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Building structure in drawings

  • Added: 26.09.2017
  • Size: 67 KB
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Creates a part drawing Body. The drawing in question contains two images. The first - the main image of the drawing is a stepped section, obtained as a result of mental dissection of the part with two parallel planes and conditional removal of its part closest to the observer. The stepped section model is shown in Figure 2.19. The closed contours of the part in the cut planes are hatched in the drawing. The internal thread (in a hole) in this drawing is represented by four solid lines parallel to the centerline: * two lines of thread protrusions (Main style) are located closer to the centerline of the drawing, since their vertices are directed inside the hole; in two lines of depressions (Thin style) are located further from the centerline, since the vertices of the depressions are oriented inside the body of the part. Section contours are hatched to the main drawing line, so the thread trough lines are inside the hatched areas of the drawing. The second drawing image is a top view.

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