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Calculation of TPL-77 B11 ship turbine

  • Added: 25.03.2016
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The main purpose of the course project is to study the composition, principle of operation, operating and maintenance rules, methods of calculating the process and strength of the main parts and assemblies of the turbocharger. Operating rules determine the periodicity, sequence and scope of actions of the operator, guaranteeing reliable operation of the turbocharger. The TPL turbocharger consists of a single-stage axial gas turbine and a single-stage axial-radial compressor. Turbine and rotor wheels are made integral while compressor wheel is mounted on rotor. Rotor lies on two support bearings. Lubrication of bearings is carried out from the lubrication system of the DG. Cooling water enters the lower part of the turbine housing, passes through the cooling cavities of the turbine and compressor and leaves in the upper part of the turbocharger housing. 1 Initial data Engine type............................................... 6S80MC-C Effective engine power Ne, kW............... 21000 Engine speed nd, rpm 76 Number of cylinders................................... 6 Cylinder diameter D, mm.................... Piston stroke S, mm.................. 3200 Specific ke, effective fuel flow rate Brate B.

Project's Content

icon moy_kp_turbiny_TPL77-b11.docx
icon SoderzhanieDoc1.docx
icon Spetsifikatsia_2.cdw
icon TPL_77-B11_5.cdw

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Source Data

Calculation of centrifugal compressor

2.1 Initial data for compressor calculation

2.2 Input Device

2.3 Impeller

2.4 Slotted (blade-free) diffuser

2.5 Blade diffuser

2.6 Output device

2.7 Compressor outlet parameters

2.8 Power required for compressor drive

Axial Turbine Calculation

3.1 Initial data for turbine calculation

3.2 Degree of reactivity of turbine stage

3.3 Nozzle unit

3.4 Impeller

3.5 Effective gas turbine power

Geometrical characteristics of blade devices

4.1 Nozzle unit

4.2 Impeller

4.3 Radar profile

Calculation of RL strength

5.1 Statistical strength

5.2 Dynamic strength

Calculation of axial force on rotor

6.1 RK compressor

6.2 RK turbine

6.3 Resultant Force

Calculation of critical speed

Lube oil bearings and flow rate calculation

8.1 Sliding Bearing Support

8.2 Thrust bearing

List of literature


The main purpose of the course project is to study the composition, principle of operation, operating and maintenance rules, methods of calculating the process and strength of the main parts and assemblies of the turbocharger.

Operating rules determine the periodicity, sequence and scope of actions of the operator, guaranteeing reliable operation of the turbocharger.

The TPL turbocharger consists of a single-stage axial gas turbine and a single-stage axial-radial compressor. Turbine and rotor wheels are made integral while compressor wheel is mounted on rotor. Rotor lies on two support bearings. Lubrication of bearings is carried out from the lubrication system of the DG. Cooling water enters the lower part of the turbine housing, passes through the cooling cavities of the turbine and compressor and leaves in the upper part of the turbocharger housing .

Calculation of RL strength

High mechanical stresses occur in the radar, as well as harmful stress concentrations in the shanks. Therefore, their material, in addition to meeting the requirements for blade materials, must have a high ultimate long-term strength and creep. When selecting material according to these two characteristics, the practice of ship gas turbine building should be taken into account, in which the radar is assigned a service speed of about 20000 hours, which requires changing the blades every four years.

The radar operates: tension stresses, from the centrifugal forces of the shroud and the blades themselves, bending stresses from the action of the gas flow. In addition, tensile and compression stresses from uneven heating (or cooling), as well as bending and torsion stresses arising from the oscillation of the blades, occur in the blades.

Calculation of axial force acting on rotor

Axial force acting on the rotor is defined as the result of forces acting on the compressor impeller, turbine, as well as all rotor ledges. The resulting axial force is sensed by a thrust bearing mounted on the compressor side. The forces acting on the impeller surface are calculated from the gas dynamic calculation of the compressor and turbine. Diagram of force action is given in Figures.

Drawings content

icon Spetsifikatsia_2.cdw


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