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Choosing the method of obtaining the workpiece

  • Added: 30.08.2024
  • Size: 2 MB
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1. Analysis of the design of the part and selection of the method for obtaining forgings.

2. Determination of the weight of the part.

3. Forging design.

3. 2 Machining allowances.

3. 3 Determination of the nominal dimensions of the forging.

3. 4 Determination of tolerances for forging dimensions.

4 Calculation of the initial blank for stamping.

4.1 Determination of the volume of forging.

4.2 Determination of the volume and weight of the lintel.

4.3 Determination of flash volume and mass.

4.4 Calculation of the dimensions of the initial workpiece.

5. Determination of the mass of falling parts of the hammer.

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