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In this exchange rate project, a detailed calculation of the economic indicators of the post tr zone is underway.

Project's Content

icon ЛИСТ 1.cdw
icon ЛИСТ 1.cdw.bak
icon ЛИСТ 2.cdw
icon ПЗ.экономика.doc
icon Содержание.docx
icon Титульник.экономика.docx

Additional information



1 Determining the value of fixed assets

2 Calculation of production costs

2.1 Calculation under the article "Wages of repair workers"

2.2 Calculation under "Material and spare parts costs"

2.3 Calculation under "Overheads"

2.4 Calculation under "Taxes and deductions"

3 Calculation of financial indicators

4 Environmental safety of the production unit


List of sources used


The economics of road transport as an economic discipline studied in the organic relationship with such special technical disciplines, as "Road transportation," "Technical operation of road transport," "Car repair," contributes to the formation of mechanical engineers of road transport as highly qualified specialists, which should be able to identify and use reserves to systematically improve the efficiency of road transport by improving the quality of its performance, increasing labor productivity, reducing the cost of transportation, more efficient use of rolling stock and other production funds of road transport.

Transport as part of public production is also studied on the technical side and on the part of public relations. Transport economics studies public relations in transport and the patterns of their development. A large range of issues directly related to the transport process and operation of vehicles is the subject of study of the relevant transport technical sciences. At the same time, the technical and economic sciences, which therefore study the two sides of a single process of social production, are inextricably linked.

The economy of transport, including road transport, studies the effect and forms of manifestation of economic laws in transport, private economic laws inherent in transport, the economic identity of individual transport sub-sectors within transport as an outgrowth of the national economy.

The purpose of the course work is:

1) Consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the subject.

2) Formation of self-work skills, development of economic thinking.

3) Acquisition of skills with reference literature and normative documents.

4) Preparation of students for the development of the economic part of the diploma project.

5) Calculation of the main economic indicators in the TR zone.

Environmental safety of the production unit

Road transport is a powerful source of pollution. The direct negative impact of cars on the environment is associated with emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The indirect impact of road transport on the environment is due to the fact that roads, parking lots, service enterprises occupy an increasing and daily increasing area necessary for human life. The work on environmental protection in each zone of the post TR should include the following main measures:

• Training of personnel of the post TR area and drivers on the fundamentals of environmental safety;

• Improvement of rolling stock technical condition, fuel economy, rational traffic management;

• Organization of warm parking lots, electric heating of cars and other measures to improve the environment;

• Ensuring the serviceability of cars, correct adjustment of the operation of engines, carburetors, ignition systems;

• Elimination of leaks of fuel, oil, antifreeze in the parking lot;

• Cleaning of produced overflows of operating materials, filling with sand or sawdust;

• Collection of used oils and other liquids and their delivery to prefabricated points;

• Periodic testing for toxicity and prohibition of the release of cars onto the line with high gas toxicity;

• Conversion of cars to gas fuel;

• Organization and provision of efficient treatment of domestic, industrial and storm water effluents with the help of treatment facilities, introduction of recycled water supply in the zone of post TR;

• Systematic monitoring of car assemblies and assemblies to reduce noise;

• Maintenance of the territory of the post TR zone in cleanliness and order, garbage collection, the territory must be landscaped, have a solid coating, equipped with water drains;

• If there is an existing boiler house in the territory of the post TR zone, measures should be provided to reduce air pollution by harmful emissions (smoke, soot, gases), in

future - the liquidation of the boiler house in the territory and the transition to central heating;

• Room temperature shall be the most optimal, i.e. 1618 ° C. An increase or decrease in temperature from the established norm can lead to serious consequences for the health of workers and lead to accidents;

• Clean air is one necessary source of labor.

• If the exhaust gases are contained in excess in the air and they enter the worker's body, it can cause poisoning and lead to death. Therefore, it is necessary to install exchange ventilation;

• Room and workplaces shall be provided with artificial lighting sufficient for safe performance of works;

• When placing the car on the viewing pit, first brake the car, and put stops under the wheels;

• Before moving the car, remove stops and various objects from under the wheels, lower the hand brake;

• When the engine is operating, any work is prohibited except for adjusting the ignition system, power supply, checking the steering hydraulic drive and checking the engine operation;

• Is in the vehicle when moving from post to post is prohibited;

• It is forbidden to be under the car if it is on the jack;

• Do not use electrical installations, surface heating of which during operation exceeds ambient air temperature by 40 ° С.

All employees of TR area shall be familiarized with fire safety rules, both general and inherent in TR area.

In the TR area it is forbidden to:

- use open fire;

- store oiled haze;

- perform TR on cars with leaking fuel tanks;

- smoking in the TR zone is prohibited.

The TR area shall be provided with fire fighting equipment according to existing standards (fire panels, sandboxes, fire extinguishers). It is necessary to draw up a fire prevention plan, which provides:

- notification procedure;

- the duties of each employee;

- time of lectures and other fire-fighting measures;

responsible for these activities.

All TR rooms shall be kept clean. Used wiping materials are collected in special metal boxes. Welding and blacksmithing works should be carried out in specially equipped rooms. Fire shields must be equipped with shovels, bagels, axes, buckets. The water supply in the pond must always be in sufficient quantity and its use is allowed only for the purpose of extinguishing the fire. In the TR zone, it is also forbidden to clutter passages and driveways, install cars in the zone in excess of the standard number.

By the degree of fire safety, the TR area belongs to category B.

In the parking area of ​ ​ cars you can not perform work using an open flame, charging batteries, store fuel or containers from under it, smoking.

The driver must carefully monitor the serviceability of the electrical equipment and monitor the tightness of the fuel lines. When the car lights up, it must be immediately removed from the parking area and measures taken to extinguish the flame. To extinguish a fire, you need to use a dense or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, sand or cover the fire center with dense material. In the event of a fire, regardless of the measures taken to extinguish it, call the fire department.

• Do not use liquid fuel for washing floors, walls, rooms and

channels, since a large amount is formed;

flammable vapors and a very high risk of fire.

• Oiled ends and workwear under certain conditions

spontaneous combustion. Therefore, the oiled ends at the end of the work shift

assembled in iron boxes with tight covers and carried out on purpose

equipped landfills;

• Lamps shall not be in contact with the structures to be burned

buildings and combustible materials;

• With a small dust release, electrical installations are cleaned from it

once a month, and with significant - daily;

• Emergency lighting fixtures are connected to an independent

power supply;

• To prevent a sudden fire, primary fire extinguishing equipment is provided in the area. OKHL10 fire extinguishers are hung in the zone and there is a box with sand.


During the course work, theoretical knowledge in the discipline "Organization Economics" is fixed and deepened. Acquired skills: in determining wages for various categories of workers, the cost of work in the zone, in calculating taxes and deductions, working with reference literature and regulatory documents.

It can be seen from the calculations that there are 21 repair workers in the zone of the post TR, of which: 7 working of the second category, 7 working of the third category, 5 working of the fourth category and 2 working of the fifth category. The average monthly salary of one repair worker was 472.30 rubles. As a result of the calculations, the cost of work in the zone of post TR per 1000 km of mileage amounted to 25.04 rubles. The net profit left at the disposal of the organization amounted to 36490.89 rubles with a profitability of 30%, which can be used to form savings, consumption and reserve funds.

The payback period of the zone is 2.15 years, which does not exceed the normative one.

Drawings content

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