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Calculation of 195 t/h inclined-horizontal belt conveyor for dry sand transportation

  • Added: 18.11.2018
  • Size: 769 KB
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Initial dannyeproizvoditelnost of P =105 t / chtrassa transportations and its parameters: Length of the inclined site of the conveyor L1=10mDlina of the horizontal site of the conveyor L2=20mUgol of an inclination of the conveyor β=8 °pesok sukhoyprivod at the end of a horizontal uchastkarazgruzk through barabanugol a grasp a tape of a driving drum α=240 a °futerovka of a driving drum - rubber

Project's Content

icon Курсовой лент конв.docx
icon ленточный конвейер курсовой.dwg

Additional information




Description of belt conveyor operation

Belt Conveyor Calculation

Belt Conveyor Preliminary Calculation

Belt conveyor traction calculation

Belt Conveyor Check Calculation

Selection of motor and gear box

Tape strength check during start-up

Selection of brake or stop

Industrial Safety


List of sources used


Lifting and transportation plants have been widely used in all industries. It is difficult to imagine a plant where even the simplest transportation means are not used.

Belt conveyors remain the most common type of continuous transport machines in all industries. They are used at construction industry enterprises and at construction work to transport bulk, small-piece and piece cargoes (cement, lime, sand, crushed stone, brick).

Today there are several types of conveyors, the classification of which depends on the design. Belt, inertial, screw, rope, chain conveyor are separated from traction member. According to the load-carrying organ - bucket, scraper, cradle, belt, plate conveyor.

Equipment is also distinguished by the type of cargo to be moved (bulk, piece) and by operating conditions (stationary, mobile, modular, suspended, etc.).


During the work, a number of calculations were made, the main task of which was to calculate key values ​ ​ and select components for the belt conveyor.

Devices selected during calculation:

- AIR motor 160 M6, power N = 11 kW at rotation speed n = 730 rpm.

-RCD- 400 type reducer with gear ratio of 25.

- the coupling brake MUVP - 5 with an outer diameter of 135 mm.

According to the selected components and other calculations provided in the work, you can design an inclined - horizontal belt conveyor.

Drawings content

icon ленточный конвейер курсовой.dwg

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