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Calculation of parameters for excavation and loading operations

  • Added: 23.11.2024
  • Size: 697 KB
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1. Initial data


1. A dump truck is selected

3. A ledge is depicted at a scale of 1:500 

4. The width of a single-lane and a two-lane road is determined.

5. The ledge and the road are depicted at a scale of 1:5000.

6. A quarry is constructed at a scale of 1:5000. The upper contour of the quarry occupies the entire A4 sheet (consider the possibility of stitching sheets together). 4 ledges, 5 faces. The upper ledge is worked out. 

7. The average geological and current stripping coefficients are calculated. A steep deposit is worked out.

8. A dump is constructed with the placement of the entire volume of overburden extracted from the quarry. The dump occupies a land area equal to an A4 sheet.

9. Calculation of truck transport with a transportation length from the lower face to the selected unloading site on the dump. The distance from the quarry to the dump is 2 km.

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