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Calculation of the oil pipeline and construction of the route schedule


Calculation of the oil pipeline and construction of the route schedule

Project's Content

icon Спецификация.spw
icon НМ 2500-230.cdw
icon Расчет нефтепровода.docx
icon Профиль трасы.cdw

Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Process calculation of the main oil pipeline

2.1 Determination of oil density at design temperature

2.2 Determination of kinematic viscosity at design temperature

2.3 Determination of design pipeline capacity

2.4 Determination of pipeline wall thickness and pipeline inner diameter

2.5 Check of pipeline wall thickness

2.6 Check of pipeline strength in longitudinal direction

2.7 Check of oil pipeline for absence of unacceptable plastic deformations

3. Selection of main main pump

3.1 Calculation of pump supply in optimal mode

3.2 Calculation of the working area boundary

3.3 Determination of analytical ability of head developed by pump from its supply to two points

3.4 Evaluation of correctness of coefficient calculation using error

5. Selection of retaining main pump

5. Recalculation of characteristics of the base pump from water to viscous liquids

5.1 Recalculation of the main pump from water to viscous liquids

5.2 Conversion of retaining pump to low-viscosity fluid

6. Determination of the number of pump stations

7. Arrangement of pumping stations along the pipeline route



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix Zh

Appendix Z


The most common method of transporting oil and gas is the main pipeline.

This method is carried out using pipelines from the point of production to the point of consumption. Oil flows through the pipes by means of pumping stations. The main advantage of this method is the cheap operation and the lack of need for a large number of workers.

Today, Russia is one of the largest suppliers of oil. With the help of pipelines, it is possible to supply raw materials in almost any direction. Work does not stop about any conditions, the transportation is affected by the climate, season and geographical location.

Features of pipeline transport include:

The construction time takes a lot of time;

During pumping there are no significant losses of NP;

It is possible to pump several types of products at once.

Disadvantages include the inability to change the route of transportation. After laying the construction of the oil pipeline, it will no longer be possible to adjust the direction of the route. Liquid and gaseous NP are delivered to the consumer through main pipelines. This allows you to timely bring raw materials hundreds of kilometers.

The purpose of the course work is - the technological calculation of the oil pipeline. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks must be completed during the work:

Calculation of main pumps

Recalculation of characteristics from water to viscous liquid

Determination of the number of pump stations

Arrangement of pumping stations along the pipeline route by Shukhov method

Source Data

1. Cargo turnover - 13.2 million tons.;

2. The length of the route is 540 km;

3. NP density - 854 kg/m3;

4. Design temperature 9℃;

5. Kinematic viscosity at 20℃ - 20cSt;

6. Kinematic viscosity at 50 ℃ - 12cSt


During this course project, the process calculation of the main oil pipeline with G = 13.2 million tons per year and a long 540 km was carried out, designed to pump oil from the head pumping station to the final point. As a result of the calculations, it was clarified; that one lead NTC and two intermediate NTC are required to pump such an oil volume.

The objectives of the course project were met;

1. Calculation of main pumps

2. Conversion of characteristics from water to viscous liquid

3. Determination of the number of workstations

4. Installation of pump stations along the pipeline route by Shukhov method

For my version, the main pump NM 2500230 and the retaining pump NVP 125060 were suitable.

Drawings content

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icon НМ 2500-230.cdw

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