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Calculation of Conveyor Drive

  • Added: 09.06.2015
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Calculation of the drive and selection of the motor on the belt conveyor. Drawings and specifications are available

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Terms of Reference


1 Kinematic and power calculation of the belt drive

conveyor. Electric motor selection

1.1 Determination of power on the actuator shaft

1.2 Determination of design power on the motor shaft

1.3 Determination of actuator shaft speed

1.4 Determination of motor shaft speed

1.5 Selection of electric motor

1.6 Determination of drive ratio

Calculation of power and kinematic parameters

1.7 Determination of power, torque and frequencies

rotation of shafts

1.8 Development of kinematic diagram of the drive

2 Design and calculation of the executive body

2.1 Layout of reference points and

preliminary dimensions

2.2 Design calculation of shaft. Determining Shaft Diameters on

individual sites

2.3 Calculation of actuator shaft for static


2.4 Selection of standard key. Calculation of selected key for strength

2.5 Selection of bearing type and dimensions. Check of bearings for service life

3. Design calculation of closed gears on computers

3.1 Preparation of initial data for design calculation

3.2. Select Calculation Option

3.3 Geometric parameters of closed gears

4 Check calculations of low-speed gearbox transmission

4.1 Check calculation of transmission for contact endurance of active tooth surfaces

4.2 Check calculation of gear for teeth endurance during bending

4.3 Check calculation of transmission for contact strength under maximum load

4.4 Maximum Bending Strength Transmission Check Calculation


5 Forces in gear engagement

5.1 District Force

5.2 Radial force

5.2 Axial force

6 Design calculation of shafts and gearbox layout

6.1 Design calculation of speed shaft of reduction gear box

6.2 Design calculation of gearbox intermediate shaft

6.3 Design calculation of low-speed gear box shaft

7 Selection of bearings and keys

7.1 Selection of high-speed shaft bearings and keys

7.2 Selection of bearings and keys of intermediate shaft

7.3 Selection of low-speed shaft bearings and keys

8 Check calculation of low-speed gear box shaft

8.1 Test calculation of low-speed shaft for strength

8.2 Test calculation of low-speed shaft for endurance

9 Check calculation of low-speed gear shaft bearings

9.1 Calculation of bearing for static lifting capacity

9.2 Calculation of bearings for assigned service life

10 Check calculation of key connection of low-speed gear box shaft

11 Calculation of actuator

11.1 Design calculation of drum assembly shaft

11.2 Roll Shaft Strength Check

11.3 Test calculation of drum unit shaft for endurance

11.4 Check calculation of bearings

11.5 Check calculation of key connection of actuator shaft


List of literature


Mechanical engineering has a leading role among other sectors of the economy, since machines perform the main production processes. Therefore, the technical level of many industries largely determines the level of development of engineering.

Increasing operational and quality indicators, reducing the time for the development and implementation of new machines, improving their reliability and durability are the main tasks of machine builders.

In this course work, a belt conveyor drive was developed, consisting of the following parts: an electric motor, an open cylindrical gear train, a cylindrical planetary two-stage reduction gear, a clutch with an elastic sprocket and an actuator. Consider the purpose and advantages and disadvantages of all components.

The electric motor is designed to convert electric energy into mechanical energy, as well as to provide rated power and rotation speed on the input shaft of the reduction gear box.

Reduction gear is designed to transfer power from electric motor to actuator with increase of torque and decrease of rotation speed. The advantages are simplicity and reliability of the design, high efficiency.

The actuator is a drum assembly.

Drawings content

icon Барабан.cdw


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icon кинем схема.cdw

кинем схема.cdw

icon муфта с упругой звёздочкой.cdw

муфта с упругой звёздочкой.cdw

icon ОП1.cdw


icon привод ленточного конвейера.cdw

привод ленточного конвейера.cdw

icon Редуктор Ц1П1.cdw

Редуктор Ц1П1.cdw

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