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Calculation and design of the heat supply source and system of the industrial enterprise

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Course project. The calculation of heat supply, ventilation, and gas supply systems was carried out. The file includes the cover, explanatory note, boiler drawing, heat network diagram drawing, boiler room thermal diagram drawing

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Definition of heat loads

1.1 Definition of production loads

1.2 Determination of heating loads

1.2.1 Determination of heating load

1.2.2 Determination of ventilation load

1.2.3 Determination of WAN load

1.3 Conclusions

2 Heat energy transport system

2.1Selection and description of heat transport system

2.2 Selection and description of heat network transport system

2.3 Hydraulic calculation

2.4 Calculation of standard process losses during heat energy transfer from heat source

2.5 Conclusions

3 Heat supply source

3.1 Selection and description of heat supply source

3.2 Selection of main and auxiliary equipment

3.3 Material and heat balance calculations

3.4 Output


List of literature


Heat supply is a heat supply of various buildings and structures (residential, public, industrial) in order to provide technological and communal needs of the consumer. It can be local and centralized. Local heating is organized to serve one or more buildings, centralized - for residential and industrial areas. A district heating system is a heat source, a heating network and heat consuming plants that are connected to the network through heat points. The exchange rate calculation allows assessing the technical and economic efficiency when planning energy-saving measures, introducing heat transfer processes into the system for supplying consumers with energy and equipment, as well as predicting and planning the scheme and loads of the coolant.

The purpose of this course project is to design and calculate the heat supply source and system in Kazan for seventeen facilities, five of which are production facilities, the remaining twelve are general production services and premises.

According to the calculation data, the coolant circuit, the system multi-tube, the heat supply method and the type of coolant are selected. Then, according to the boiler room thermal calculation, boilers, as well as main and auxiliary equipment, are selected according to the loads of all objects.

The graphic part shows the layout of enterprises with heat networks, the diagram of the heat supply source and the design diagram of the boiler.

Thermal Energy Transport System

2.1 Selection and description of heat transport system

A heat supply system is a complex of devices for the generation, transport and use of thermal energy.

The main purpose of any heat supply system is to provide consumers with the necessary amount of heat of the required quality (i.e. coolant of the required parameters).

In district heat supply systems, the heat source and heat receivers of consumers are located separately, at a significant distance, therefore, heat from source to consumer is transmitted through heat networks and heat supply comes from one heat source to several groups of consumers.

The district heating process consists of three consecutive operations:

1. coolant preparation;

2. transportation of coolant;

3. use of coolant (it is carried out in heat receivers of consumers).

Coolant preparation is performed in boiler rooms. Heat carrier is transported via heat networks. Heat carrier is used in heat receivers of consumers.

The most important function of SCR is to bring heat produced on heat sources to consumers in the most reliable and economical way. For performance it is constructed by the pipeline systems which are well isolated by thermal isolation, protected from external influence and damages, equipped with shutoff and control valves, means of automatic equipment and accounting of warmth and heat carriers .

The choice of heat supply system is determined by technical and economic structures and depends mainly on the type of heat source, type of heat load and category of consumers. It is recommended to simplify the heat supply system as much as possible. The simpler the system, the cheaper it is in construction and more reliable in operation .

2.5 Conclusions

In the process of calculating the thermal scheme of the heat transportation system, the following were determined at each section of the heat network:

1. pressure losses: for the heat pipeline in total they are 0.181MPa, for the water pipeline - 0.162MPa, for the steam pipeline - 176.48Pa.

2. head losses: for the heat pipeline are 19.05 m, for the water pipeline - 16.98 m, for the steam pipeline - 0.02m.

3. normative values ​ ​ of hourly heat losses for the average annual conditions of the thermal network: for the heat pipeline are 0.10Gcal/h, for the water pipeline - 0.13Gcal/h, for the steam pipeline - 0.009 Gcal/h.

3. heat supply source

3.1 Selection and description of heat supply source

With significant heat consumption for heating, ventilation and hot water supply and relatively low steam consumption for technological needs, boiler houses with steam and hot water boilers are usually designed.

The heat supply source is selected according to the maximum heat load, according to the coolant - water and steam, according to the purpose - production heating, combined boiler house of the first category, that is, the boiler house, which is the only heat source of the heat supply system and providing consumers of the first category who do not have individual reserve heat sources.

When developing the thermal scheme of a boiler house with steam and heating boilers, two options are possible: two-stage and one-stage heating of network water. In this course design, single-stage heating is used, that is, hot water is generated by heating boilers, and steam is generated by steam. The connection between the steam and heating part of the boiler is chemical purification of feedwater and steam pipelines for both heat carriers (steam and hot water). One atmospheric deaerator is installed in the boiler room.

The workbody flows move in the following directions: The raw water pump supplies water to the purge water cooler where it is heated by the heat of the purge water. Then raw water is heated up to 2030 0C in a steam-water heater and sent to chemical water treatment. Chemically purified water, passing through the makeup water cooler and the chemically purified water heater, is sent to the deaerator. Water and steam boilers are directed from de-aerator by means of feed and feed water pumps respectively. The mains pump supplies back water to the hot water boilers and then heated water to the heating supply line.

Steam from steam boilers is directed to process consumers, partially used for the boiler house's own needs, as well as for heating water coming from the water channel for the needs of the WAN. Continuous blowing from steam boilers is sent to the expander, where the boiler is partially evaporated due to pressure reduction. Steam from the expander enters the deaerator. Water from the expander enters the blowdown water cooler and is discharged to the blowdown well (bubbler).

3.4 Output

By the maximum heat load of 6.49 Gcal/h = 10.14 MW, the type of heat supply source was determined, by the coolant - water and steam, by the purpose - production heating, combined boiler house .

On the basis of the obtained thermal calculation of the heat supply source, the main and auxiliary equipment was selected.

Based on the results of the heat balance of the boilers, the values ​ ​ of heat losses with outgoing gases, heat losses from chemical underburn and due to external cooling were determined, as well as the value of the heat energy used. The preparation of a thermal balance allows us to analyze the efficiency of the use of burned fuel, in this case natural gas Stavropol-Moscow. In the VITOMAX 200-HS boiler, fuel is burned efficiently.


Currently, the current task is the optimal selection of heat sources for heating loads and the improvement of trans-port systems and heat distribution to facilities.

In this course project, the design productivity of the production and heating combined boiler house of the first category was calculated, consisting of heat loads for heating, ventilation and GVA, as well as for technology. To satisfy the existing heat load, two Viessmann Vitomax 200 LW M62A boilers were selected, with a capacity of up to 6 MW each, one of which is redundant. Boilers are designed for efficient heating and ventilation of industrial premises and administrative-public buildings. Two Viessmann Vitomax 200 HS M 33 A boilers with a steam capacity of 6.4 t/h were selected to satisfy the process load and hot water supply needs, one of which is standby. Only three steam boilers are foreseen during the non-heating period.

Two heat carriers are used for heat transfer: water and dry steam. To satisfy seasonal load, water is used as heat carrier, steam is used for industrial process load. Steam is used to heat the water supplied to the WAN from the water channel.

In this course design, the scheme of heating networks for heating and ventilation is a two-pipe water closed with a dependent connection. For GVA, the circuit of heat networks is double-tube water closed with independent connection through a water-water heat exchanger. Steam does not have a condensation line due to the fact that it is designed for production and is recycled to the atmosphere after use.

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