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Children's preschool with 140 places in Shalkar


Drawings note full + attachment 96 RPZ sheets, 8 drawings graph. part

Project's Content

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Additional information



1Architecture and Construction Part

1.1Basic Design Specifications

1.2General Plan

1.3 Volume and Planning Solution

1.4Structural diagram

1.5Sanitary technical and engineering equipment

1.6 Exterior Finishes

1.7 Interior Finishes

1.9 Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures

1.10 Power supply

2 Design and structural part

2.1Recalculation of reinforced concrete structures

2.2Statically calculate vertical loads

3 Organizational and technological part

3.1 Selection of equipment

3.2 Calculation of earthworks

3.3 Bill of Quantities

3.4 Calculation of Construction Water Demand

3.5 Power supply of the section

4 Economic part

5 Occupational safety

5.1Security during installation works

3.2 Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors




The explanatory note contains 96 pages, including the graphic part made on 9 sheets of A1 format.

This project was developed for the construction of children's nurseries with 140 seats in. The building is carried out by frame panel. External walls are insulated by non-combustible insulation.

Detailed procedures have been developed for excavation and installation of wall panels, calculations of the base, floor slab, girder, column, staircase with half-sites have been made. The economic part contains the calculation of funds for construction. The design takes into account safety and health requirements.

The project provides for the use of special devices, new building materials, technologies, tools. All this makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of work, increase labor productivity and improve the quality of work performed.


The construction of preschool institutions is one of the most important branches of mass housing and civil construction. It reached an average of 15% of the total volume of construction of cultural and household facilities, ranking second (after general education schools) among public buildings.

Thus, the creation, along with other mass types of public buildings, of rational types of buildings of preschool institutions that fully meet the entire complex of modern requirements is an important task of modern architecture. The successful solution of this problem is possible only on the basis of a deep and comprehensive study of the rich domestic and foreign experience in the design, construction and operation of buildings of preschool institutions, on the basis of the wide development of research and experimental design work.

The topic of the diploma project: "Children's preschool institution with 140 places in the city of Shalkar, Aktobe region," the distinctive features of which are the influence of the architectural environment on the formation of the child's personality, the elimination of negative effects of monotonous uniformity on his psychology. The project meets the tasks of humanizing the living environment, high architectural, artistic and aesthetic requirements .

During the construction of the facility, the most important modern requirements for kindergartens are taken into account. The building is made of environmentally friendly, modern materials and structures. Interior decoration - high-quality, using new finishing materials, which began to enter the market in a large volume.

When designing and building, it is necessary to strive to save money as much as possible, but not to the detriment of quality, in order to reduce the cost of the unit of account to reasonable limits.

Architectural and structural part

1.1 Basic Design Specifications

Designed building - Children's preschool institution with 140 seats.

Location of the building - Shalkar (Aktobe region)

Climatic area - II.

Rated winter air temperature - minus of 30 wasps.

Ground freezing depth - 1.8 m.

Estimated wind area - III.

Standard wind load - 0.4 kN/m2.

Snow district - IV.

Standard snow load - 2.5 kN/m2.

Soil base - loam.

Groundwater level - 12 m.

1.2 Master Plan

The master plan is developed in accordance with the functional process, the rose of winds, insolation of premises, fire requirements.

The kindergarten is located in the settlement area and serves nearby neighborhoods.

Place of construction: a site near Abay and I. Taimanov streets. From the north-east and south-west of it is a housing estate. From the northwest it borders on the highway, from the southeast there is a bakery. The size of the site in the plan is 70 x 80 m.

Technical and economic indicators by general plan :

The area of ​ ​ the site is 0.56 ha.

The built-up area is 0.12 ha.

The area of ​ ​ landscaping is 0.084 ha.

The length of internal roads is 274 m.

Building factor 0.12/0.56 = 0,214.

Greening coefficient 0,084/0,56 = 0.15.

The site area has a horizontal surface, but needs additional soil planning.

