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The course design describes the characteristics of the tank farm of the Gorky NPS and calculates oil losses from evaporation of the 20,000 PBC tank. Attached is tank wall sweep drawing

Project's Content

icon Расчет потерь РП НПС Горький.doc
icon Содержание по потерям.doc
icon Титул по потерям РП.doc
icon Развертка стенки резервуара.dwg

Additional information


Assignment for Course Engineering


Characteristics of the tank farm of NPS Gorky

Calculation of oil losses from tank evaporation

PBC 20,000 NPS "Gorky"



The need to transport a large amount of oil from production sites to the place of storage and processing has led to the rapid development of pipeline transport as the most economical and efficient. The role of pipeline transport in the Russian oil industry system is extremely large. For oil, pipeline transport is the main mode of transport in our country. It is the most economical, environmentally safe, easy to automate, etc., therefore, the main directions of economic and social development for the period until 2010 in our country provide for the further development of pipeline transport.

Almost all oil is transported through pipelines, as well as most of the refined products. Pipelines with a diameter of more than 1000 mm occupy a leading place, the average oil transfer range exceeds 1000 km, the length of individual pipelines reaches 40005000 km.

Transportation from fisheries to areas of consumption of a homogeneous product - oil will be cheaper than the delivery of many petroleum products at the same distance. Transportation costs play a significant role in the selection of places for the construction of new refineries and new oil depots.

The main pipelines include linear structures, which are the pipeline itself, a corrosion protection system, communication lines, etc., pumping and heat stations, final points of oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, on which product coming through the pipeline is received and distributed among consumers, supplied to the plant for pumping or sent further by other modes of transport.

Pumping stations are located on oil pipelines with an interval of 50150 km. Pumping stations of oil pipelines and oil product pipelines are equipped with centrifugal pumps with electric drives.

The current supply of main pumps reaches 12,500 m3/h. At the beginning of the pipeline there is a head pumping station, which is located near the oil field or at the end of the supply pipelines, if the main pipeline serves several fisheries or one fishery scattered over a large area.

The head pump station differs from intermediate ones by the presence of a tank farm with a volume equal to two - three-day capacity of the oil pipeline.

Intermediate pumping stations at the boundaries of production sections also have a tank farm with a volume of 0.31.5 of daily pipeline capacity.

In this exchange rate project, oil losses from the "small breath" of the PVS20000 reservoir No. 3 of the Gorky NPS were calculated.

Drawings content

icon Развертка стенки резервуара.dwg

Развертка стенки резервуара.dwg

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