat insulation ROCKWOOLplate with thickness of 200 mm;
- cement-sand brace with thickness of 30 mm;
- ceramic tiles with an anti-slip surface 8 mm thick.
4. Engineering equipment
All rooms of the cinema are heated. Design temperature is accepted in accordance with [7]: 18 ° С. Heating is carried out at the expense of a centralized heating system. Heat carrier for heating needs is hot water according to temperature schedule 7095 ° С. Heating devices are installed along the external walls of the cinema and are covered with protective shields that exclude burns and other possible injuries to staff and visitors. Air ventilation is performed by means of natural ventilation. Design parameters of the microclimate of the working area of the rooms in accordance with [7]: relative humidity 3045%, air velocity no more than 0.3 m/s.
The building is equipped with drinking and fire-fighting water supply and sewage systems connected to city networks. Water flow rate for fire extinguishing according to [10] is 20 l/s.
Power supply is provided according to reliability category III according to [11] and is performed by connection to the existing power grid. The distance from the power supply to the cinema is about 70 m. Artificial lighting is provided in all rooms of the cinema. Fluorescent lamps are used as artificial light sources. Lighting is controlled directly from the premises. Control devices are located at the entrance doors.

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