Inside the territory of the kindergarten around the building there is a road designed to serve the catering unit and the economic services of the institution for the delivery of equipment, fire prevention purposes and teaching children the basics of traffic rules. Areas for walking and playing children are optimized for the shortest access, located areas by age of the contingent and separated from each other. Sandpipers, shadow canopies, benches, small architectural forms are arranged on the site. Two sites for older children have vegetable beds. Improvement of areas for walks is carried out according to this project. Outside, the territory of the nursery-garden is fenced with a fence of metal mesh.

Building engineering networks are connected to centralized city networks.

1.3 Volume-planning solution.

Kindergarten has 2 nursery groups for 20 places and 4 preschool groups for 25 places each.

The building has dimensions: along the length of a = 37520 mm, along the width of the building: block size b = 19060 mm, at the interface of the two blocks b "= 22060mm. The nursery-garden has two above-ground floors at elevations 0.000 and + 3.300, a cold attic and a basement at elevation -2.700 used for technical purposes. The span of the load-bearing walls in the axes is 6000 mm at the edges and 6300 in the middle.

The layout of the nursery - the garden is decided: on the first floor of 2 nursery groups and 4 preschool groups - on the second floor (each with a separate entrance).

On the ground floor there are general-purpose rooms, medical, household, catering units.

For convenience and for functional reasons, the entrance to the group rooms is organized through reception rooms and halls from both facades of the building. The entrance to the technical rooms of the dining room necessary for the delivery of products and equipment to the catering unit is organized separately. Fire exits from the bedrooms are designed separately, serving for emergency evacuation of children from both floors.

Kitchen, harvesting shop, dry food pantry, vegetable pantry, loading room, washing - are combined into a single unit in order to isolate the technological process of cooking. Food from the kitchen is distributed in groups before breakfast, lunch, midday and dinner.

The medical room and ward are combined for hygienic purposes and are located on the ground floor.

Ironing, pantry of clean linen, vicious - make up a laundry block located separately from children's premises.

The office of the head, the methodological office make up the administrative block, access to which is carried out through the hall.

The economic pantry is located in the sector of utilitarian premises.

The staff room is located on the ground floor next to the stairs. The room has its own locker room and shower room.

The first and second floor halls are around the flight of stairs, access to them is equally convenient from all parts of the floor. Wide marches and platforms provide high throughput and convenient lifting of equipment and furniture.

On the ground floor there is a nursery, on the second group of preschool age.

Planning groups are divided:

In the reception room there are lockers for storing children's outerwear (in winter).

Gaming performs several functions at once:

serves for children's games, their main time of spending.

for eating, since the project does not provide a separate room for this.

to conduct various kinds of educational and educational activities with children.

The bedroom is designed for relaxation, has an emergency exit with a staircase to ground level. In addition, each group is equipped with a restroom, shower and washbasins.

The assembly hall is located in the corner of the first floor so that noise during classes is not transmitted to other rooms. The assembly hall is designed for holidays, music classes and some solemn events.

In the basement of the kindergarten there is: a ventilation chamber, an electric shield, a room for dirty clothes of workers and personnel. These rooms are not designed for long stay there people and, therefore, are not heated.

The gymnasium is used all year round. The gymnasium has a separate entrance from the hall, it also houses a fire exit to the street. In view of the small number of children simultaneously engaged in the bath - the shower is designed for three showers. The unit of technical rooms is located on both sides of the bath room across the building, which does not make it difficult to maintain the pool. The camera, chlorination, the laboratory, the room the sister's honey, the room of the instructor, the storeroom of harvest stock, switchboard treat these rooms vent. From the technical rooms there is a separate exit to the street.

Children enter through the central entrances to the reception rooms of their groups (through the halls and stairs they climb to the second floor).

In the play rooms, the staff covers the table and brings breakfast from the catering unit. After breakfast, the dishes are cleaned, the tables remain. Children play in playrooms. After 11 o'clock, children go for a walk (dressing in reception rooms in winter).

