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Calculation of the mounting press

  • Added: 09.07.2014
  • Size: 401 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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In this work, the mounting press was calculated based on the calculation of its components: screws, nuts, heels, bodies. Different methods of accounts were considered.

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icon Пресс.doc
icon Пресс_5.11.cdw
icon Спецификация_5.11.cdw

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List of symbols, abbreviations and terms


1. Calculation of screw

1.1. Condition of compressive strength taking into account stability

1.2. Condition for permissible flexibility

1.3. Wear resistance of thread turns working surfaces

1.4. Thread selection

1.5. Test calculations for self-braking and other conditions in hazardous section

2. Calculation of nut

2.1. Slice Check

2.2. Check for withdrawal

2.3. Bend check

3. Calculation of the heel

4. Handle calculation

5. Mechanism Efficiency

6. Hull Calculation


List of sources used


Screw-nut transmission is intended for conversion of rotary motion into translational motion. This ensures a very large gain in strength. Such transmissions are widely used in aviation technology: in presses, filmmakers, chassis lifts, etc.

The advantages of such a transmission are a large carrying capacity at small dimensions, the ability to achieve high accuracy of movement, simplicity of construction and manufacture. The disadvantage is the low efficiency of such transmissions.

In this work, a mounting press is designed. Designed screw, nut, screw gear housing. Verification calculations were also carried out and standard parts were selected.


In this work, the design of the aircraft jack was calculated and designed according to the proposed scheme and given parameters. During the homework, the skills of designing screw gears were acquired, the material of the KMM readable course was studied and fixed, and primary skills of design work were obtained.

A mechanism was designed that converts rotational motion into translational motion. The efficiency of this mechanism is 37.4%, which is a good result.

Drawings content

icon Пресс_5.11.cdw


icon Спецификация_5.11.cdw


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