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Calculation of one-storey reinforced concrete production building


Explanatory Note:

1 Building Structural Layout

2 Selection of typical coating plate by key

3 Calculation of truss

3.1 Collecting loads on the truss with parallel belts

3.2 Static calculation of truss with parallel belts

3.3 Calculation of truss elements with parallel belts

4 Static Frame Calculation

4.1 Load collection on the frame

4.2 Preparation of data for computer input

5 Column calculation

5.1 Calculation of the overhead part of the column

5.2 Calculation of the crane part of the column

5.3 Column console calculation

5.4 Check of cantilever by inclined sections for action of transverse force

6 Foundation Calculation and Design


Sheet 1: Truss, Sections, Schematic, Grids, Wireframes, Bar List

Sheet 2: Column, Foundation, Grids, Bar List, BOM

Project's Content

icon ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ1.dwg
icon пояснительная записка.docx
icon ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ2.dwg

Additional information



1 Building Structural Layout

2 Selection of typical coating plate by key

3 Calculation of truss

3.1 Collection of loads on the truss

3.2 Static calculation of truss

3.3 Calculation of truss elements

4 Static Frame Calculation

4.1 Load collection on the frame

4.2 Preparation of data for computer input

5 Column calculation

5.1 Calculation of the overhead part of the column

5.2 Calculation of the crane part of the column

5.3 Column console calculation

5.4 Check of cantilever by inclined sections for action of transverse force

6 Foundation Calculation and Design



One-story frame buildings are widely used in industrial and rural construction. In plan, they are usually rectangular in shape with spans of the same width and height. Deviations from these recommendations are possible if they are due to special process requirements.

In most cases, such buildings are equipped with bridge cranes, which create significant forces in the structural elements of the frame.

Reinforced concrete frames are used in buildings no more than 18 meters high and with a lifting capacity of bridge cranes no more than 50 tons.

In this course project, the main structures of a one-story production non-heated building in the city of Saratov are calculated. The dimensions of the building in plan 24 × 54 m. The pitch of the columns 6 m. Crane lifting capacity 20 t. Structures are calculated according to the data given in the task.

The course project consists of an explanatory note and a graphic part. The note was made on 37 sheets of the A4 format. The graphic part includes 2 sheets of A1 format.

Building Design Layout

In accordance with the task, the following parameters of the structural diagram of the building were assigned: column spacing 6 m, crane lifting capacity Q = 20 t, bottom elevation of load-bearing structures H = 13.2 m, therefore the reference is "zero."

Distance between temperature joints is determined depending on building design, climatic parameters of construction area and internal air temperature. In heated buildings with prefabricated reinforced concrete frame, this distance is taken equal to 6072 m. Since the length of the designed building is 54 m, it is not necessary to split the building into temperature blocks.

Spatial rigidity and stability of a single-storey frame building is provided by pinching of columns in foundations, coating elements and connections. Vertical connections (SV1) are arranged at the ends of the deformation unit in order to prevent loss of rigor stability from its plane. Vertical links (SV2) in the middle of the deformation unit. Horizontal links (SG1) - at the ends and in the middle of the building to reduce bending moments.

Drawings content

icon ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ1.dwg

ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ1.dwg

icon ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ2.dwg

ТГТУ КП 2D-КЖ2.dwg