Walks take place on adjacent specially equipped playgrounds, children with teachers can go outside the kindergarten to visit cultural institutions and excursions.

Children come to the gymnasium through a warm passage, which makes it possible to conduct sports all year round.

Walks, classes in the gymnasium, pool, indoor games and other events are carried out in accordance with the schedule accepted by the pedagogical team.

After these events, the children return to the group where tables are covered, the children wash, shower if necessary. Then they dine. After lunch, children visit the toilet and washrooms. Pass to the bedrooms, where they relax for 1-1.5 hours. Before the end of the hour, the staff covers the tables. Children get up, visit the toilet and washrooms and sit down for half a day. After midnight - indoor game. Then the children are dressed and led for a walk or continue to play indoors.

1.5 Sanitary and engineering equipment.

The internal water supply of the system and water disposal, power supply, heat supply, telephone work from the central city networks, respectively, cold and hot water supply, the central city sewage network, the local electric traction substation, central heating networks, and city telephone networks.

Sanitary devices (toilets, washes, sinks, showers) are supplied with hot and cold water supply as per SNiP 2.04.0185. In the pool there is one bathroom for groups of each sex in view of the small number of people engaged simultaneously.

Waste water coming from the premises (toilets, showers, swimming pool) is household and can be discharged into the city sewage system. Pipes from PVC TU 61930786 with a diameter of 50200mm are used for water removal.

Heating is carried out from the central city heating networks. Heat unit is installed at the entrance to the building to reduce carrier temperature and supply pressure. For heating, a scheme with lower wiring is used. Radiators are installed in the rooms according to the calculation. An expansion tank with a bleed valve is installed at the upper point of the system. A valve for emergency water discharge from the system is installed in the basement, each radiator is equipped with shut-off valves. Radiators are attached to wall niches located at the design site of their installation.

Ventilation and air conditioning (SNiP 2.04.0591) is carried out by exhaust non-controlled ventilation through shafts brought to the roof of the building, as well as ventilation units and air conditioners located on the ground floor, the basement of the garden nursery, the first floor of the pool. Excessive air emissions and excess heat from the food unit, erasure, ironing are removed by a mechanical ventilation unit.

Power supply is provided from an underground electric cable located at a depth of 3 m. Voltage from the cable is supplied to the electric panels located in the basement of the nursery-garden and on the ground floor of the pool, from there the electric wires are divided into rooms.

Lighting is carried out by filament lamps and fluorescent lamps, depending on the purpose of the room and natural lighting.

Telephone communication, security and fire alarms are carried out through devices installed by the relevant services and connected to the city telephone network. Fire alarm sensors are installed in each room from 1 to 6 pieces depending on the area. Alarm sensors are installed on windows and doors. The telephone cable is located along Ufa Street at a distance of 70 m from the kindergarten building.

Rain water is drained from the territory along the natural slope in the direction of the nearest storm sewage collector.

1.5.1 Sewerage

The internal sewerage network of the complex is above and below elevation 0.000, the outlets are installed from plastic pipes as per GOST 22689.189. Installation of equipment and pipelines is designed by placer from units and parts .

1.5.2 Water drain

Internal drains above and below elevation 0.000 are designed from LPA 110SL pipes as per GOST 185992001. 5 gutters of type Vr9B Du = 100mm are installed on the roof, they are connected to risers, the releases of which are carried out into the wells of the yard rain sewer. At the intersection with the intermediate floor on the riser StK21, fire-fighting couplings with an expanding fire-retardant composition are installed, preventing the flame from spreading along the floor.

1.5.3 Water supply

Kindergarten water supply is carried out from existing networks, while the household and drinking needs of the building are provided, as well as watering green courtyard spaces.

The water supply is installed from PPRC PN10 polypropylene pipes. Floor wiring is provided hidden in the floor in the corrugated floor.

