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Calculation and Design of Rectangular Silo

  • Added: 28.04.2017
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This course design considers methods of calculation of the main elements of the hopper, selection of structural materials, selection of the bottom, cover, flange connection, calculation of the thickness of the housing wall from the given pressure, calculation of supports-legs, calculation of strength, selection and calculation of nozzles. List of graphic materials - general drawing made on A1 sheet; - assembly drawing of paw support made on A3 and A4 sheets respectively; - working drawings of three parts made on A4 sheets.

Project's Content

icon 0. Содержание.docx
icon 0.Введение.docx
icon 0.Реферат.docx
icon 1. Выбор конструкционных материалов.docx
icon 10 Подбор лап.docx
icon 11 Подбор и расчет опорной рамы бункера (Автосохраненный).docx
icon 12+{{{Расчет опорных баз.docx
icon 2.Расчет геометрических параметров бункера.docx
icon 3. Определение толщины вертикальных и наклонных стенок бункера.docx
icon 4 Определение давления, действующего на вертикальную и накл.docx
icon 5 Подбор и расчет на прочность днища.docx
icon 6 Подбор и расчет на прочность крышки.docx
icon 7 Подбор и расчет фланцевого соеденения.docx
icon 8 Подбор штуцеров.docx
icon 9 Подбор люка.docx
icon А1.cdw
icon Косынка+плита.cdw
icon Косынка.cdw
icon Плита опорная.cdw
icon Спец. порная плита.spw
icon фланец.cdw

Additional information



1 Selection of structural materials

2 Calculation of the geometric parameters of the hopper

3 Determination of thickness of vertical and inclined walls of the hopper

4 Determination of the pressure acting on the vertical and inclined wall of the hopper

5 Selection and calculation of bottom strength

6 Selection and calculation of cover strength

7 Selection and calculation of flange connection "cover-cylinder"

8 Selection of connectors

9 Selection of manhole

10 Selection and calculation of paws

11 Selection and calculation of the hopper support frame

12 Selection and calculation of support bases

Degree of unification and standardization

List of used GOST


List of main sources

Project Description

The course project contains 47 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, 5 literary sources


The course design considered methods for calculating the main elements of a double rectangular bunker, such as: selection of structural material, selection of a cover, bottom, flange connection, and also selected and calculated support legs, connectors and hatch, support frame of the bunker and support posts for it. They also checked the support posts for rigidity, flexibility, and stability, and after preliminary calculations they selected support bases.

Drawings were made in the graphic part:

- general view of double rectangular hopper in A1 format.

-assembly drawing of paw support made on A3 sheet

- drawings of parts made on sheets of A4 format.


In chemical industry, in production of construction materials, at the plants with mass use or production of loose and melkokuskovy materials, in the line transport systems the bunker devices including high-capacity storages (silos), the bunker, feeders and batchers are widely used. They can also be used in process lines providing dosing, power supply of units, storage.

The design of the device is developed based on the main technical requirements for the equipment and its operating conditions. The main requirements include:

- provision of required throughput capacity or flow rate of loose material.

-Excludes freeformations at expiration to create release continuity.

- elimination of hanging and sticking of loose material to create the required capacity.

- creation of economic solution for protection of bin inner surfaces against abrasive wear by loose material.

Purpose and environment, process characteristics, process parameters (pressure and temperature), as well as reliability and safety.

The useful design volume of the hopper should be taken at least 80% of the geometric volume of the hopper.

The asymmetrical arrangement of the openings results in an undesirable increase in zone costs on one side of the hopper. The dimensions of the outlet holes and the inclination angles of the bunker walls shall be determined by calculation depending on the required throughput capacity of the bunkers and the physical and mechanical characteristics of the bulk material.

The task of the project is to calculate a double bunker. The task is to select a material, calculate geometric parameters. To ensure reliability of the hopper operation, the strength of the hopper and foundation bolts should be calculated. To improve operability, it is necessary to select and calculate the nozzles and flange connection.

Selection of Structural Materials

The hopper is made of BT3 steel. The steel for the hull shall have a high endurance limit determined by the destruction of samples at 107 cycles of variable load tests. This steel has good weldability.

When selecting the structural material, use GOST 1088685.

The bin consists of sheets, so they must be made of a material with high mechanical properties.

We choose butt welding with two-sided turn, automatic under the flux layer on the flux pad.

For welding of the equipment to which requirements of firmness of seams against intercrystal corrosion are imposed we choose (on OH 26017168) automatic or semi-automatic welding as a welding wire of the Sv08GA brand (GOST 224670) under AH348A gumboil layer. Normal OH 26017168 recommends the following types of welds performed by automatic welding under the flux layer: V-shaped, with a bevel of two edges, double-sided, during manual welding of the opposite side and after manual welding of the weld root.

Physical and mechanical properties of steel BSt3:

1) Density ρ=7850 kg/m3,

2) Strength at stretching σв =353 Mn/sq.m,

3) Yield stress [theta] t = 175 Mn/m2 ,

4) Elongation after rupture δ = 28 %,

5) Relative narrowing ψ=55%, HB=101143 hardness, coefficient of linear temperature expansion άt=11.1·103 °C1, heat conductivity coefficient at 20100 °C λ=16.4 W / m°s.

According to the task, for the course design, the temperature inside the device and the pressure are not set - we take t = 20 ° С, the pressure is equal to atmospheric (p = 0.1 MPa).

Drawings content

icon А1.cdw


icon Косынка+плита.cdw


icon Косынка.cdw


icon Плита опорная.cdw

Плита опорная.cdw

icon Спец. порная плита.spw

Спец. порная плита.spw

icon фланец.cdw
