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Chain conveyor drive with asynchronous motor and elastic clutch

  • Added: 10.04.2022
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Chain conveyor drive diagram (top view):1-asynchronous motor; 2 ‒ elastic clutch with rubber sprocket; 3 – two-stage cylindrical gearbox with oblique and straight-tooth gears; 4 – open straight-toothed conical transmission; 5 – drive shaft with two drive sprockets


    Circumferential force on  one drive sprocket  F= 1184 N;

    Chain pitch-125mm; number of teeth on the drive sprocket  z=8;

    Speed of rotation of the drive sprocket n = ;

    Distance between the sprockets of the drive shaft L = 280mm;

    Additional design guidelines:

 \ service life of the drive – 4 years;

 ‒ five-day, two-shift, medium equibabilistic mode;

Project's Content

icon Reduktor.cdw
icon ReduktorSpets.pdf
icon KolesoIspr.cdw
icon KryshkaIspr.cdw
icon ShesternyaIspr.cdw
icon ValIspr.cdw
icon Privodnoy_val.cdw
icon Spetsifikatsia.spw
icon Obschiy_vid_privoda17_1.cdw
icon Spetsifikatsia (1).spw
icon Soderzhanie.docx
icon Записка.docx

Additional information



1. Energy-kinematic calculation of the drive

1.1. Selection of electric motor

1.2. Determination of rotation speeds and moments on shafts

2. Calculation of gearbox cylindrical slow-speed transmission

2.1. Source Data

2.2. Selection of materials, allowable stresses

2.3. Design calculation of cylindrical spur-shaped front of the cottage

2.4. Check calculations of cylindrical spur gear

2.5. Calculation of transmission geometry and presentation of results

3. Calculation of cylindrical high-speed gear gearbox

3.1. Source Data

3.2. Selection of materials, allowable stresses

3.3. Design calculation of cylindrical helical transmission

3.4. Check calculations of cylindrical helical transmission

3.5. Calculation of transmission geometry and presentation of results

4. Calculation of conical transmission

4.1. Design calculation of open conical transmission

4.2.Value calculation of open conical gear

4.3. Calculation of geometry and presentation of results

5. Shaft design

5.1. Fatigue endurance shaft calculation algorithm

6. Selection of bearings for drive shafts

6.1. Pre-selection of rolling bearings

6.2. Pre-selection of rolling bearings

7. Calculation of key connections

8. Selection of couplings

9. Lubrication of reduction gear box and drive units

10. Project safety and environmental friendliness


List of literature

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B


Any machine consists of parts that can be both simple (nut, key) and complex (crankshaft, gearbox housing, machine bed). Parts are assembled into assemblies (rolling bearings, couplings, etc.) - completed assembly units consisting of a number of parts that have a common functional purpose.

Machine parts are the first of the design courses in which they study the basics of machine and mechanism design. It is in this discipline that the first course project is carried out, requiring the student to know not a separate discipline, but a number of disciplines in the complex. When performing this project, the student uses material studied in such disciplines as copromat, materials science, theoretical mechanics, etc. The course on machine details is the first inherently creative work of the student .

The main goal of the course project on machine parts is to acquire student design skills. Working on the project, the student performs calculations, learns the rational choice of materials and shapes of parts, strives to ensure their high economy, reliability and durability. The experience acquired by the student is the basis for his course projects in special disciplines and for graduate design, as well as all further design work.

Drawings content

icon Reduktor.cdw


icon KolesoIspr.cdw


icon KryshkaIspr.cdw


icon ShesternyaIspr.cdw


icon ValIspr.cdw


icon Privodnoy_val.cdw


icon Spetsifikatsia.spw


icon Obschiy_vid_privoda17_1.cdw


icon Spetsifikatsia (1).spw

Spetsifikatsia (1).spw