The main pipeline is laid in underground channels of the first floor, sewn and heat insulated.

Plumbing of polypropylene pipes is hidden.

Installation, testing and acceptance of cold water supply networks is carried out in accordance with chapter SNiP 3.05.0185. Design water flow rates are determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 *.

1.6 External finishing.

The exterior design of the building is selected in the complex, color solutions are selected taking into account the best visual perception of the building as a whole, educational psychological impact on children, taking into account the architectural decisions of the surrounding buildings and structures. Advanced materials with the best physical and operational indicators, as well as taking into account their cost indicators, were used in the decoration of the building.

The walls are covered with a layer of plaster 30 mm thick. Three layers of facade embossing are applied over the leveling layer of plaster. Elevations are painted with horizontal stripes. Stripes containing windows are painted light brown. Intermediate stripes in a dark brown color of a different tint. The basement is painted with a facade rubber composition of dark gray color.

Ventilation shaft pipes are painted with the same composition as walls, white.

Frames of windows are painted by VDAK191belogo paint of color.

Canvases of external doors are painted with VDAK191 paint in dark gray.

The wood elements specified in the project are painted with light brown oil paint in two times.

Cover the doors with colorless waterproof varnish.

Windows frames metal-plastic, white

Sidewalk and platforms along the main facades are provided with a coating of

colored paving shaped tiles.

All partitions and walls are covered with improved silicate color to a height of 2.7 m, lime color is higher to the ceiling. Ceilings in all rooms are lime colored. The surface of the walls of the bathrooms, showers and around the washes are lined with glazed ceramic tiles to a height of 1700 mm.

Floors: in the halls and corridors - laminate. In the bathrooms, in the medical room, in the shower - ceramic tiles 30X30cm. In all other rooms - linoleum.

1.7 Interior Finishes

The interior decoration in the designed building is as follows: in the group, playing, music hall, buffet and bedrooms, the walls are glued with wallpaper; panels are painted in the kitchen to a height of 1.8 m, above - adhesive painting; lining walls above kitchen equipment with ceramic tiles to a height of 60 cm; in the bathrooms the panels are lined with glazed tiles to a height of 1.8 m, within the equipment, the remaining sections - glazed tiles to a height of 15 cm and an oil panel to a height of 1.8 m, above - adhesive painting. The walls of the stair assembly are painted with water emulsion paint. Ceilings in the premises of a long stay of people are bleached, in the rest they are painted with water emulsion paint.

1.8 Fire fighting measures

The project provides for fire safety measures in accordance with SNiP 210197 "Fire safety of buildings and structures."

The fire resistance of the building is II.

The building provides structural, volume-planning and engineering solutions that provide in case of fire:

- the possibility of evacuation of people, regardless of their age and physical condition, to the outside, to the area adjacent to the building before the threat to their life and health, due to the impact of dangerous fire factors;

- the possibility of saving people;

- possibility of access of personnel of fire departments and supply of fire extinguishing equipment to the fire center, as well as carrying out measures to save people and material assets;

- fire non-propagation on nearby buildings, including in case of burning building collapse;

- limitation of direct and indirect material damage, including the contents of the building and the building itself, with an environmentally sound ratio of the amount of damage to the costs of fire prevention measures, fire protection and its technical equipment.

Evacuation measures are provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.0189, SNiP 2.08.0289 and SNiP 210197 .

Evacuation of people from the building is carried out through four fire stairs.

Detailed drawings of the automatic fire alarm unit are developed in accordance with the requirements of NPB-11003, NPB-88-2001 *, NPB10403 and RD 25.95390.

Automatic fire alarm is provided in all rooms of the designed facility, except for rooms that are not included in the list according to NPB 11003 Item 4 "Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia dated 18.06.2003 No. 315."

1.10 Power supply

Power supply is provided from the external supply network by two cable entries.

The introduction switchgear is a BRU cabinet installed in the electrical panel on the ground floor.

