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Calculation of TPRN-25000/110 transformer protection

  • Added: 07.11.2021
  • Size: 461 KB
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In course work, transformer protections are calculated.

The scope of the course work includes:

1) Reasonable choice of type and layout of relay protection devices;

2) Selection of transformation coefficients of current and voltage measuring transformers required for relay protection;

3) Calculation of protection setpoints: actuation current of primary Ics, secondary Icp, actuation voltage Ucs, Ucp, actuation time t cp of different stages and other, possible setpoints;

4) Selection of relay types used as starting and measuring protection devices, if their characteristics (for example, return coefficient) affect the calculation of protection;

5) Check of sensitivity of selected protections. Calculated sensitivity factors shall meet PUE regulatory requirements;

6) Full diagram of transformer protection in expanded form.

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1 Calculation of resistance of circuit elements

2 Calculation of short-circuit currents

3 Calculation of T transformer protection

3.1 Calculation of main protection of power transformer

3.1.1 Calculation of differential protection

3.1.2 Selection of transformer gas protection

3.2 Calculation of backup protection of transformer

3.2.1 Calculation of transformer current cutoff

3.2.2 Calculation of maximum current protection of transformer

3.2.3 Calculation of overload protection


List of sources used


A short circuit is, any unexpected normal operation, a phase closure between each other, as well as one or more phases to the ground.

From the whole variety of causes of C.Z. can be distinguished several main:

violation of insulation of electrical equipment caused by its aging, contamination of the surface of insulators, mechanical damage;

mechanical damages of electrical network elements (breakage of power transmission line wire, etc.);

intentional K.Z. caused by shorts;

overlapping current-carrying parts with animals and birds;

substation personnel errors during switching.

The reduction of K.Z. in electrical systems is due to strict compliance with the Rules of technical operation of electrical installations and an improvement in the quality of products of the electrical industry

The greatest danger in the case of K.Z. threatens the elements of the system adjacent to the place of its closure. Depending on the location and duration of K.Z., its effects may be local (remote from K.Z. power supplies) or affect the operation of the entire system.

To ensure reliable power supply, prevent destruction of electrical installations equipment and maintain stable operation of system elements, it is necessary to quickly disconnect the damaged section or element, as well as eliminate dangerous abnormal mode. For these purposes, special automatic devices are used in the form of relay protection that turns off the switches.


In this course work, the main and standby protections of the transformer TRDN25000/110 were calculated in full: current and voltage measuring transformers were selected, protection installations, response time and relay types were calculated.

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