Electric power metering is adopted as a single one for power and lighting consumers with a RLC meter installed on the introductory distribution panel.

The project provides for working, emergency, evacuation, duty and repair lighting.

- Working lighting is provided in all rooms;

- evacuation - in the corridor, kitchen, group, undress, staircases, reception rooms, in the hall for music and gymnastics;

- emergency - in electrical switchboard ;

- secure - in bedrooms and in the ward of the isolation unit ;

- repair - in the room of electrical panel and ventilation chambers.

Repair lighting is carried out by portable lamps, which are included in plug sockets. Lighting of entrances and staircases is provided from automatic control unit of UAV lighting. The photosensor is installed in a staircase on the 2nd floor on the inner side of the outer frame of the window and is shielded from direct sunlight and foreign light sources.

Installation Process Technique

Prior to installation of wall curtain panels, it is necessary to break the installed hairlines, which determine the design position of the panels in longitudinal and transverse directions, as well as in height. Hairlines for installation of wall panels in plan shall be applied on columns, tying to appropriate longitudinal and transverse axes of the building, and hairlines for installation of wall panels by height shall be applied on the column faces, tying to the mounting horizon.

When installing panels, it is necessary to adjust the ends of the panels to the height, and then the bottom of it in the longitudinal and transverse directions, and finally in the vertical direction. Install and temporarily attach the panels to the column using a string.

Limit deviations during installation of wall panels:

from alignment of landmarks in lower section of curtain wall panels with setting landmarks - 10 mm;

from vertical of top planes of curtain wall panels - 12 mm.

3.2.1 Installation of coating beams.

When preparing the beam for lifting to the design position, it is necessary to clean and check the column heads, apply hairlines to the axes. For alignment and temporary fixation of beam scaffolding is arranged and necessary accessories are installed on columns. The beam installation process includes:

Supply of the structure to the installation site.

Preparation for lifting slinging, lifting and installation on columns.

Reconciliation and temporary fixing.

Final fixation.

The beam to the installation site is delivered by the KrAZ-258 car and mounted "from the wheels." Installation of beams is performed by ICG-40 valve "on itself." Beams are slung by crossarms with slings equipped with remote control locks. Use spacers to temporarily fix the beam to the design position, and use a special spacer for final fastening. Remove the spacer only after final fixation of the beam and laying of the coating plates.


The developed diploma project on the topic: "Children's preschool institution of 140 places in the city of Shalkar, Aktobe region" meets a number of requirements - as much as possible, all design stages are described in the sections, illustrative examples and construction stages are given. In the graphic part - detailed architectural drawings of the facility, detailed drawings of prefabricated structures, process chart, work schedule and construction master plan.

Calculations and descriptions were made in the explanatory note.

In the architectural and construction section, a building on the ground was developed and designed. Thermal and lighting calculations were made, structures were selected.

In the design section, calculations were made for the multi-stop slab, stair flight with half-sites, crossbow and column.

In the section of construction production technology, process maps for earthworks and installation of wall panels have been developed in detail, which describes the organization of construction work, defines the scope, labor intensity, the need for basic materials and structures, and selected mechanisms.

In the organizational and economic section, the labor intensity of the main construction work is determined. The main machines and mechanisms have been identified. Identified areas: warehouses, domestic premises. The transformer capacity was calculated for water and electricity requirements. The estimated cost of construction, technical and economic comparison of variants, the most economically feasible versions of the applied materials, mechanisms, space-planning solutions were determined. Technical and economic indicators for the diploma project have been determined.

In the section, environmental protection, measures to protect the environment adjacent to the construction site are described, measures to influence and prevent various kinds of pollution are described.

Based on the above, it is possible to propose a broad practice of applying this project, the construction of our facility in other areas, regions, if local conditions allow. If necessary, the project can be redesigned and supplemented.

Drawings content

icon Костя Чертежи(внанокаде)5 06.dwg

Костя Чертежи(внанокаде)5 06.dwg